Area : Thieves Network Island: Gossamer Coder : Hysteria, Zifnab, unknown * Portals to Thieves Network can only be entered by players with 20 levels in How markers interconnect: Acrobat or Lurker, or by a party lead by an Acrobat or Lurker. * There are TWO identical copies of the tunnels, 76 rooms each: B - E 1st is accessible by all portals except the one in Red Dragon City Ruins / | | 2nd is only accessible by the portal in Red Dragon City Ruins A - C - F * Cipher: \ / | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 <1-2> D G ^ & * ( ) + = { } ] | \ : ~ " ' | < > ? / , ! @ # $ % back/forward Marker A - Central Square Island in the Void [exits: one, two, three, four, and five] Assassin Guild -> 'enter portal' -> Central Square ^<<^<<{\ +?{]( 1 <1-1> + Portal to Mists, Blight ^ 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Marker C | 3 <1-3> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Marker B Blackavar # CS Illium 4 <2-4> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + Marker D &]^*}^/^' <--- @ $ ---> *< {]]{?| 5 <2-5> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <1-1> + Gossamer, RDC Ruins ! % | \ CS Castles v > *< *^<>])< {<]^\( :- >=) |{<>< Island of the Mists Marker B An island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Assassin Guild -> 1 <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <3-1> + Marker A ^<<^<<{\ +?{]( 2 <2-2> + <2-1> + <2-1> + Marker C ^ 3 <1-3> + <1-2> + Hyboria, Tarantia, Assassin GH | 4 <1-4> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Marker E Hyboria # Blackavar =,&:'{^ <--- $ @ ---> &]^*}^/^' ! | v *)\>'^] <"?^') Central Square Marker C An island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Blackavar -> 1 <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + Marker A &]^*}^/^' 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <2-2> + Marker B ^ 3 <2-3> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + Marker F | 4 <1-4> + <1-2> + Blackavar, Blackavar City Assassin $ Central Square ^<<^<<{\ <--- @ ! ---> *)\>'^] <"?^') # | v )|)'^]( {<]) Emerald Isle Marker D Island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Southcape -> 1 <1-1> + Gossamer, Castles <:?>=*^~) 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <4-2> + Marker A ^ 3 <2-3> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <3-1> + Marker F | 4 <1-4> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Southcape Central Square $ Castles *)\>'^] <"?^') <--- @ ! ---> *^<>])< # | v )|)'^]( {<]) Emerald Isle Marker E An island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Sombre Island -> 1 <2-1> + <1-1> + Hyboria, Aquilonia <:|&') {<]^\( 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <5-2> + Marker F ^ 3 <2-3> + <2-1> + <4-1> + Marker B | 4 <2-4> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <1-1> + Sombre, Harbor Hyboria $ Assassin Guild =,&:'{^ <--- ! # ---> ^<<^<<{\ +?{]( @ | v )|)'^]( {]<) Emerald Isle Marker F An island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Castles -> 1 <1-1> + Emerald, Harbor Light Tower *^<>])< 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <3-2> + Marker C Emerald Isle ^ Blackavar 3 <1-3> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <3-2> + Marker D )|)'^]( {<]) | &]^*}^/^' 4 <1-4> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Marker G \ # / 5 <2-5> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + Marker E ! @ $ % / \ (^'} *^/)'\ {<]) =,&:'{^ Dark Cavern Isle Hyboria Marker G An island in the void [exits: one, two, three and four] Hyboria -> 1 <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <2-1> + <4-1> + Marker F =,&:'{^ 2 <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Everrest, Harbor ^ <1-3> + Oddworld, Harbor | 3 <1-3> + <1-2> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Darkcavern, Jungle Undercity ! Dark Cavern Isle 4 <1-4> + <1-2> + <1-2> + Gossamer, Undercity ?\()'*{>,<--- $ # ---> (^'} *^/)'\ {<]) @ | v )/)'')<> Everrest