Terms Dictionary
Many things that could be listed here (particularly commands) are not because help files exist within the mud that contain information already on these subjects.
Please refer to the Islands of Myth website for the online help or by typing 'help (topic)' within the mud to try and locate information on those topics not in this file.
If something cannot be found either here in this list or within the mud's help files, drop me
a mudmail or a tell sometime and I'll see what I can do.
- abjurer - guild; someone who casts spells on others to protect them from various kinds of damage
- ac or AC - armor class; the higher your armor class, the more protection you will have against taking damage
- admin - short for administrator, a wizard in charge of some area of IoM development
- adv or adv guild - Adventure Guild, warp destination
- afaik - as far as I know
- afk - away from keyboard
- aggro - short for aggressive, a monster that attacks you when you walk into the room, is highlighted in yellow if you have ansi on
- alpha - first guild you join, 20 levels; portals to almost all alpha guilds can be found to the southwest of the entrance to the Adventurers guild
- alpha (old) - on 12-22-04, guilds were changed and the old alphas removed, beta guilds were expanded from 10 to 20 levels, and renamed to become the new alpha guilds; the old alphas consisted of animist, cleric, fighter, mage, and rogue
- animist - one of the old alpha guilds; the ten levels of this guild are now a part of the druid, shapeshifter, and woodsman guilds
- area - a part of the mud with a theme represented on the vmap by a ?; also a type of spell that hits everything in the room at once
- armor shop - a shop to buy armor other people have sold
- atm - at the moment
- bbl - be back later
- beta - formerly the second level of guilds, next after alpha; this level of guild no longer exists
- blaster - someone who does damage with spells
- bot - setting up your program to keep you fighting/healing/etc while you are not there (this is illegal)
- boot - reboot, when the mud is shutdown and restarted
- bravo - third level of guilds, next after gamma
- brb - be right back
- brt - be right there
- btw - by the way
- builder - someone using another port of the mud to code things for the game
- bvar - short for Blackavar, one of the islands within Islands of Myth
- caster - anyone who uses spells; eq designed for people who use spells
- casino - on the Hyboria ferry, play away all your money at the roulette wheel or slot machine
- castle - place to live and keep chests and safes to hold eq so it doesn't disappear at boot
- clan - group of people who have a private channel and tattoo, it costs 450k to start one and 200k to join
- cleric - one of the old alpha guilds; the ten levels of this guild are now a part of the inquisitor and weaver guilds
- CS - Central Square, the cental location of Illium City.
- curlies - the brackets you get when you become race leader { }
- dc or DC - short for Darkcavern, one of the islands within Islands of Myth
- desc - description, what people see when they look at you or a piece of equipment
- dheal - distant heal, or prayer for healing, heals you without the healer being in the room, performed by confessors; after receiving one, it is much appreciated if you would tithe that player (generally 1-3k gold)
- dicksize or +dick_size - when someone says something is +dicksize, it does not literally increase your penis size, it is in reference to something that boots a player's ego
- dragbie - someone who got most of their worth by tagging along with someone else and not doing any work in a party
- dref - distant refresh, or prayer for refreshment, refreshes your EP without the healer being in the room, performed by higher level confessors; tithes are appreciated
- dsell - distant sell, spell that allows you to sell your items without being in the shop
- emote - action such as smile, wave2, etc. When you type 'smile', you see 'You smile.' and everyone else in the room sees 'Person smiles.' there are lots of different types of emote and you can target them, ie 'smile person' produces 'You smile at person.' and they see 'X smiles at you.'
- ep - short for 'enter portal'
- eq - armor, weapons, etc; short for equipment
- eq page - a web page listing the bonuses that many pieces of eq give
- etock or entock - short for encourage tock, a clerical spell that encourages you to tock rather than tick; while this term may be used from time to time, the spell no longer exists, since we use heartbeats instead of ticks and tocks
- event - special happening that can last from a few minutes, to an hour, to the next reboot; some are good, some are bad. See: 'events help' for more info.
- exp - experience points
- explore - a program to encourage exploration of the mud, for every 2000 unique rooms you go through you receive 20 task points.
- ew - estimate worth, tells you how much xp you have put into spells, skills, levels, how much you have on you, and how much you would be left with if you reinced right then.
- ferry - a boat that takes you to other islands; the ferry docks are on the north shore of RD island.
- ff - for free
- fighter - one of the old alpha guilds; the ten levels of this guild are now a part of the martial artist and warrior guilds
- freeze - a punishment given by wizzes, or sometimes people do it to themselves, making you unable to log in with that character for a specified amount of time
- fs - for sale
- ft - for trade
- fyi - for your information
- gamma - second level of guilds, next after alpha; by this time you should know plenty about the structuring of guilds
- gem shop - place to sell stones and gems for better prices than at the general store; general store payout caps at 10k, but gem store will pay the full price of any stone over 10k
- gp - short for 'guild portal', a navigator spell that creates a portal to the Adv-Guild.
- gigbie - a player worth more than one gig (1,000,000,000) of exp
- grap - greater physical shield spell, protects partially against physical damage
- guild tree - diagram of guilds showing what goes where, can be seen within the mud by using 'guildtree' or by visiting the Islands of Myth website
- habo - short for harm body, a harmer spell
- haim - a 'heal all in mud' from the spell Prayer for Mankind. Looks like 'You receive a heal from the Gods as Person prays for your salvation.' It heals everyone in the mud a little bit. It is considered polite, and pleases the healer, if you send them a small tithe every now and then for their efforts. If the caster is powerful enough, the spell can also give some regen to spell and endurance points as well.
- healer - anyone in the weaver guild or above, they have spells that can heal your hp and ep. No one but high priests can heal sp, and they're not going to do it for you, so you must regen that.
- heartbeat - the new unit of measurement for regeneration that replaced ticks and tocks; you get a heartbeat approximately every 3 seconds
- hef - short for high energy focus, a skill that makes blast spells do more damage.
- highbie - generally anyone above level 60, highbies know who they are. Most players that have been here a long time and have a great deal of knowledge of the mud fit into this category, regardless of their worth
- idle - not being at the keyboard or being inactive
- ignore - to use the 'ignore' command on somebody
- iirc - if I remember/recall correctly
- imo or imho - in my opinion, in my humble/honest opinion
- imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
- iw - iron will, a spell cast by abjurers that allows the target to resist being stunned
- k - unit of one thousand, ie. 5k is 5,000 gold, or a mob is 500k worth
- kmd - kill maim destroy
- ld - link dead, when a person has lost their net connection and is not connected to the game but did not type quit, when they log in again they will be in the same place as they were, unless under extenuating circumstances like lag + battle
- leader, guild - the person with the most guild points in the guild leads the guilds, they get special brackets for channels and bragging rights for that guild
- leader, race - the current leader of a race, they get a special piece of eq to wear; race leadership now is more of a short term than long term situation, as leadership will change hands between players several times a day
- lodestone - a small stone you can rub and it will transport you to either the Adv-Guild (if nothing is marked on the stone) or whatever location is marked on the stone.
- lowbie - a person who does not have much worth but knows enough about the mud to not be a newbie
- ma or MA - martial artist, the other branch of fighter, uses skills more than sheer force of hits to do damage, does not use weapons as much.
- mage - one of the old alpha guilds; the ten levels of this guild are now a part of the abjurer, elemental, evoker, necromancer, and psychics guilds
- mana drain - a spell cast by harmers that drains a few spell points from every person on the mud.
- mb - minimum bid, the lowest amount a seller will accept for an item
- meg - unit of one million (1,000,000), ie. 1meg gold or 1meg exp
- midbie - too much worth to be a lowbie and not enough to be a highbie; kind of like middle age.
- mob - another name for a monster or NPC, something you kill
- monster - something you kill
- motd - message of the day, there are not too many of these. You will see this when you log on.
- navs - short for navigators, these are people with teleportation spells, and who can make lodestones.
- newbie bonus - bonus to spell and skill percentages, warp, and 10% death xp loss, that you lose as you progress up in level.
- news - bulletin board system for updates to the mud, jokes, things for sale, etc. Very important to at the very least read inform when you log on. If something happens and you don't know anything about it, but everyone else does, most likely they will tell you to read the news. Also the command to enter the news system
- newsban - wizards prevent you from posting any messages in news. Used when someone posts excessive messages, is abusive or offensive, or just plain aggravating.
- nfc - no fucking clue
- njoobie - slang term for a newbie, could be considered a mild derogatory term
- nosuck - an event in which your stats are all raised by a tremendous amount for six minutes, in which time you should kill as many things as you can because it will go away as fast as it started.
- npc - non player character, a mud generated monster.
- nuke - ultimate punishment for a character, removal of a character along with their castle, and therefore all their gold and xp, etc. Only used in worst case scenarios: botters, assholes, etc.
- oic - oh I see
- oldbie - a player who has been around the mud a long time and is generally very knowledgeable about not only the mud now, but the mud's history, players, events, etc.
- omg - oh my God
- omnicron - fourth and highest level of guild, next after bravo
- party - grouping with some other people and sharing the xp of the monsters you kill together; the first person (the tank) takes all the damage. When in a party, you will automatically join any combat if you are in the same room as the party.
- plan - the fun stuff in someone's finger info, usually used for jokes, good quotes, bad poems, etc.
- prot - protection spell, the most common is grap but you can be protted for any damage type.
- qc - quick chant, a skill that shortens the casting time of spells.
- quest(s) - a special task undertaken by a player with a theme, usually to find something or solve a problem, with a reward; see 'help questinfo'
- Raena - healer event, you can pray to her once and she will refresh all your hp/sp/ep, but don't pray to her more than once or she will attack and kill you if you walk through cs.
- reffer - a person who has either minor or major refresh, or refresh companions, who can refresh your eps with a spell
- regen - regeneration, if you are not starving, or are not in darkness when your race requires it, you will be regen hps, sps, and eps with each heartbeat
- reloc - short for relocate, a spell that takes the caster to the target
- reinc - reincarnate, a spell cast by a healer when you are dead that starts you over again as a blank player but with the majority of your xp to spend again, and a credit for gold you have already spent.. if you want one it is best to arrange with a healer BEFORE you die, not after, and also to get an ew before you die so you know how much xp you will have when you start over.
- reinc tax - how much you will lose when you reinc. Goes down quickly until 5% loss and then it goes down very very slowly.
- ress - resurrect, healer spell that brings you back from hell losing 50% of the xp you have on hand, with a chance of losing stats or a level if you have very little xp on. Newbies do not need a ress or rev until they are level 16 as they take the boat for 10% xp loss.
- retired - someone who does not actively play anymore but may come on to talk to people and check mail/news.
- rev - revive dead, avatar spell that brings you back from hell losing 25% of the xp you have on, with no chance of losing stats or a level.
- rl - real life
- rofl or roflmao - roll on the floor laughing, roll on the floor laughing my ass off
- rogue - one of the old alpha guilds; the ten levels of this guild are now a part of the acrobat guild
- rtn or rtfn - read the news, read the fucking news
- sac - sacrifice, you can sacrifice various pieces of eq to Eje (in the Cathedral) to lower your reinc tax slightly, or you can sacrifice very good pieces of eq to Sloatinok the Collector (you won't need to know where he is as a newbie) for task points
- scar - you get these from taking the boat out of hell or being ressed, the more scars you have the greater the chance is that you will lose stats or a level, also they lower your charisma.
- solo - off killing things by yourself; a record for the biggest thing you ever killed by yourself
- stfu - shut the fuck up
- stun - a move that keeps you or whatever you have stunned from hitting or wimpying for however long the stun lasts
- suck - an event that severely lowers your stats and reduces you to only a fraction, affects higher level players more than lower
- summon - a spell that creates a portal at the target's location linked to the caster's location
- tank - the person who takes the damage in a party, usually has a lot more hps and resistances than the other players
- tap - when a spellcaster is out of sp they are said to be tapped
- tithe - gift of gold to a healer, usually for a dheal or haiming, 'tithe x gold to person'
- trig - short for trigger, a sequence of words that your client recognizes and automatically replies with a command(s)
- tp or tps - taskpoints, used to get wishes from a location near Central Square. You get these by exploring the mud and solving quests.
- typo - a mistake in typing, short for typographical error
- warrior - one of the beta guilds from fighter, is more of a tank style guild, takes damage rather than deals it
- wc or WC - weapon class, a higher weapon class will deal more damage
- weapon shop - a place to buy weapons other people have sold
- wiz - to become a wizard, also the channel wizards talk on. When someone wizzes, they generally have to have coded an area already as a builder, and be knowledgeable about the mud and coding.
- wizards - the people who take care of the mud itself and the day to day problems. Also code areas, nuke people, settle disputes, butt in on channels, run events, procrastinate, and make fun of us mortals. They cannot die and sometimes like to beat up major monsters just to prove it. Also the only ones able to post in inform.
- wizlock - when the mud is closed to everyone but the wizzes, usually when a major problem has occurred and they are afraid that if the mud is up something may happen. Most of the time when this occurs people are allowed to log in as guest characters.
- worth - how much xp you have earned since you created your character, including that you have already spent on levels, skills, and spells
- wrt - with respect/reference to
- wtf - what/where the fuck
- xp - short for experience, usually in the context of xp parties, where you party just to get xp, versus parties designed to get gold or eq. Also known as: exp
- zap - a punishment, a wizard kicks you off the mud with a bolt of lightning. Only disconnection, not deletion of character.
- alien - channel for speaking Finnish on
- bounty - channel for discussion of bounties
- castles - channel where the guards of castles shout who is attacking them (now useless since guards cannot be attacked)
- chat - channel for general chitchat
- death - channel showing when players die
- equip - channel for discussing how lazy we are that we aren't doing more eq parties
- event - channel announcing events beginning and ending
- ghost - channel for asking for revs, resses, and reincs on
- inform - channel showing people joining guilds and when there are new news posts
- login - channel showing when people enter or exit the mud
- myth - channel for talk about the mud
- newbie - channel to ask questions on, also a person new to the mud.
- obscene - channel for obscene thoughts and words - keep myth and chat clear folks
- plaque - channel that shows when someone moves up or down a plaque spot on the Total Worth Plaque (this plaque is located in the room northeast of the Adv-Guild). If you are not on this channel no one will see your movement.
- sales - channel for buying and selling eq
- health - shows you your percentage of hit points, spell points, endurance points, and hunger in bars; these bars are colored if you have ansi turned on.
- ignore - shows a list of players you are ignoring
- ignored - shows you all the players that are currently ignoring you.
- i or inv or inventory - command that shows what you are carrying, wearing, and keeping on you
- lagtime - command that shows how much time you are lagging
- mail - "opens" your mailbox; 'mail player', sends an e-mail like message to another player within the mud, also known as mudmail
- map - command that shows the layout of the surrounding area for the island you are on (except Darkcavern), or will show the shops and streets in most cities. You are the little white * in the middle.
- news - command that enters the news editor, use ? from the prompt to help navigate and learn how to use it. Once you enter the news, simply hitting enter will move you to the next group and post. Always try and at least read the inform group.
- mudlag - command that shows how much the mud is lagging.
- random - random emote command. It will show you the name of the random emote when you do it. Can be used on other people, 'random person'. Another popular command is random2, which is essentially the same, except it takes random bits of random emotes and sticks them together
- surname - 'surname foo', command to give yourself a last name
- tell last - command showing the last several tells sent to and from you.
- cha - short for charisma, a stat that lowers the price you pay for things in a shop
- con - short for constitution, a stat that raises your hps, +2.5hpmax for every +1con
- dex - short for dexterity, a stat that helps you hit faster and more
- ep or eps - endurance points, mostly used for skills
- epr - endurance point regeneration, number shown in parentheses after EP number at tocks
- hp or hps - hit points, used for taking damage; if they reach 0, you will die
- hpr - hit or health point regeneration, number shown in parentheses after HP number at tocks
- int - short for intelligence, a stat that helps casters with spells
- sp or sps - spell points, used for casting spells
- spr - spell point regeneration, number shown in parentheses after SP number at tocks
- sta - short for stamina, increases ep, +2.5epmax per extra +1sta
- str - strength, stat that increases how much you can carry and how hard you can hit
- wis - stat that raises your spmax and increases spell power
- See 'help stats' for more info
Last updated: 5 Jan 2005