Daran Madrox's IoM EQ Stats

Last Updated: July 30, 2010

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# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Akubra of the ranger          | 25dex 9wis 3harmony_with_nature; damages enemies with electric               |  5 | Lacerti                 #
# Amon's helmet                 | 15spr 3fire_res                                                              |  1 | Lorthren                #
# Armored helm of corruption    | 24wis 10spr 3master_of_vulnerability                                         |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Athol's emerald star          | 10int 5wis 20spr                                                             |  2 | Athol                   #
# Azarian insect helmet         | 14int 9spr                                                                   |  1 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Bantricks headband            | 8str 1attack                                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Battered helm                 | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Beak of a roc                 | 8str 8dex 3sta 12spr                                                         |  2 | Roc                     #
# Black steel helm              | 3str 5epr                                                                    |  0 | Death Knight            #
# Black tophat                  | 20int 15spr 3quick_chant                                                     |  3 | ?                       #
# Blackened leather hood        | no stat bonuses; turns race into a mindflayer                                |  0 | Mindflayer God          #
# Bloody skullcap               | 5int 5wis 16spr                                                              |  1 | Azrael                  #
# Blue crown of constitution    | 1con                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Circlet of brutality          | 15con 8hpr 22epr 3phys_res                                                   |  5 | King Gannondorf         #
# Crocs hat                     | 2dex 4cha; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Crocodile Dundee        #
# Crown of royalty              | 9dex 3epr 16cha                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Crown of the goodwin king     | 1wis                                                                         |  0 | King Goodwin            #
# Crown of white onyx           | 20wis 20spr 2avatar_soul; shifts align; 'sli.good' align needed to wear      |  3 | random pool             #
# Crystal helm                  | 15dex 3con 10epr 5stab                                                       |  2 | Aquaria                 #
# Cursed diadem of curses       | 18int 5wis 3lore_of_elders; psionic dmg, sp drain, interrupts; psychics only |  3 | random pool             #
# Dark helmet of adudaba        | 3str 10hpr 5epr                                                              |  1 | Kozaki Overlord         #
# Dark skullcap                 | 2wis                                                                         |  0 | Arabidopsis             #
# Demon skin helm of naraku     | 18str 38dex; ma w/ demon bone collar: boosts melee crits (made from scalp)   | 10 | Naraku                  #
# Demonic headband              | 12int 12wis 5inflict_harm                                                    |  3 | Kimbriki                #
# Diadem of sat-hathor-yunet    | 5str 5dex 2phys_res; unpyroable                                              |  2 | Nefertitti              #
# Dragon skull                  | 3str 10dex 15con 3dragonfist                                                 |  2 | King Crystal Dragon     #
# Dragonskull helmet            | 25str 9con 1strike_weakness                                                  |  5 | Rahal                   #
# Emerald crown                 | 12int                                                                        |  0 | Queen Meave             #
# Emerald helm of vorysis       | 10str 5epr                                                                   |  0 | Tyrannosaurus Rex       #
# Faraday's silk hat            | 30int 20spr 1magic_evocation                                                 |  5 | Faraday                 #
# Feathered hair piece          | 3sta 9wis 9spmax                                                             |  0 | random pool             #
# Featureless mask              | no stat bonuses; turns race into a drow                                      |  0 | Tough Looking Thief     #
# Flowery wreath                | 9int 3spr 1high_energy_focus                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Furry cat hat                 | 3cold_res                                                                    |  0 | in-store                #
# Gold and turq ibis headdress  | 8spr 1quick_chant corpse_eating; ?special - enhanced by other g&t items?     |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Golden silken hat             | no stat bonuses; damages enemies, sp drain                                   |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Golden helmet                 | 3psi_res; prevents alignment shifting                                        |  5 | Iselin                  #
# Golem brain                   | 20int 20wis 35spr                                                            |  7 | Golem                   #
# Grey headband                 | ?                                                                            |  1 | ?                       #
# Grey turban                   | 20wis 12spr 1holy_essence                                                    |  2 | ?                       #
# Grisly crown of human flesh   | 3int                                                                         |  0 | Goblin Chief            #
# Headband of belafor           | 6cha 1avoid_hits 2phys_res; heals hp, heals ep                               |  3 | random pool             #
# Headband of dion warwick      | 5int 15spr 5lore_of_the_elders                                               |  3 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Headband of the beast         | 20dex 3avoid_hits 3acid_res                                                  |  ? | Beast Within            #
# Headband of the cheetah       | 9str 1attack 2stun                                                           |  0 | random pool             #
# Helm of versatility           | 25con; enhances healing actions on wearer, reduces damage                    | 10 | Schizomycetes           #
# Helmet of darkness            | 12str 1dmg 2attack                                                           |  2 | Vampire General         #
# Helmet of the panther         | 3wis                                                                         |  0 | Hank                    #
# Helmet of wisdom              | 16int 20wis 12spr                                                            |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Horned skull                  | 14str 8con 4bladed_fury                                                      |  2 | Typhoon                 #
# Horned steel helm             | 9dex 3hpr, infravision                                                       |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Horns of ykhel                | 25str 9dex 16con                                                             |  3 | Ykhel                   #
# Incredible helm of stralic    | 25wis 25spr 2commune_with_nature; chanter: boosts cold/elec/fire/phys blasts |  5 | event reward (stralic)  #
# Jeweled crown                 | 3wis 9cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Jeweled crown                 | 6int 12spr                                                                   |  0 | King Geoffrey           #
# Jeweled golden crown          | 2wis 2cha                                                                    |  0 | Duke Morkov             #
# Kozaki turban                 | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Kozaki Bandit           #
# Large hooktipped hat          | 2wis 2con                                                                    |  0 | Mocken                  #
# Leather helm                  | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Dargoth                 #
# Mask of the dark lord         | ?                                                                            |  1 | ?                       #
# Mask of veins                 | 30int 20spr 3mastery_of_evocation; unpyroable                                |  7 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Mawyns rose crown             | 5wis                                                                         |  0 | Queen Mawyn             #
# Miner's helmet                | 10con 2asphyx_res                                                            |  0 | Old Mine Worker         #
# Misletoe crown                | 35wis 35spr 5commune_with_nature; NoSave                                     |  0 | event reward (statue)   #
# Monkey headband               | 4wis 13spr 3enhance_healing                                                  |  2 | KinTzu                  #
# Nanny's bonnet                | 3con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Ogre helmet                   | 25str 25dex                                                                  |  5 | Grimtooth               #
# Old woolen beanie             | 9str 1cold_res; heals hp/ep                                                  |  0 | Dock Worker             #
# Orange headband               | 18dex 4con 12hpr 3slashing_weapons_mastery                                   |  3 | Ben Di Ho               #
# Pearl of power                | 10int 10wis 25spr; specials: charge-'touch pearl', activation-'aim pearl'    |  3 | Xacthar                 #
# Phoenix helm of fire          | 19int 15spr 2fire_evocation                                                  |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Pink carebear furhat          | 2con 2hpr                                                                    |  0 | event reward (carebear) #
# Red dragon helmet             | 5int 18spr 1fire_evocation                                                   |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Red frilly helm               | 35wis 15spr 5avatar_soul, escape_death; attacks mobs; 'evil' align needed    |  ? | unique                  #
# Red gold crown                | 20wis 40spr 5high_energy_focus                                               | 10 | Lord Sear               #
# Red priest's helm             | 5dex 2fire_res                                                               |  0 | Head Priest             #
# Red satin headband            | 25int 35spr 3high_energy_focus; unpyroable                                   |  7 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Rotten monkey hat             | 1str                                                                         |  0 | Monkey                  #
# Royal helm                    | 3epr 4cha                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Satan's pentagram             | 14con 9epr 3phys_res; unpyroable                                             |  3 | Satan CEO               #
# Shen seng's blue headband     | 25dex 15hpr 1avoid_hits 2resist_pain                                         |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Shihuang helm                 | 5dex 5hpr                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Shining steel helmet          | ?                                                                            |  ? | Slan                    #
# Shiny helm                    | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Silver circlet                | 10spr 6cha                                                                   |  0 | Nimrodel                #
# Silver helm                   | 15spr                                                                        |  1 | Chara                   #
# Small hat                     | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Sparkling crown               | 3int                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Spiked steel helmet           | 12str 2attack (made from hunk of metal)                                      |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Ssrantha's crown of undead    | 29spr 2anatomy 3voodooism                                                    |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Steel helm                    | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Aesthel                 #
# Stone circlet                 | 20spr 30con; drains sp to heal hp                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Tall black tophat             | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ungettable (?)          #
# Thorny headband               | 15dex 1harmony_with_nature 2multiweapons                                     |  2 | random pool             #
# Tiara                         | 8spr                                                                         |  0 | Princess Loraine        #
# Tin crown                     | 3int                                                                         |  0 | Kobold King             #
# Torg's helmet                 | 2str 3fire_res                                                               |  0 | Torg                    #
# Turban                        | no magical effects, unpyroable                                               |  0 | Captain Sinister        #
# Ugly green helm of xanathar   | 15wis 10spr 3mastery_of_healing                                              |  2 | Xanathar                #
# Ulmean poisonous helmet       | 15str 1dmg, escape_death                                                     |  3 | ?                       #
# Undead dragon skull           | 14wis 6spr 2holy_res; drains hp to heal sp                                   |  1 | Draejar                 #
# Very large lava cap           | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava crown         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava helm          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava helmet        | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous crown    | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# White crown of health regen   | 1hpr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wig                           | 25dex 25cha 15epr                                                            |  5 | Fraenz                  #
# Wizard's hat of constitution  | 5con 4spr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wizard's helm of stamina      | 5sta 4spr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wizard's helm of wisdom       | 5wis 4spr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wizards helmet of the falcon  | 3dex 3int 4spr                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wizards pointed hat           | 8spr 1cold_res                                                               |  0 | Calvin                  #
# Yellow helm of endur regen    | 4epr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #

 EYESback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Amon's magic goggles          | 12dex 12con                                                                  |  2 | Lorthren                #
# Bent glasses                  | 12int 18spr                                                                  |  2 | ?                       #
# Black leather mask            | 9dex 1attack                                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Black mask                    | 10str 2phys_res                                                              |  2 | Wesley                  #
# Black scarf of blindness      | 2dragon_possession 3dragon_reflexes                                          |  3 | Zatea                   #
# Blackened leather mask        | 6str 6dex 1phys_res                                                          |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Blood soaked mask             | 6str 6epmax 1kiss_of_life; vampire familiar only                             |  1 | Evil Vampire            #
# Blood tinted goggles          | 16dex; ?special?                                                             |  ? | ?                       #
# Bulzarath                     | 2doublehit 3whirlwind_attack; reduces melee damage taken, extra melee hits   |  3 | random pool             #
# Cow hide mask                 | 9wis 9spr 1cold_res (made from animal hide)                                  |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Cursed mask of the linguist   | 24int 5wis 15spr 3lore_of_the_watchers; cursed with typos except on party    |  5 | Quin-ja                 #
# Diamond eye                   | 6spr; ?special?                                                              |  1 | Sinsuf                  #
# Dragon eyes (glowing)         | 10str 20dex 3fatal_strike                                                    |  3 | King Crystal Dragon     #
# Eel skin mask                 | 16int 9spr 1elec_res                                                         |  1 | Electric Eel            #
# Elven sash                    | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | Macklin                 #
# Extraordinary stralic goggles | 25dex; woodsman: reduces melee hits taken, extra melee hits, interrupts      |  5 | event reward (stralic)  #
# Eye of lavos                  | 8dex 10epr 5fire_res                                                         |  2 | Lavos                   #
# Eye of the serpent            | 7dex 10int; unpyroable                                                       |  1 | Woggle                  #
# Eye of the tiger              | 7dex 15epr                                                                   |  1 | Master Felong           #
# Eye patch of adudaba          | 6dex 4multiweapons                                                           |  1 | Kozaki Overlord         #
# Eyepatch of horus             | 5int, infravision; unpyroable                                                |  0 | Horus                   #
# Feathered mask                | 12dex 12wis 25cha                                                            |  3 | random pool             #
# Floral wreath                 | ?                                                                            |  0 | Talos Citizen           #
# Glass eye of hag              | 12wis 20spr 3mastery_of_fire                                                 |  3 | Hag                     #
# Glass monocle                 | 3str 8epr, infravision                                                       |  0 | Chrysophace             #
# Glasses of truesight          | 3int 16spr 1mastery_of_the_mind, emits_light                                 |  1 | Kritaris                #
# Gold & amber shenseng glasses | 15spr 3casting_efficiency 2estimate_efficiency                               |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Gold and turq ibis bird mask  | 8wis 8spr, infravision eat_corpses; ?special - enhanced by other g&t items?  |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Gold-rimmed glasses           | 10wis 20spr; unpyroable                                                      |  2 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Iron mask                     | 9str 3con                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Ivory mask of the phantom     | 8dex 7epr                                                                    |  0 | Phantom Of The Opera    #
# King beaver's glasses         | 4con, infravision; unpyroable                                                |  0 | King Beaver             #
# King bugbear's glasses        | no stat bonuses, infravision                                                 |  0 | King Bugbear            #
# Laurel wreath                 | 12int 30wis 20spr                                                            |  5 | King Daedalus           #
# Legendary focus crystal       | 35int 35spr 5high_energy_focus; boosts blast spells                          | 10 | Schizomycetes           #
# Lion skin mask                | no base stat bonuses; bonus varies on primary guild; lasts for ~30 days      |  0 | quest reward (safari)   #
#                     (acrobat) - 30cha 5all_songs                                                                                            #
#                      (lurker) - 20dex 5art_of_assassination 5fatal_strike                                                                   #
#              (martial artist) - 20str 5deliver_criticals 5soul_of_the_dragon; stuns enemies, reflects melee hits                            #
#                      (weaver) - 20wis 5healing_efficiency 5mastery_of_healing                                                               #
# Malahk's visor                | 25hpr 25epr 3mag_res 5weaponmaster                                           |  7 | Schizomycetes           #
# Mask of anguish               | 29int 20spr 2quick_chant                                                     |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Mask of clear seeing          | 8int 8wis 17spr                                                              |  2 | Queen Ce'noba           #
# Mask of feasting              | no base stat bonuses; bonus varies on wearer's primary guild                 |  7 | Imallinga               #
#         (elem/evok/psi/necro) - 35int 16spr, eat_corpses                                                                                    #
#      (abj/druid/unrav/weaver) - 35wis 16spr, eat_corpses                                                                                    #
#    (acro/lurk/ma/war/woodsie) - 10str 15spr, eat_corpses                                                                                    #
# Mask of madness               | 16str 5dex 2attack                                                           |  1 | Azrael                  #
# Mask of mystery               | 3epr 9cha 4acrobat_stance                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Mask of the dark lord         | 15wis 6spr 2unh_res                                                          |  1 | ?                       #
# Mask of the serpent           | 12str 12dex; snakemaster: 3poi_res 1all_skills 3attack 2deliver_criticals    |  3 | random pool             #
# Mask of the tyrant            | ?                                                                            |  ? | unique                  #
# Mask of weakness              | 12wis 6spr 2disruption_lore                                                  |  ? | Warden                  #
# Metal eye piece               | 12con 5spot_weak_point, infravision                                          |  5 | ungettable (?)          #
# Mirrored glasses              | 20wis 6spr 3mastery_of_reflection 3quccata                                   |  3 | Queen Mermaid           #
# Monocle of merlin             | 9wis 9spr 1magical_economy                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Opal tikka of spyefel         | no stat bonuses; boosts healing spells, free casts, party feed, shifts align |  3 | random pool             #
# Orbdrin                       | no stat bonuses, eat_corpses escape_death stun_res; dmg, extra melee hits    |  7 | Lloth                   #
# Pair of jetblack sunglasses   | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #
# Pair of stylish oakleys       | 2cha                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Pearl rimmed glasses          | 16wis 9spr 1acid_res                                                         |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Red glowing eyepiece          | 16dex 7wis 2dmg, eat_corpses                                                 |  ? | Kalz'zet                #
# Silver monocle                | 3int 1evocation                                                              |  0 | random pool             #
# Slayer's glasses              | 8str 10dex 16con, infravision; unpyroable                                    |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Snake skin mask               | 16int 16spr 1poi_res 2quick_chant                                            |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Sorrow mask                   | 9dex 3sta 3armor_piercing                                                    |  1 | random pool             #
# Spider silk mask              | 25int 16spr 1quick_chant; heals sps                                          |  5 | Jesrael                 #
# Spiked dragon tooth mask      | 9dex, eat_corpses; woodlord: 2dodge 1surv_reflexes, w/arm&neck: stun/hp heal |  3 | random pool             #
# Stylish pair of spectacles    | 6wis                                                                         |  0 | Beldak                  #
# Warden mask                   | 30dex 5dodge; reduces melee damage taken                                     |  ? | Warden                  #
# Woo's platinum mask           | 20str, infravision                                                           |  2 | Woo                     #

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# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Abjurean necklace             | 30wis 20spr 5lengthen_abjuration 1strengthen_abjuration                      |  ? | Imallinga               #
# Amulet of ultravision         | 15int 20spr 3casting, infravision see_invis                                  |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ancient fang necklace         | 12int 3wis 16spr 1mastery_of_elements                                        |  2 | Vampire Queen           #
# Azarian officer's insignia    | 10wis 10spr                                                                  |  2 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Blackmons pendant of movement | 18spr 8hpr 5mastery_of_navigation 5summon                                    |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blue silken scarf             | no stat bonuses; damages enemies                                             |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Carebear smiley pendant       | 1dex 4hpr                                                                    |  0 | event reward (carebear) #
# Charm necklace                | 6wis 6cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Collar of lavos               | 12int 10spr 3high_energy_focus                                               |  2 | Lavos                   #
# Collar of neferoptah          | 10wis 3hpr; unpyroable                                                       |  0 | Re                      #
# Cross of darkness             | 30wis 3spr 4inflict_harm                                                     |  ? | ?                       #
# Dark red choker               | 10str 22dex 20con; unpyroable                                                |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Dark red sash                 | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Kozaki Bandit           #
# Demon bone collar             | 11str 17dex 4deliver_criticals (made from bones)                             | 10 | Naraku                  #
# Dragon tooth pendant          | 5int 15spr 4cytokinesis                                                      |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Electric training collar      | ?; animal tamer familiars only                                               |  7 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Embossed wool scarf           | 9int 3spr 1quick_chant                                                       |  0 | random pool             #
# Frayed wool scarf             | 12cha 1cold_res                                                              |  0 | Lighthouse Keeper       #
# Gangreal's black locket       | 5dex 13epr                                                                   |  1 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Gangreal's black locket       | 18dex 9con 9epr                                                              |  2 | Gangreal                #
# Garland of flowers            | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Ghostly training collar       | 10claw 5natural_weapons; animal tamer familiars only                         |  7 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Gleaming pendant of reishar   | 5hpr 10epr                                                                   |  0 | Reishar                 #
# Glowing grey scale            | 5int 3wis 5spr                                                               |  0 | quest info              #
# Glowing necklace of spirits   | 16dex 9wis 3spirtual_power 3spirtual_transfer                                |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Golden amulet of adudaba      | 3con 9hpr 2berserker_rage                                                    |  1 | Kozaki Overlord         #
# Golden choker                 | 20dex 12cha 12spr 2tumbling; unpyroable                                      |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Golden collar                 | no stat bonuses; converts ~700 hp to ~400 sp; binds to the first to wear it  |  1 | event reward (orc)      #
# Golden locket                 | 12sta 18cha 12spmax                                                          |  3 | ?                       #
# Green necklace of gaia        | 6int 20spr; chanter: 1crystal_binding 1crystal_efficiency 1focus_energy      |  3 | random pool             #
#    Special: when worn with green gloves of the forest and green belt of nature: damages enemies with holy, heals hp                         #
# Green totem of the shifter    | ?specials?                                                                   |  ? | ?                       #
# Grey scale covered in slime   | asphyx_res                                                                   |  0 | Serpent                 #
# Harmony necklace              | 2wis                                                                         |  0 | Queen Kitan             #
# Helvona's locket              | 12epr 24cha                                                                  |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Hide of ykhel                 | 16str 25con 9hpr                                                             |  3 | Ykhel                   #
# Hyborean-style gorget         | 9str 2dmg; stuns enemies upon taking melee damage                            |  0 | random unique           #
# Lion tooth necklace           | 9str 9dex 3sta                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Lucky charm                   | 1dex                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magnificent stralic pendant   | 25wis 25spr; chanter: reduces blast charge, makes some blasts do 1 dtype     |  ? | event reward (stralic)  #
# Mane of the lion lord         | 3hpr                                                                         |  0 | Mana                    #
# Marrow necklace               | 16dex 16con 5bleed                                                           |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Metal stethoscope             | 16int 16wis 30spr; unpyroable                                                |  5 | Doctor Kadavre          #
# Monkey leash                  | 2hpr                                                                         |  0 | Monkey                  #
# Necklace made of teeth        | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Shaman                  #
# Necklace of air               | 3int 9spr                                                                    |  0 | Arkith                  #
# Necklace of ears              | 6sta 4brain_knowledge 4mastery_of_diseases                                   |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Necklace of evil              | 25str 10dex 2dmg                                                             |  5 | Fraenz                  #
# Necklace of fangs             | 16int 16wis 8spr 2inflict_harm; unpyroable                                   |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Necklace of khan              | 12str 6con 1dodge                                                            |  1 | Master Felong           #
# Necklace of strength          | 2str                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Necklace of the gods          | 25str 12dex 12con                                                            |  3 | Zatea                   #
# Necklace of the resistance    | 12con 3hpmax 1champion_lore; random resistances                              |  2 | Biggiz                  #
# Necklace of worship           | 9wis 3spr 2worship_of_talakh                                                 |  1 | ?                       #
# Necklace of worship           | 9wis 3spr 2worship_of_shirija                                                |  1 | ?                       #
# Obsidian pendant              | 8spr 3mag_res                                                                |  0 | Old Man                 #
# Pearl necklace                | 16int 9spr 1ice_dart                                                         |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Quark's demonhide             | 5int 10spr                                                                   |  0 | Quark                   #
# Ruby heart                    | 15int 7wis 23spr 6cold_res                                                   |  5 | Chimera                 #
# Shining silver cross          | 20str 15con 3unh_res 3all_skills; unpyroable                                 |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Silver gorget                 | 24int 9wis 24spr; high_energy_focus bonus                                    |  5 | Faraday                 #
# Small onyx cross              | 15spr 3unh_res 2all_skills; unpyroable                                       |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Snake pendant                 | 8int 20spr 2mastery_of_evocation                                             |  3 | Zurgath                 #
# Spider necklace               | 16int 25spr; boosts blast spells                                             |  7 | Lloth                   #
# Spiked dragon tooth gorget    | 20str; woodlord: 1dmg 3spiritual_power                                       |  3 | random pool             #
# Spiked leather dog collar     | 1hpr                                                                         |  0 | Devil Hound             #
# Taliesin's golden torc        | 15str 8epr 3strike                                                           |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Talisman of zarath            | 3sta 9con 9hpmax                                                             |  0 | random pool             #
# Tarantian neck-tie            | 16wis 1life_drain; drains hp to heal sp and create magical blood             |  1 | ?                       #
# Torc of kings                 | 13str 7hpr                                                                   |  1 | Fergus                  #
# Totem of the shifter          | 30str 30dex 10con; specials based on the sun/moon cycle                      |  ? | ?                       #
#    Specials: eagle-daylight: avoid spells/skills, bear-dusk: breaks stun, wolf-night: reflects damage, anytime: sp drain/stuns/bleed        #
# Velvet collar                 | 23str 23dex 8epr 6whirling_branches                                          |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Very large lava collar        | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava necklace      | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Wooden necklace               | 25int 16spr 1hef; sorcerer: 1casting_efficiency 3evocation 1mastery_of_evo   |  ? | Beast Within            #
# Xetrov's spiked necklace      | 22wis 24spr; drains hp when worn                                             |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Yodala's minstrel collar      | 14cha 3power_singing 3voice_control                                          |  5 | Mindflayer God          #

 CLOAKback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Athol's green robe            | 6int 6wis 18spr                                                              |  2 | Athol                   #
# Azarian winged cloak          | 10wis 11spr                                                                  |  2 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Baboonskin cloak              | 18int 31wis 13spr 5crystal_efficiency, escape_death                          | 10 | Naraku                  #
# Bandolier of strandard-bearer | 9cha 3speed_throwing; clones certain knives that are inserted                |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Black captain's cape          | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | Abdul                   #
# Black leather coat            | 15dex 15con 3motion_control; unpyroable                                      |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Black stole of a mitra priest | 2mag_res                                                                     |  0 | Black Priest Of Mitra   #
# Blackmon's cloak              | 12int 8wis 18spr 18epr                                                       |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blob cloak                    | 10con 4hpr 2phys_res                                                         |  2 | Blob                    #
# Blue scaled cape              | 9sta 20hpmax 9epmax                                                          |  2 | random pool             #
# Blue gilt cloak               | 25int 25wis 9spr 2quick_chant                                                |  0 | random unique           #
# Brown cape of intelligence    | 2int                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Brown cloak of the owl        | 3int 3wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Brown stole of a mitra priest | 4spr                                                                         |  0 | Brown Priest Of Mitra   #
# Cape of darkness              | 25int 25spr 2unh_res 1mind_power                                             |  ? | Vampire King            #
# Cloak made of spiders hide    | 1cold_res                                                                    |  0 | Spider                  #
# Cloak of ashes                | 16con 5phys_res 3stun_resistance                                             |  7 | Lord Sear               #
# Cloak of cats                 | 3dex 2epr                                                                    |  0 | King Of The Cats        #
# Cloak of fortitude            | 12con 3sta 1stun_resistance 3willpower                                       |  2 | Biggiz                  #
# Cloak of hearts               | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Cloak of myth                 | 15cha 4storytelling                                                          |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Cloak of reflections          | 30wis 20spr 5mastery_of_reflection 1quccata                                  |  ? | ?                       #
# Cloak of solan                | 9con 2phys_res; reduces melee hits taken                                     |  2 | quest reward (uforia)   #
# Cloak of substance            | 16con 16hpmax; reduces damage taken                                          |  ? | Warden                  #
# Cloak of swirling darkness    | 16str 16dex 10fevered_strength                                               |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Cloak of the ages             | 20int 30spr 4mastery_of_evocation                                            |  7 | Lloth                   #
# Cloak of the crusader         | 16dex 9sta 3epr                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Cloak of the forest           | 25dex 2dmg 3cold_res 4stealth                                                |  ? | ?                       #
# Cloak of the magi             | 16int 25spr 9spmax 3elemental_strand_weaving                                 |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Cloak of the shaman           | 6int 6spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Cloak of the stars            | 3dex 9con 9wis; ?specials?                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Cloak of the white wizard     | 3spr 2heal                                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Cloak of tranmet              | 14str 4dodge 4whirlwind_attack                                               |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Cracked leather cloak         | 20int 10spr 3poison_evocation                                                |  3 | ?                       #
# Crimson cloak                 | 3wis 9cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Croak cloak                   | 4dex 8con 18hpr                                                              |  2 | Chenzui                 #
# Crystal wings                 | 15wis 15spr 5heal                                                            |  2 | Aquaria                 #
# Dark cloak                    | 10str 20dex 2dmg                                                             |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Dark cloak of nosferatu       | 15wis 28spr 10con 5inflict_harm, emits_darkness                              |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Dark cloak of the drow        | no stat bonuses, emits_darkness                                              |  0 | Drow                    #
# Dark cloak of lizard priest   | 1int 2wis                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Dark green cloak              | 15dex 25con 3willpower                                                       |  5 | Dargoth                 #
# Dragon cloak                  | 4wis 12spr 4exorcism                                                         |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Dragon hide cloak             | 7con 13sta 1holy_res                                                         |  1 | Draejar                 #
# Eel skin cloak                | 15wis 1elec_res 1enhance_healing                                             |  1 | Electric Eel            #
# Fade cloak                    | 4dex 3stun                                                                   |  0 | Fade                    #
# Fungus cloak                  | 2str 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | Fungus mob              #
# Furlined carebear cloak       | 1dex 3epr                                                                    |  0 | event reward (carebear) #
# Geoffrey's black cloak        | 10str 15epr                                                                  |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Giraffe skin cloak            | 12dex 1cold_res 1dodge                                                       |  1 | Tracker Jim             #
# Gold and turquoise ibis cloak | 8wis 8spr, eat_corpses; ?special - enhanced by other g&t items?              |  ? | Ozymandius              #
# Green cape of endurance       | 3epr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Green stole of a mitra priest | 6spr                                                                         |  0 | Green Priest Of Mitra   #
# Grey cloak                    | 7epr 16cha                                                                   |  1 | Celeborn                #
# Grey elven cloak              | cold_res                                                                     |  0 | Grey-clad Elf           #
# Grey fur cloak of gungor      | 2con 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | King Gungor             #
# Grey silk elven cloak         | 3dex 5hide                                                                   |  0 | Aelindel                #
# Grey woolen cloak             | 12spr 2cure_serious_wounds                                                   |  0 | Druid                   #
# Highpriest robe               | 1int 5wis                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Holocaust cloak               | 3str                                                                         |  0 | Fezzik                  #
# Hooded cloak of a druid       | 7int 3spr 3holy_res                                                          |  0 | Druid Of The Old Nature #
# Jugglers cloak                | 3epr 9cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Knight's cape of intelligence | sta 5int                                                                     |  0 | random newbie           #
# Lion mane cloak               | 6str 1doublehit                                                              |  0 | random pool             #
# Long black cloak of arantek   | 24int 23spr 2evocation 2fire_evocation                                       |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Long black cloak of servant   | 16wis 3spr 1avatar_of_mordulak                                               |  1 | ?                       #
# Myrmidon's cloak of the whale | 4str 3con 3sta                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Old cloak of mistweaver       | 6int 10spr 3unh_res                                                          |  2 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Pair of ivory wings           | ?                                                                            |  ? | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Pair of white wings           | 40int 30spr, flying; stuns enemies                                           | 10 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Pearly wings                  | 25int 35spr                                                                  |  7 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Purple cloak of intelligence  | 2int                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Purple cloak of the falcon    | 2dex 2int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Red battered cloak            | 6dex 3dodge; reduces damage taken                                            |  3 | event reward (viking)   #
# Red cloak of charisma         | 3cha                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Ripped cloak                  | no magical effects; unpyroable                                               |  0 | Captain Sinister        #
# Royal bee's cloak             | 2cha                                                                         |  0 | Queen Bee               #
# Royal blue cloak              | 16epr                                                                        |  1 | Elite Warrior           #
# Runed black cloak             | 25int 25spr 2evocation 1mastery_of_evocation                                 |  5 | Faraday                 #
# Shining cloak of mistweaver   | 8int 14spr 4unh_res                                                          |  2 | Mistweaver              #
# Skin cloak                    | 16int 6spr 1evocation                                                        |  1 | random pool             #
# Snake skin cloak              | 16int 16wis 12spr 1poi_res                                                   |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Sorcerers cape of the eagle   | 3con 7int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerers cloak of hpr        | 5hpr 4int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerers cloak of the monkey | 3dex 3con 4int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Squire's cape of intelligence | 3sta 8int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Squire's green cape of wisdom | 3sta 4wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Thick leafy cloak             | 30dex; reduces acid damage taken, damages enemies w/ acid, autohide outdoors |  7 | Shambling Mound         #
# Thunder coat                  | ?                                                                            |  ? | Thunder Mage            #
# Very large lava cape          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava cloak         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous cloak    | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Whalus cloak                  | 30wis 12spr 2healing_efficiency                                              |  5 | King Whalus             #
# White cloak                   | 6str 2cold_res                                                               |  0 | White-clad Royal Guard  #
# White elven cloak             | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# White stole of a mitra priest | 10spr 2mag_res                                                               |  0 | White Priest Of Mitra   #
# Wizard's cape of mana regen   | 9spr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wolf-hide cloak               | 9wis 3spr 8gaian_touch                                                       |  1 | Fenris Wolf             #
# Worn blue robe                | 7int 3fire_res                                                               |  0 | Old Man                 #
# Xnioln's fabled black cloak   | 3dex 15epr 5phys_res                                                         |  7 | Zatea                   #
# Yellow cloak of the monkey    | 3dex 3con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Yellow stole of mitra priest  | 8spr                                                                         |  0 | Yellow Priest Of Mitra  #

 AMULETback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Amulet of aknetali            | 18wis 8chant_of_the_high_priest 2enhance_healing                             |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Amulet of bones               | 16str 16dex 12wis 1unh_res                                                   |  2 | Nutworth                #
# Amulet of bravery             | 30int 3mind_power; chance for necromancer familiars to get extra bravery     |  ? | Jesrael                 #
# Amulet of dessication         | 16int 25spr 1mastery_of_air, eat_corpses                                     |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Amulet of destruction         | 25str 25dex 15epr                                                            |  5 | Smoke Demon             #
# Amulet of dexterity           | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | Quirk                   #
# Amulet of fear                | 30wis 22spr 4drain_power_crystal                                             |  7 | Smoke Demon             #
# Amulet of flames              | 5spr 2fire_res                                                               |  0 | ?                       #
# Amulet of intelligence        | 3int                                                                         |  0 | Quirk                   #
# Amulet of seduction           | 20wis 3holy_cause 1martyric_presence                                         |  3 | Queen Mermaid           #
# Amulet of selinea             | 9wis 16spr 3spmax; one-time free resurrection                                |  1 | random pool             #
# Amulet of shadows             | 24str 24dex 4stealth; damages enemies with unholy, extra shadow              |  5 | Vampire King            #
# Amulet of shihuang            | 6int 20wis 20spr; psummon - 'aim amulet at self'; unpyroable                 |  3 | Shimmering Sorcerer     #
# Amulet of skjarl              | 25int 25wis 16spr 9con                                                       |  5 | Skjarl                  #
# Amulet of strength            | 3str                                                                         |  0 | Quirk                   #
# Amulet of subservience        | 15wis 3spr 1willing_convert                                                  |  1 | Rostalos                #
# Amulet of the eye             | 14wis 10spr 2enhance_abjuration                                              |  2 | Xanathar                #
# Amulet of the winds           | 5spr 2cold_res                                                               |  0 | ?                       #
# Amulet of typhoon             | 10str 12dex 3deliver_criticals                                               |  ? | Typhoon                 #
# Amulet of wisdom              | 2wis                                                                         |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Amulet of wisdom              | 3wis                                                                         |  0 | Quirk                   #
# Aquatic amulet                | 1cold_res 2cold_flesh                                                        |  0 | ?                       #
# Black amulet                  | 2spr                                                                         |  0 | Necromancer City Mayor  #
# Black dragon scale            | 9int 3spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Bloody beating heart          | 16hpr 6spr 6epr                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Charm amulet                  | 19cha 2storytelling                                                          |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Clown's flower                | 8wis 12spr 15cha                                                             |  2 | Jingles                 #
# Dark amulet of the conjurer   | 11int 12wis 10spr                                                            |  2 | Master Conjurer         #
# Demented amulet               | 8int 10spr                                                                   |  1 | Lucius                  #
# Diamond and ruby pendant      | 8spr 5heal_body                                                              |  2 | Water Dragon            #
# Diamond brooch                | 8spr                                                                         |  0 | Danu                    #
# Diamond pendant on a chain    | 9dex 3cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Dral's bloodied pendant       | 16int 16wis; vampires: heals sp                                              |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Eagle amulet                  | 10dex 2attack                                                                |  0 | random pool             #
# Emerald pendant on a chain    | 15spr; regeneration reverted to ticks/tocks, drains 3hp every round          |  1 | Ruby                    #
# Eye amulet of frank           | 12str 6dex                                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Eye of the dragon             | 8str 18con 5phys_res; unholy dmg/align shift-'press eye' (made from Tia eye) | 10 | Tiamat                  #
# Eye of the dragon (tarnished) | 20str 30con 5hpr 15epr                                                       |  5 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Flawless amulet of stralic    | 9wis 1harmony_with_nature; electric infuses on weapons                       |  5 | event reward (stralic)  #
# Glowing amulet of the demon   | 8spr                                                                         |  0 | Demonologist            #
# Golden amulet                 | 6str 13hpr                                                                   |  1 | Celeborn                #
# Golden amulet of lor          | 3spr 4magic_dart                                                             |  0 | Johann                  #
# Golden amulet of shen seng    | 25dex 15epr 3fire_res 5tiger_claw                                            |  ? | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Golden idol                   | 30int 30spr 2voodooism; ?special - necromancer only?                         |  ? | Immalinga               #
# Green dragon scale            | 12dex 2phys_res                                                              |  2 | Thron                   #
# Green silken bag              | no stat bonuses; sp drain                                                    |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Grey dragon scale             | 9wis 3spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Halloween spider amulet       | 10int 10wis 15spr 15hpr 15epr unh_res; NoSave                                |  0 | Jack Skellington        #
# Heart-shaped locket           | 28wis 20spr 2protection_ritual; unpyroable                                   |  ? | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Jade amulet                   | 16wis 25spr                                                                  |  3 | Matron Mother           #
# Lethe's bramble               | 12spr; 'forget' spell                                                        |  5 | ungettable (?)          #
# Mayor's amulet                | 6int 16wis 6spr                                                              |  1 | Madesco City Mayor      #
# Mummified heart               | 16str 3dex 2stun; mummy familiar only                                        |  1 | Evil Mummy              #
# Pearl amulet                  | 9dex 16cha 1acid_res                                                         |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Quitqklia                     | 23int 25spr 2lore_of_the_watchers; detects adjacent aggros                   |  5 | Quin-ja                 #
# Rahal's amulet of illusions   | ?                                                                            |  ? | Rahal                   #
# Red dragon scale              | 12con 3phys_res                                                              |  3 | Chara                   #
# Ruby amulet                   | 12int 12wis 13spr                                                            |  2 | Zelda                   #
# Scarab of life                | 8wis 25spr 5major_refresh 5mastery_of_healing                                |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Shining amulet of endurance   | 20sta 16epr                                                                  |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Shiny silver amulet           | 8int 15spr 5dreamweaving_lore                                                |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Silver pendant                | 12wis 30spr 4pious_words                                                     |  5 | Galadriel               #
# Small chaotic dreamcatcher    | 5con                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Small iron amulet             | 5wis 11spr                                                                   |  0 | Evil Lich               #
# Small uniform name tag        | 1cha                                                                         |  0 | Frank                   #
# Spider amulet                 | 16int 25spr; boosts blast spells                                             |  7 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Star of illium                | 30wis 20spr 30cha; heals ~1000 hp/sp/ep                                      |  0 | random unique           #
# Steel amulet of valor         | 8str 10dex                                                                   |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Stone amulet                  | 4wis 5spr                                                                    |  0 | Earth Mage              #
# Totem of the lizards          | 25dex 2mg 3cold_res; reduces damage taken/heals hp                           |  ? | ?                       #
# Very large lava amulet        | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava broach        | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava medal         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous broach   | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #

 TORSOback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Adept's shirt of the gorilla  | 3str 2int 3spr                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Armor of despair              | 12int 30spr 2chain_elemental_bolts 4project_energy_blast                     |  7 | Smoke Demon             #
# Azarian plate armor           | 12int 12spr                                                                  |  2 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Beaver fur                    | 12con 2cold_res                                                              |  0 | ?                       #
# Black dragon-bone breastplate | 12str 15con 2dex                                                             |  ? | unique                  #
# Black leather shirt           | 25con 3attack 3resist_pain                                                   |  3 | ?                       #
# Black rhino warhide           | 6dex 1dodge                                                                  |  0 | random pool             #
# Black scalemail               | 20int 20wis 35spr                                                            |  7 | Schizomycetes           #
# Black scalemail tunic         | 3con 3hpmax                                                                  |  0 | Urukhai                 #
# Black shirt of strength       | 3str                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Black silk robes              | 2spr                                                                         |  0 | Necromancer City Mayor  #
# Black vest of strength        | 2str                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Blackmon's platemail          | 7int 14wis 20spr 3focus_crystal_energy                                       |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blood covered tunic           | 22int 16spr 3quick_chant                                                     |  5 | ungettable (?)          #
# Bloody ribcage                | 16wis 9spr 1mag_res                                                          |  1 | random pool             #
# Blue silvery shirt            | 3int 3high_energy_focus                                                      |  ? | Lizardman Highpriest    #
# Bone and scale mail armor     | 5con 13hpr 5blade_fury; reduces melee hits taken                             |  3 | Mantisman Leader        #
# Breastplate of blending       | 6str 10dex 4double_stab                                                      |  2 | Primordial Ooze         #
# Breastplate of darkness       | 30wis 15spr 3iron_will 5lengthen_abjuration                                  |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Breastplate of exile          | 16wis 2protection_ritual 4strengthen_abjuration 4enhance_abjuration          |  ? | Warden                  #
# Breastplate of wailing souls  | 20con 15hpr 5attack                                                          |  3 | Pit Fiend               #
# Bronze chain mail             | 12con 2fire_res 5ignore_pain 5resist_pain                                    |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Brown breastplate of epr      | 3epr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Brown leather vest            | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Dargoth                 #
# Chainmail                     | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Giant                   #
# Chainmail bplate of lurthel   | 10dex 3soul_of_the_dragon; ogier ma: damages enemies                         |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Chainmail of the dryads       | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Dryad                   #
# Cobalt breastplate            | 12con 12sta 3phys_res; reduces damage taken                                  |  3 | random pool             #
# Coral breastplate             | 2con                                                                         |  0 | Manillo Guard           #
# Corslet of tutankhamon        | 5wis 10spr; unpyroable                                                       |  0 | Seth                    #
# Dark glowing vest             | 15dex 10epr 3dragon_tail_sweep 3soul_of_the_dragon                           |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Deathblack ringmail           | 5con                                                                         |  0 | Lizardman Warlord       #
# Defender's vest of hp regen   | 3con 4hpr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Deer skin clothing            | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Demon skin chest plate        | 16con 2cold_res; heals hp, heals ep                                          |  1 | Azrael                  #
# Desert robes                  | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Gosai Guard             #
# Dragon hide breastplate       | 16str 9dex 1attack                                                           |  1 | random pool             #
# Dull chainmail armor          | 1con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Elven chainmail               | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Elf                     #
# Elven platemail               | 6spr                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Elven steel breastplate       | 3con                                                                         |  0 | Kobold King             #
# Elven steel chainmail         | 3dex 10epr                                                                   |  0 | ?                       #
# Emerald breastplate           | 12dex 4defensive_prowess                                                     |  ? | Thorn                   #
# Enchanted mithril breastplate | 20str 4dmg 4attack 2deva_attack; g.non-phys shield, reduces damage taken     | 10 | Jesrael                 #
# Enchanted robes of quintarius | 12con 16spr; reduces melee hits taken                                        |  ? | Quintarius              #
# Fiery breastplate             | 5con 3fire_res                                                               |  0 | Fire Army Soldier       #
# Fire rat fur coat             | 1avoid_hits 10fire_res, escape_death                                         |  5 | Inuyasha                #
# Firelord breastplate          | 12str 4sta; reduces melee hits taken                                         |  3 | Fire Warlord            #
# Flowing shirt                 | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Pirate                  #
# Furry troll hair coat         | 3cold_res                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Gangreal's dragon hide        | 10str 8dex                                                                   |  1 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Gangreal's dragon hide        | 6str 12con 3enhanced_deflection                                              |  2 | Gangreal                #
# Gleaming breastplate          | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Glowing blue breastplate      | 5str 12hpr 2slashing_weapons_mastery                                         |  2 | King Arthur             #
# Gold and turq ibis plaquet    | 8wis 8spr, eat_corpses; ?special - enhanced by other g&t items?              |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Golden breastplate            | 28con 6fire_res; reduces fire damage taken                                   |  ? | Rahal                   #
# Green flowing dress           | 30wis 15spr 3pious_words; unpyroable                                         |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Guard's tunic of intelligence | 4con 5int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Hardened fur platemail        | 3str                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Kimbriki's silver breastplate | 25int 16spr 2evocation 3mastery_of_evocation                                 |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Knotted grey shirt            | 16wis 16spr 1unh_res 2pious_words                                            |  2 | Xillion                 #
# Leather jerkin                | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Lizardman Gate Guard    #
# Leather jerkin                | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Lizardman Warrior       #
# Leather jerkin                | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Morgrath                #
# Light chainmail               | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Paladin                 #
# Luminous carapace             | 16spr 6spmax; reduces damage taken/heals sp                                  |  1 | random pool             #
# Magician's armor              | 8int 24spr 3quick_chant; abj/elemental/evoker/necro/psychics only            |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Mantisman chain mail armor    | 3con 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | Mantisman Guard         #
# Minotaur's hide               | 3str                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Mithril breastplate           | 18con 10epr 4phys_res                                                        |  ? | ?                       #
# Mithril breastplate of tiamat | 20str 14dex 4dmg 3dodge; reflects non-melee dmg (made from metallic scales)  | 10 | Tiamat                  #
# Mithril bplate of tiamat (sd) | 18con 10epr 4phys_res                                                        |  5 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Mithril chainmail             | 8dex 17hpr                                                                   |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Olathurl phlith               | 5avoid_hits 3phys_res; stacking lesser shield, reduces damage taken          | 10 | Lloth                   #
# Pectoral of tutankhamon       | 3str 6hpr; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Anubis                  #
# Pink fuzzy sweater            | 30int 30wis 18spr; unpyroable                                                |  7 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Platemail of carebear fur     | 1int 4spr                                                                    |  0 | event reward (carebear) #
# Platemail of hardened fur     | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Cat Guard               #
# Platemail of king's guards    | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Huge Cat Guard          #
# Platinum breastplate          | 19wis 19spr 15cha; reduces damage taken; female only                         |  3 | random pool             #
# Priest's tunic of the boar    | 3str 3sta 4wis                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Purple silk shirt             | 9int 9spr 1magical_economy                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Ranger's vest of constitution | 4dex 5con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Really wicked witch robe      | 8spr 1quick_chant                                                            |  0 | Wicked Witch            #
# Red strappy dress             | 30int 15wis 30spr 12cha; unpyroable                                          |  7 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Ringmail of the mage          | 6int 6wis 16spr                                                              |  2 | random pool             #
# Rnarg's war armor             | 6wis 14spr 2mag_res                                                          |  1 | Rnarg                   #
# Robe of demon hide            | 18wis 12spr 2fire_res                                                        |  2 | Jark                    #
# Robe of oblivion              | 7int 15spr                                                                   |  1 | Gartuan                 #
# Robe of the shen seng         | 20int 12spr 2channel_energy 5quick_chant                                     |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Runed mithril chainmail       | 16dex 3sta 12wis 1phys_res; reflects damage                                  |  2 | random pool             #
# Sand scales                   | 12con 6hpr                                                                   |  0 | Sand Worm               #
# Scaled dragon plate           | 16int 3spr 1high_energy_focus                                                |  ? | ?                       #
# Shihuang officer breastplate  | 6str                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Shining green breastplate     | 3hpr                                                                         |  0 | Orc King                #
# Shining red eagle platemail   | fire_res                                                                     |  0 | Red Eagle Guard         #
# Shining royal battle armor    | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Youkhai                 #
# Shining steel chainmail       | ?                                                                            |  ? | Earthfast Guard         #
# Shining steel chainmail       | ?                                                                            |  ? | Slan                    #
# Shirt of hefnoin (commoner)   | no stat bonuses; allows hefnoin tunnel travel                                |  0 | hidden in room          #
# Shirt of hefnoin (military)   | 15dex 6wis; allows henoin tunnel travel                                      |  1 | Tornwal                 #
# Shirt of hefnoin (plain)      | 12con 1phys_res 6unh_res 1attack; allows henoin tunnel travel                |  2 | quest info              #
# Shirt of hefnoin (enchanted)  | no base stat bonus; bonus varies upon the vial used; hefnoin tunnel travel   |  7 | quest info              #
#                (blue/abjurer) - 25wis 12spr 3disruption_lore 4protection_ritual random_res's                                                #
#                (cyan/acrobat) - 25cha 12wis 2battle_singing 3power_singing random_res's                                                     #
#                (green/evoker) - 25int 12spr 3casting_efficiency 4evocation random_res's                                                     #
#          (orange/necromancer) - 25int 12spr 4anatomy 2mind_power random _res's                                                              #
#               (purple/lurker) - 25dex 12wis 3art_of_assassination 2fatal_strike random_res's                                                #
#                 (red/warrior) - 25str 12dex 5attack 4devastating_attack random_res's                                                        #
#                (white/weaver) - 25wis 12spr 3healing_efficiency 2soul_of_the_avatar random_res's                                            #
#             (yellow/psychics) - 25int 12spr 2lore_of_the_watchers 3talisman ceremonies random_res's                                         #
# Skin-tight leather corset     | 25int 12spr 1quick_chant; unpyroable                                         |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Small suit of chainmail       | 3con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Small white janitor coat      | 3epr                                                                         |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Snake skin breastplate        | 16int 16wis 12spr 1poi_res                                                   |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Solan's breastplate           | 4con 4hpr 1phys_res; reflects damage                                         |  2 | quest reward (uforia)   #
# Sorcerers breastplate of epr  | 5epr 4int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Spidranox warhide             | 3con, infravision                                                            |  0 | Huge Spidranox          #
# Steel breastplate             | 12con 5hpr 1avoid_hits                                                       |  2 | ?                       #
# Steel chainmail               | 2con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Studded leather armor         | 8int 20spr 5lore_of_the_elders 5nerves_of_fire                               |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Studded leather breastplate   | 9str 3con; reduces melee damage taken                                        |  ? | random pool             #
# Stylish vest                  | 15dex 2wis 8cha                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Talien's bplate of conquest   | 20con 11dex; lizardman: damages enemies                                      |  2 | Mindflayer God          #
# Torn robe of an apprentice    | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Apprentice Wizard       #
# Turanian bandmail             | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Turanian Warrior        #
# Very large lava armor         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava vest          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous vest     | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Vorta's slime armor           | 10con 3asphyx_res                                                            |  1 | Vorta                   #
# White breastplate             | ?                                                                            |  0 | Talos Warrior           #
# White shirt of dexterity      | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# White shirt of mana regen     | 2spr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# White silk gown               | 3wis 9spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# White silk robes              | 6wis 15spr 5mag_res                                                          |  2 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# White tunic                   | 6dex 4resist_pain; unpyroable                                                |  0 | Philip                  #
# Wizard's bplate of strength   | 5str 4spr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wizard's vest of the bear     | 3str 3con 4spr                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wolfhide vest                 | 2cold_res 4attack 3weaponmaster                                              |  2 | Fenris Wolf             #
# Yellow robe of the master     | 13epr 4counter_dodge 2weaponmaster                                           |  3 | Ben Di Ho               #

 ARMSback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Ancient bracelets of power    | 6int 18spr 3casting                                                          |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Armband of the shen seng      | 20str 6hpr 2dmg 3triple_stab                                                 |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Armbands of mist              | 15str 12con                                                                  |  2 | Zatea                   #
# Armguards of the copycat      | 6int 20wis 16dex; copies enemy spells and enables wearer to cast them        |  3 | random pool             #
# Armguards of wood             | 15spr 15con                                                                  |  2 | random pool             #
# Armshields of wisdom          | 9wis 3spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Black dragon-bone arms        | 16int 16wis 12spr; stat boost upon taking acid damage                        |  ? | unique                  #
# Blood red steel bracers       | 29int 15spr 3quick_chant                                                     |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Brown studded bracers         | 15con 10hpr 4phys_res                                                        |  5 | Dargoth                 #
# Ceremonial armbands of mitra  | 5wis 10spr                                                                   |  0 | Frith                   #
# Cobalt armbands               | 20con 12hpr 2phys_res 2honor_of_gods; random resistances                     |  3 | random pool             #
# Cow hide armguards            | 9int 9wis 3spr (made from animal hide)                                       |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Dragon wings                  | 16dex, flying                                                                |  ? | ?                       #
# Emerald bracers of vorysis    | 5wis 10spr                                                                   |  0 | Tyrannosaurus Rex       #
# Etched silver armbands        | 8spr 3epr 15cha                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Gilded bracers                | 10con 1fire_res                                                              |  0 | Mindflayer God          #
# Glass armbands                | 12int 6spr                                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Gold and turq ibis armbands   | 8wis 1quick_chant, eat_corpses; holy_res - enhanced by other g&t items       |  ? | Ozymandius              #
# Grey cloth sleeves            | 20wis 6spr 1soul_of_the_avatar                                               |  ? | ?                       #
# Grey silken sleeves           | no stat bonuses; damages enemies, sp drain                                   |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Hell's hide                   | 16str 3dex 16con 12epr                                                       |  2 | Nasty Demon             #
# Leaf armbands                 | 9dex 1attack 1natural_weapon_lore                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Leather armshields of tiamat  | 32wis 18spr 2dedication 5healing_efficiency (made from black leather)        | 10 | Tiamat                  #
# Leather tiamat armshields D&C | 10int 10wis 20spr                                                            |  3 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Plated bracers of protection  | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Puffy silk sleeves            | 9wis 3epr 9cha                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Runed mithril armbands        | 16dex 16sta 12epr 1honor_of_the_gods                                         |  2 | random pool             #
# Scaled armguards              | 25dex 9con 2avoid_hits 1fighting_instinct                                    |  5 | King Mermaid            #
# Silver plated bracers         | 16dex 12cha 4deadly_accuracy; shortens skill use time                        |  ? | Schizomycetes           #
# Snake skin armbands           | 16str 16dex 1poi_res 2deliver_criticals                                      |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Spiked bracers                | 20str 10dex 3dmg 5fists_of_fury; ma only                                     |  7 | Golem                   #
# Steel bracers                 | 30dex 15sta; extra set of melee hits                                         |  7 | Lord Sear               #
# Studded armguards             | 9str 1attack                                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Turlach bracers               | 19str 8dex 2attack                                                           |  2 | Turlach                 #
# Twisted bracers               | 5wis 15spr 5call_for_wolf 3harmony_with_wolf_spirits                         |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Typhoon's scaled sleeves      | 10int 12wis 16spr                                                            |  ? | Typhoon                 #
# Very large lava armbands      | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava bracelets     | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava sleeves       | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous armbands | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Warder bracers                | 7con                                                                         |  0 | Warder                  #
# White wristband               | 16dex 3hpr                                                                   |  1 | Holy Mother             #
# Wings of daedalus             | 20dex 12sta 5dodge                                                           |  3 | King Daedalus           #
# Wolf-hide rerebraces          | 2wis 8spr                                                                    |  1 | Fenris Wolf             #
# Wondrous bracer of gronfildor | 7con 1phys_res 2enhanced_deflection                                          |  2 | Mindflayer God          #
# Xanathar bracers              | 8str 12dex                                                                   |  1 | Xanathar                #

 LEFT ARMback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Ancient stone armband         | 6int 5spr; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Stone Servant           #
# Black armband of kinjo        | 5dex 1wis                                                                    |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Black mithril vambrace        | 22int 12spr 2high_energy_focus, emits_darkness                               |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Blackmon's armguard           | 5wis 13spr 3lore_of_the_soil_shamans                                         |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blood pressure cuff           | 8str 16con 1dmg; unpyroable                                                  |  5 | Doctor Kadavre          #
# Chromatic chameleon chlamys   | 15wis 15spr 3protection_ritual; boosts chamo energy blast damage             |  3 | random pool             #
# Chysle bracer                 | 4int 11spr                                                                   |  1 | Chysle Prous            #
# Cloth sleeve                  | 18int 9spr 2evocation                                                        |  3 | Kimbriki                #
# Cracked leather bracer        | 15wis 9spr 3high_priest_rites                                                |  ? | Warden                  #
# Fabulous vambrace of stralic  | 12wis 12spr; charge with power crystal to boost gem blast damage             |  ? | event reward (stralic)  #
# Fleshy armshield of naraku    | 4str 19dex 8wis 3harmony_with_nature; reduces dmg taken/dmgs enemies (skin)  |  7 | Naraku                  #
# Ghazi's vambrace              | 12wis 14spr 2quick_chant                                                     |  3 | Ghazi                   #
# Golden bracelet               | 5int 10spr                                                                   |  1 | Elindel                 #
# Grey leather bracer           | 18wis 10spr 2high_priest_rites; unpyroable                                   |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Indigo armband of banin       | 4dex 1strangle                                                               |  0 | Banin                   #
# Pink sleeve of pearls         | 12int 9spr 1ice_dart                                                         |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Rhino hide armguard           | 12str 4con 1cold_res                                                         |  ? | Tracker Jim             #
# Scaled armshield              | 10dex 15con 2phys_res                                                        |  5 | Thundera                #
# Scarlet armband of a ninja    | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | Ninja In-Training       #
# Solid leather bracer          | 6str 2dex                                                                    |  0 | Daniel                  #
# Spiked leather armband        | 16str 1dmg; unpyroable                                                       |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Vambrace of dhivu             | 6int 6wis 3enhance_healing                                                   |  2 | random pool             #

 RIGHT ARMback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Armband of the outcast        | 12dex 2con 1dodge                                                            |  1 | random pool             #
# Armshield of the pech         | 12str 4dex 1attack                                                           |  1 | random pool             #
# Artem's silvery bracer        | 20wis 8spr 2quick_chant                                                      |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Awesome bracer of stralic     | 18dex 12wis 2attack; double infuse/ward/wrath effect                         |  ? | event reward (stralic)  #
# Black leather bracer          | 18int 12spr 2high_energy_focus; unpyroable                                   |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Black sleeve of pearls        | 12int 9spr 1fire_dart                                                        |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Bleached out bracelet         | 4int 17spr 2high_energy_focus                                                |  3 | Hag                     #
# Bracer of protection          | 1cha; reduces damage taken outdoors                                          |  0 | hidden in room          #
# Draconic bracer               | 9int 19spr; boosts blast spells, insta-cast spells                           |  ? | Rahal                   #
# Fungus armband                | 2asphyx_res                                                                  |  0 | Fungus mob              #
# Gator skin armshield          | 12dex 4con 1cold_res                                                         |  ? | Tracker Jim             #
# Ghazi's armguard              | 8wis 14spr 2soul_of_the_avatar                                               |  3 | Ghazi                   #
# Glowing bracer of lai'itani   | 21wis 12spr 3protection_ritual                                               |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Green brocade sleeve          | 10int 16spr 6con 3mastery_of_water                                           |  5 | Galadriel               #
# Iron armband of karoz         | 5con 1int                                                                    |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Silken sleeve                 | 22int 12spr 2high_energy_focus                                               |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Smooth leather bracer         | 2str 6dex                                                                    |  0 | Daniel                  #
# Spiked dragon tooth armshield | 15con; sylvan protector: 2acid_res 2cold_res 2poi_res                        |  3 | random pool             #
# Stone circle of power         | 6wis 5spr; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Stone Servant           #
# Studded armshield             | 10con 2phys_res 2shield_parry                                                |  5 | Thundera                #
# Titanium armguard             | 12str 15con; damages enemies with fire; unpyroable                           |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Twisted bracer of the rogue   | 8str 16dex 1dmg                                                              |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Vambrace of odivshe           | 6spr 6spmax 3mastery_of_healing                                              |  2 | random pool             #

 HANDSback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Acolytes gloves of the monkey | 2dex 2con 3wis                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Black gloves of the bear      | 2str 2con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Black leather gloves          | 25str 15sta 3motion_control                                                  |  5 | ?                       #
# Blob gloves                   | 9int 9spr 2phys_res                                                          |  2 | Blob                    #
# Bone rod                      | 8int 15spr 5lightning_bolt                                                   |  3 | Wraith                  #
# Crimson gloves                | 25dex 16wis 25cha 1storytelling                                              |  ? | ?                       #
# Dark gloves of nosferatu      | 15wis 30spr 5con 3ritual_of_creation                                         |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Dragon claws                  | 6int 6wis 16spr                                                              |  1 | ?                       #
# Dragon hide gloves            | 6str 6dex 3weaponmaster                                                      |  1 | random pool             #
# Earth gloves                  | 11int 29wis 14spr 5lore_of_the_soil_shamans                                  |  7 | Zatea                   #
# Farmer's gloves               | 16str 6dex 6sta                                                              |  1 | Madesco Farmer          #
# Fur lined gloves              | 9wis 3spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Gauntlets of kilgor           | 8hpr 8epr                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Gauntlets of the cat          | 2str 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | King Of The Cats        #
# Gauntlets of the hound        | 5str 3cold_res                                                               |  0 | Cuculain                #
# Gloves of demonic power       | 25str 25dex 3attack; extra melee hits                                        |  5 | Jesrael                 #
# Gloves of domination          | 12str 12con 3sta                                                             |  2 | Zatea                   #
# Gloves of glitter             | 6int 6wis 15spr                                                              |  1 | Zatea                   #
# Gloves of gore                | 6str 1bleed; unpyroable                                                      |  0 | Insane Warrior          #
# Gloves of might               | 2str                                                                         |  0 | Strong Man              #
# Gloves of shadow              | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Gloves of skjarl              | 20wis 30spr 12con                                                            |  5 | Skjarl                  #
# Gloves of the blackguard      | 18wis 15spr 3con 3dedication                                                 |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Gloves of the butcher         | 19str 3dmg 4attack                                                           |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Gloves of the dragon          | 2phys_res 5dodge 2shield_parry                                               |  3 | King Crystal Dragon     #
# Gloves of the forest          | 3dex 1natures_rage 2wrath_of_mother_earth                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Gloves of the reanimator      | 16wis 1dmg 3healing_efficiency                                               |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Gloves of wielding            | no stat bonuses; warrior: allows any weapon to be one-handed                 |  1 | random pool             #
# Gold and turq ibis gloves     | 8wis 8con, eat_corpses; stun_res - enhanced by other g&t items               |  ? | Ozymandius              #
# Golden gauntlets              | 10dex 6con 1dmg, infravision                                                 |  3 | Link                    #
# Green gloves of mana regen    | 4spr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Green gloves of the forest    | 3high_energy_focus 3quick_chant; chanter: 25int/wis/spr; drains hp when worn |  3 | random pool             #
# Guards gauntlets of the tiger | 3str 3dex 4con                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Half-breed scale gauntlets    | ?                                                                            |  2 | Quintarius              #
# Hanesa's harp                 | 9spr 5con                                                                    |  0 | Hanesa                  #
# Harp                          | 10spr 10epr                                                                  |  2 | hidden in room          #
# Leather work gloves           | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Limb of quickwood             | 5commune_with_nature 1quick_chant                                            |  2 | Quickwood Tree          #
# Lizard skin gloves            | 6int 1unholy_essence                                                         |  0 | random pool             #
# Magical gloves                | no stat bonuses; NoSave, cannot be given away                                |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Mythinite gauntlets           | 18str 10dex 3dmg                                                             |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Pair of crimson gloves        | 5spr                                                                         |  0 | Kozaki Sorcerer         #
# Priest's gloves of the bear   | 3str 4con 4wis                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Purple gloves of the tiger    | 1str 1dex                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Rotting gloves                | 3int 1high_energy_focus 1quick_chant; wrath familiar only                    |  1 | Evil Wraith             #
# Satin gloves                  | 12int 12spr 4mag_res                                                         |  2 | Primordial Ooze         #
# Shining steel gauntlets       | ?                                                                            |  ? | Slan                    #
# Six fingered gloves           | 2str 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | Six Fingered Man        #
# Skin gloves                   | 4spr                                                                         |  0 | Evil Denizen            #
# Sorcerer's gaunts of the boar | 3str 3sta 4int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerer's gaunts of the wolf | 3dex 3sta 4int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerer's gaunts of wisdom   | 4int 5wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerers gloves of hpr       | 4int 5hpr                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Spiked fist                   | 8str 5hpr 3weaponmaster                                                      |  2 | Kintzu                  #
# Spiked gloves                 | 8hpr                                                                         |  0 | Lenny                   #
# Spiked iron fists             | 9str 1attack 2doublehit                                                      |  0 | random pool             #
# Spiked steel gauntlets        | 9str 9con 1attack (made from hunk of metal)                                  |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Squire's gloves of strength   | 8str 3sta                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Steel gauntlets               | 3str                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Steel gauntlets of valor      | 8dex 2shield_parry                                                           |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Swamp gloves                  | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Tan leather work gloves       | 18str 12con 8sta                                                             |  3 | ?                       #
# Thin goat intestine gloves    | 6wis 16spr 3protection_ritual                                                |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Twisted gloves of kraag       | 8wis 1quick_chant                                                            |  0 | Kraag                   #
# Very large lava gauntlets     | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava gloves        | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous gloves   | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# White gauntlets of hp regen   | 1hpr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# White lace gloves             | 22int 5wis 20spr 3quick_chant; unpyroable                                    |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# White lacy gloves             | 6cha 1limber_up                                                              |  0 | random pool             #
# White silk healer's gloves    | 8wis 23spr 3holy_cause; heals hp - 'touch target'                            |  3 | Galadriel               #

 LEFT HANDback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Beholder eyestalk             | 2spr 3psychic_gaze                                                           |  0 | Beholder                #
# Black iron gauntlet           | 9str 1phys_res                                                               |  2 | Weaponmaster            #
# Black leather glove           | 6int 6spmax 3high_energy_focus                                               |  2 | random pool             #
# Blackened leather glove       | 12str 1fire_res 1attack                                                      |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Blue fuzzy mitten             | 16wis 15spr 2enhance_healing; unpyroable                                     |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Darkgreen paw                 | 14str 12dex 10hpr                                                            |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Fibrous bark glove            | 18dex 12con 2phys_res; woodsman w/ wood glove: reduces dmg, drains ~10sp/rnd |  5 | Beast Within            #
# General's battle gauntlet     | 9str 4hpmax 1crippling_blow                                                  |  ? | Zarlow                  #
# Glove of death                | 15wis 15spr 4spm; damages enemies - 'touch target'; unraveller only          |  3 | random pool             #
# Glove of energy               | 20int 12spr 3magic_evocation; unpyroable                                     |  ? | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Glove of stone                | 18wis 6spr 3protection_ritual 2disruption_lore                               |  ? | Kalz'zet                #
# Glove of the holy             | 15wis 12spr 1healing_efficiency                                              |  ? | ?                       #
# Green glove                   | 4wis 1harmony_with_nature 1spiritual_transfer; heals based off current ward  |  ? | random pool             #
# Iron gauntlet                 | 9str 4dex                                                                    |  ? | ?                       #
# Jewel encrusted glove         | 1build_campfire 1fire_building                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Leg bone                      | 12int 12spr 2mental_tide                                                     |  3 | Hag                     #
# Magical set of yens           | 4con; newbie only                                                            |  0 | Cheshire Cat            #
# Oak leaf                      | 6wis 6spr                                                                    |  0 | Treebeard               #
# Old brass bell                | 6wis 6cha                                                                    |  0 | Lighthouse Keeper       #
# Paw of the displacement beast | 4int 4wis 8spr                                                               |  1 | Displacement Beast      #
# Roper's left hand             | 16int 10spr; outputs spam                                                    |  3 | random pool             #
# Scaled glove                  | 18wis 9spr 1mastery_of_healing                                               |  3 | Queen Mermaid           #
# Silver mirror                 | 15wis 9dex 20cha                                                             |  5 | Mirror Image            #
# Sticky green glove            | 12con 12hpmax 3phys_res                                                      |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Textbook                      | 1int                                                                         |  0 | Manillo Student         #
# White glove of raena          | 2wis 8spr 3prayer_for_healing                                                |  2 | Raena                   #
# White glove of raena          | 2wis 8spr 3prayer_for_healing                                                |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #

 RIGHT HANDback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Ash's gauntlet                | 7str 3hpr                                                                    |  0 | Good Ash                #
# Black iron gauntlet           | 9str 1phys_res                                                               |  2 | Weaponmaster            #
# Blue velvet glove w/ sequins  | 6dex 16cha; makes bard songs last longer, boosts knife throwing accuracy     |  3 | random pool             #
# Clean glowing glove           | 2int 10spr 2unh_res                                                          |  1 | Rnarg                   #
# Death talisman                | 12wis 9spmax 2sta, escape_death                                              |  2 | random pool             #
# Fibrous wooden glove          | 18str 6con 1dmg; woodsman w/ bark glove: damages enemies, drains ~10sp/round |  5 | Beast Within            #
# Flaming jack-o-lantern        | 15hpr 15spr 15epr unh_res; damages enemies; NoSave                           |  0 | Jack Skellington        #
# Gauntlet of honor             | 20con 3avoid_hits 3honor_of_the_gods; revive's a party member                |  7 | ?                       #
# Glove of flesh                | 18wis 12spr 3lengthen_abjuration 1protection_ritual                          |  ? | Imallinga               #
# Glove of life                 | 15wis 15spr 4spm; heals hp - 'touch target'                                  |  3 | random pool             #
# Glove of scales               | 22wis 9spr 3enhance_healing                                                  |  5 | Lacerti                 #
# Glove of the thief            | 18dex 1double_stab 2triple_stab 2uncanny_stabbing                            |  7 | Imallinga               #
# Green glove                   | 4wis 1harmony_with_nature 1spiritual_power; damage based on infuse           |  ? | random pool             #
# Necromancer's glove           | 22str                                                                        |  5 | Fraenz                  #
# Pipe                          | 5spr                                                                         |  0 | Amano                   #
# Quickener                     | 12int 3wis 15spr 3quick_chant                                                |  3 | Zapakelethe             #
# Sara's right hand             | 16int 4wis 1armor_enchanting 3high_energy_focus; silences roper's hand       |  5 | Kalz'zet                #
# Shimmering flute              | 2wis 6cha                                                                    |  0 | hidden in room          #
# Silver gauntlet (tarnished)   | 9dex 1unh_res 2fighting_instinct                                             |  2 | Biggiz                  #
# Spellbook covered with runes  | 2spr; cast a certain spell at ~75 study level, 'la book' to see which spell  |  2 | Vul                     #
# Steel gauntlet                | 4str 9dex                                                                    |  ? | ?                       #
# Stone gauntlet                | 5str 15dex 1mag_res                                                          |  2 | Arko                    #
# Strange glove of eleria       | 6int 9spr 4magma_boulder 3mastery_of_fire                                    |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Velvet glove                  | 18int 18wis 6spr 2high_energy_focus                                          |  ? | Iselin                  #
# White scale gauntlet          | 10wis 14spr 2crystal_binding                                                 |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Worn leather glove            | 6int 6spr 3quick_chant                                                       |  2 | random pool             #

 FINGERback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Advisor's ring                | 3wis                                                                         |  0 | Lizardman Advisor       #
# Ancient cloth ring            | 9dex 1attack 2ka_connection; mummy familiar only                             |  1 | Evil Mummy              #
# Amethyst encrusted ring       | 16wis 3spr 1enhance_healing                                                  |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Black ring                    | 5spr                                                                         |  0 | Beldak                  #
# Blackmon's red gold ring      | 20str 9hpr 6fire_res 5dodge                                                  |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blade's spiked ring           | 9str 1attack 3weaponmaster                                                   |  1 | ?                       #
# Bloody ring of nosferatu      | 12dex 10epr 3dmg 5triple_stab                                                |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Blue steel ring               | 6str 12dex 2con                                                              |  1 | Wade                    #
# Bright turquoise ring         | 25spr                                                                        |  3 | ungettable (?)          #
# Broken finger of the zombie   | 3sta 12wis 1mastery_of_diseases; zombie familiar only                        |  1 | Evil Zombie             #
# Carved bone ring              | 15int 8spr 4anatomy 4mastery_of_mummification                                |  ? | Iselin                  #
# Chrome mayan ring             | 16con 8epr 3elec_res                                                         |  2 | Dios Del Trueno         #
# Cool blue ring of wisdom      | 5wis                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Dagulus ring                  | 7wis 20spr 5crystal_binding 5crystal_efficiency                              |  7 | Schizomycetes           #
# Dark ring of nosferatu        | 15int 30spr 3casting_efficiency                                              |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Dazzling golden ring          | 2spr                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Diamond encrusted ring        | 16wis 3spr 1weather_sense                                                    |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Dragon scale ring             | 6wis 16spr 2heal                                                             |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Elemental band                | 17int 2cold_res 2fire_res; boosts cold/fire blast spells; only one wearable  |  3 | random pool             #
# Emerald encrusted ring        | 16int 3spr 1mastery_of_the_earth                                             |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Emerald ring of power         | 14int 28spr 5mag_res                                                         |  5 | Galadriel               #
# Enchanted titanium ring       | 3str                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Engraved bone ring            | 16str 3wis 1natural_weapon_lore                                              |  1 | ?                       #
# Fiery red ring                | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Firey red ring of dexterity   | 5dex                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Freyers ring                  | 15int 35spr 5lore_of_the_elders                                              |  7 | Schizomycetes           #
# Golden ring of blood          | 9str 3dex 1hematology; vampire familiar only                                 |  1 | Evil Vampire            #
# Golden ring of ce'noba        | 10str 2phys_res 3body_control                                                |  2 | Queen Ce'noba           #
# Golden ring of the warden     | 16dex 6wis 3spiritual_power; heals ep                                        |  3 | random pool             #
# Golden ring of the warden     | 16dex 6wis 3spiritual_transfer; heals ep                                     |  3 | random pool             #
# Golden trueno ring            | 6wis 10spr 1all_spells                                                       |  2 | Dios Del Trueno         #
# Green glowing ring            | 10dex                                                                        |  0 | Son Of Lizardman God    #
# Green ring of waterwalking    | 1con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Grey iron ring                | 12str 6dex 2con                                                              |  1 | Wade                    #
# Iron ring                     | 5int 30spr                                                                   |  ? | ?                       #
# Jade encrusted ring           | 16int 3spr 1mastery_of_the_realm                                             |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Jagged tin band               | 9spr 3spmax                                                                  |  0 | random pool             #
# Jhlandu grass ring            | 2phys_res 4unh_res; reduces unholy damage taken                              |  2 | random pool             #
# Large white mithril ring      | 15con 3phys_res 3fighting_instinct                                           |  5 | Golem                   #
# Magic ring of charisma        | 2cha                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of constitution    | 3con                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of dexterity       | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of intelligence    | 3int                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of stamina         | 3sta                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of strength        | 3str                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Magic ring of wisdom          | 3wis                                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Mindwarp signet               | 12int 22spr; insta-cast; only one wearable                                   |  5 | Vahl                    #
# Mithren's black ring          | 9dex 1attack 3deliver_criticals                                              |  1 | ?                       #
# Necromancer bone ring         | 8wis 16spr 2blood_magic; 'very evil' alignment needed to wear                |  ? | Frankenstein            #
# Nenya                         | 10wis 20spr                                                                  |  2 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Nenya                         | 6wis 6int 18spr 8asphyx_res 8cold_res                                        |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #
# Nenya (dull)                  | 4int 4wis 16spr                                                              |  1 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Obsidian encrusted ring       | 16int 3spr 1dead_speak                                                       |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Old wooden ring               | 2dex 2con                                                                    |  0 | in-store                #
# Onyx ring                     | 26str 12hpr, infravision; unpyroable                                         |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Onyx encrusted ring           | 16wis 3spr 2protection_ritual                                                |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Orc chiefs onyx ring          | 2int                                                                         |  0 | Orc Chief               #
# Pearl encrusted ring          | 16int 3spr 2evocation                                                        |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Prin's wave ring              | 10spr 2cold_res                                                              |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Pulsating ring of reflection  | 17wis 6loghob 4quccata; irrifletta only                                      |  3 | Mirror Image            #
# Raunchy rat ring              | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Ring                          | 5cha                                                                         |  0 | quest reward (nimrodel) #
# Ring of agility               | 9dex 1phys_res 5dodge 5whirlwind_attack                                      |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Ring of breezes               | 3int 12spr 3mastery_of_air 3quick_chant                                      |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Ring of celerity              | 15int 35spr; heals sp, shortens spell casting time                           |  0 | random unique           #
# Ring of chaos                 | 15int 8wis 25spr 2all_spells                                                 |  5 | Chimera                 #
# Ring of command               | 3con 1psi_res                                                                |  0 | Captain Dyson           #
# Ring of disruption            | 15wis 25spr 5disruption_lore                                                 |  7 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ring of dragons               | 8str 23dex 8con 3dragon_strength                                             |  5 | Thundera                #
# Ring of duality               | 16str 3avoid_hits 6split_essence                                             |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Ring of entry                 | 5int 30spr 5mastery_of_navigation 5relocate 4summon                          |  7 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ring of flames                | 3int 12spr 3mastery_of_fire 3quick_chant                                     |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Ring of flowing mists         | 12dex 1defensive_maneuvers 5dodge                                            |  2 | Sshka                   #
# Ring of health                | 20con 6hpr 12hpmax                                                           |  2 | Ologhai                 #
# Ring of infravision           | no stat bonuses, infravision                                                 |  0 | in-room                 #
# Ring of infravision           | no stat bonuses, infravision                                                 |  0 | in-store                #
# Ring of lavos                 | 10int 15spr 3quick_chant                                                     |  2 | Lavos                   #
# Ring of light                 | 2spr                                                                         |  0 | Rat King                #
# Ring of mischief              | 15dex 4conceal_skill 2hide 5mastery_of_poisons                               |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ring of northern lights       | 8dex                                                                         |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Ring of order                 | 8str 15con 25hpr 1avoid_hits                                                 |  5 | Chimera                 #
# Ring of ogre power            | 12str 6epmax 1dmg                                                            |  2 | Ologhai                 #
# Ring of perfection            | 16int 3wis 9spr                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Ring of power                 | 2str 6con 16hpr 14epr                                                        |  2 | Athol                   #
# Ring of powerful mists        | 9int 20spr 2evocation                                                        |  2 | Sshka                   #
# Ring of protection            | 9con 3hpmax; extra armor class                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Ring of pure evil             | 16wis 1unholy_essence; ?special?                                             |  1 | Rostalos                #
# Ring of regeneration          | 12spr 16hpr 16epr                                                            |  2 | random pool             #
# Ring of skjarl                | no magical effects; turns into tie's ring                                    |  0 | Skjarl                  #
# Ring of stones                | 3int 12spr 3mastery_of_earth 3quick_chant                                    |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Ring of terrors               | 20int 20spr; insta nightmares, breaks concentration ~5mins - 'aim ring at X' |  ? | random pool             #
# Ring of the bastard           | 6wis 6spr 3inflict_harm; 'evil' alignment needed to wear                     |  1 | random pool             #
# Ring of the cavern            | 20str 20dex; damages enemies based off your race                             |  3 | Cave Troll              #
# Ring of the pomarj            | 9wis 16spr 3spmax                                                            |  1 | random pool             #
# Ring of the wraith            | 6int 6spmax 2magical_knowledge; wraith familiar only                         |  1 | Evil Wraith             #
# Ring of unholy blood          | 25dex 2dmg 3unh_res 2fatal_strike                                            |  ? | Vampire King            #
# Ring of waves                 | 3int 12spr 3mastery_of_water 3quick_chant                                    |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Ring of white gold            | 15wis 25spr 4exorcism; only one wearable                                     |  5 | Mirror Image            #
# Ring of white onyx            | 20wis 20spr 2dedication; with two worn: reduces hpr/epr and increases spr    |  ? | random pool             #
# Ring with a red glowing skull | 16con 9hpmax 2avoid_hits 3phys_res                                           |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Royal rat ring                | 3dex 3epr                                                                    |  0 | Rat King                #
# Ruby encrusted ring           | 16cha 3wis 1storytelling                                                     |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Ruby ring                     | 15spr                                                                        |  1 | Ruby                    #
# Ruby skull ring               | 1spr                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Sapphire ring of arabidopsis  | 8wis 7spr                                                                    |  0 | Arabidopsis             #
# Shimmering blue ring          | cold_res                                                                     |  0 | in-store                #
# Shocking silver ring          | elec_res                                                                     |  0 | in-store                #
# Skull ring                    | 9str 9con 3hpmax                                                             |  0 | random pool             #
# Skull-shaped ring             | 1holy_res                                                                    |  0 | Necropolis Priest       #
# Slime covered ring            | 2all_skills 3dodge 3tumbling                                                 |  3 | Alien Slime             #
# Small magical lava ring       | 9spr 3con                                                                    |  0 | Mage Adventurer         #
# Small golden ring of power    | 2str 2con                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Smooth copper ring            | 6int 6wis                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Smooth ring of blood          | 16dex 2avoid_hits 3unh_res                                                   |  3 | Vampire Queen           #
# Snake skin ring               | 16int 16wis 12spr 1poi_res                                                   |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Soulkeeper ring               | 18wis, escape_death; non-free resurrection - 'touch ring'                    |  3 | random pool             #
# Spider adorned ring           | 31wis 3shield_parry, eat_corpses                                             |  7 | Naraku                  #
# Spiked ring of blood          | 16str 2dmg 3unh_res                                                          |  ? | Vampire Queen           #
# Tarnished pewter ring         | 3int 3wis                                                                    |  0 | in-store                #
# Thin silver ring              | 16wis 9spr 25cha 5storytelling                                               |  5 | Iselin                  #
# Thunder ring                  | elec_res                                                                     |  0 | Thunder Mage            #
# Tie's ring                    | 16str 3dex 9con                                                              |  1 | Ghost Of Tie            #
# Twisted metal ring            | 30str 5dmg                                                                   | 10 | Lord Sear               #
# Twisted wood ring             | 20str 20dex 1phys_res                                                        |  3 | Beast Within            #
# Very large lava ring          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous ring     | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Whispering ring               | 4wis 15spr, infravision                                                      |  2 | Whisper                 #
# White gold ring of shen seng  | 6int 25spr 5prismatic_spray                                                  |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #

 LEFT FINGERback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Black obsidian ring           | 5str                                                                         |  0 | Lizardman King Mistress #
# Claddah heart ring            | no stat bonuses (becomes claddah ring with mind/soul ring); NoSave           |  0 | Crommlach               #
# Claddah mind ring             | no stat bonuses (becomes claddah ring with heart/soul ring); NoSave          |  0 | Cormac                  #
# Claddah soul ring             | no stat bonuses (becomes claddah ring with heart/mind ring); NoSave          |  0 | Calatin                 #
# Cold black ring               | 30spr; increased sp regen rate                                               | 10 | Lloth                   #
# Eternity ring                 | 2dmg 4ambidexterous_attack                                                   |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Golden ring of the sorcerer   | 24int 9spr 3casting_efficiency 2fire_evocation                               |  5 | Faraday                 #
# Ring of aura                  | 16int 16wis; heals party members' sp - enhanced by other rings in party      |  ? | Vampire King            #
# Ring of the lucky lady        | 25cha; heals hp/sp/ep, extra hits, reloc to the casino                       |  3 | Casino Boss             #
# Ring of the dead              | 20int 9spr 2repair_undead                                                    |  3 | random pool             #
# Ring of the skilled           | 12int 4spr 1casting_efficiency 1mastery_of_evo; unpyroable                   |  3 | Joker                   #
# Ring with a glowing diamond   | 4spr                                                                         |  0 | Lizardman King Mistress #
# Ruby ring of weakening        | 19wis 19spr; boosts vulns/rupts/weaken willpower; abjurer only               |  3 | random pool             #
# Silver ring                   | 1wis                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Small halloween ring          | 10int 10wis 10con; heals hp/sp/ep; NoSave                                    |  0 | Jack Skellington        #

 RIGHT FINGERback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Banded agate ring             | 15wis 8spr 4strengthen_abjuration                                            |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Claddah ring                  | 15int 15wis 19spr 5epr                                                       |  3 | Willie                  #
# Dragon ring                   | 15str 5dragon_possession 3dragon_strength                                    |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Emerald ring of shielding     | 19wis 19spr; boosts lesser shields; abjurer only                             |  3 | random pool             #
# Oakwood's ring                | 11wis 5pious_words 3prayer_for_the_crusader                                  |  3 | Mindflayer God          #
# Plain golden ring             | 3dex 3triple_stab                                                            |  1 | Son Of Lizardman God    #
# Polished bone ring            | 12dex 12wis 25cha                                                            |  3 | random pool             #
# Ring of knowledge             | no stat bonuses; cast a spell at ~75 study level, 'la ring' to see spell     |  1 | ?                       #
# Ring of scales                | random resistances                                                           |  2 | Merman Guard            #
# Ring of the juggler           | 4dex 2heart_throw                                                            |  0 | ?                       #
# Ring of vengeance             | 12str 12dex; ?special?                                                       |  5 | Warden                  #
# Silver ring of the sorcerer   | 24int 9spr 2cold_evocation 3mastery_of_evocation                             |  5 | Faraday                 #
# Small halloween ring          | 10hpr unh_res; heals hp/sp/ep; NoSave                                        |  0 | Jack Skellington        #
# Vengeance ring                | 18str; extra melee hits upon taking melee damage; unpyroable                 |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #

 BELTback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Ancient buckle                | 12str 1all_skills 2unh_res                                                   |  3 | Vampire General         #
# Azarian command belt          | 8int 18spr 3quick_chant                                                      |  3 | Antioach                #
# Belt of bones                 | 3wis 16spr 10con 2inflict_harm                                               |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Belt of mourning              | 20wis 25spr 4peel_flesh 2unholy_essence                                      |  5 | Smoke Demon             #
# Belt of shielding             | 11spr 1protection_ritual                                                     |  0 | Kritaris                #
# Belt of the trainer           | 16dex 2phys_res 2attack, infravision                                         |  3 | Trainer                 #
# Belt of the wind              | 28int 20spr 2high_energy_focus                                               |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Black belt of kraag           | 6int 5spr                                                                    |  0 | Kraag                   #
# Black chain stained w/ blood  | 16str 25dex 9wis 2avoid_hits                                                 |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Black codpiece                | 3wis 9cha 1storytelling                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Black girdle of zapakelethe   | 9str 23dex 2dmg 2natural_weapon_lore                                         |  5 | Zapakelethe             #
# Black leather belt            | 3str                                                                         |  0 | Huge Demon              #
# Black snake belt              | 16int 25spr 9spmax 3casting_efficiency                                       |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Blackened leather belt        | 6str 6dex 16con                                                              |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Blue monk's belt              | 6dex                                                                         |  0 | Head Priest             #
# Carebear hugbelt              | 5con 5hpr                                                                    |  0 | Superfluff              #
# Cobalt girdle                 | 8con 6hpmax 8fire_res 2phys_res                                              |  3 | random pool             #
# Crystal belt                  | 10int 13spr 5spmax                                                           |  2 | Aquaria                 #
# Dark blue sash                | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Shen Seng's Elite Guard #
# Dark red belt                 | 4int 5wis                                                                    |  0 | Demonologist            #
# Demon hide belt               | 9wis 16spr 1unh_res                                                          |  1 | Rostalos                #
# Designer belt                 | 3wis 15cha 1storytelling                                                     |  1 | random pool             #
# Dragon belt                   | 18dex 10con 3avoid_hits 1phys_res; ?stealth? (made from small scales)        |  7 | Tiamat                  #
# Dragon belt (tattered)        | 20dex 8hpr 15epr 5stab                                                       |  5 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Dragon sash                   | 7int 8wis 16spr                                                              |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Elven sash                    | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Feather of kaiir              | 9wis 6spr                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Frayed belt                   | no magical effects; unpyroable                                               |  0 | Captain Sinister        #
# Golden belt                   | 10int 14spr 3evocation                                                       |  2 | Zelda                   #
# Green belt of nature          | 15wis; druid: 2cold_res 2elec_res 2fire_res                                  |  3 | random pool             #
# Grey sash                     | ?                                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Hithlian belt                 | 7wis 10spr                                                                   |  0 | Elven Lord              #
# Kelp belt                     | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Leather belt                  | 3int 9spr                                                                    |  0 | Nimrodel                #
# Leather belt                  | no magical bonuses                                                           |  0 | Highland Keep Priest    #
# Leather codpiece              | 3str or 3con or 3cha                                                         |  0 | in-room                 #
# Leather codpiece              | 3str or 3con or 3cha                                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Left foot of the alien        | 12int 12wis 8spr                                                             |  2 | event reward (alien)    #
# Lightning belt                | 8int 15wis 8spr                                                              |  2 | Dios Del Trueno         #
# Lizardskin belt               | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Loknar's belt                 | 12int 4mastery_of_elements 2mastery_of_fire                                  |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Pentagonal belt               | 20wis 2unh_res 3unholy_essence                                               |  2 | Kimbriki                #
# Purple belt                   | 16int 25spr                                                                  |  3 | High Priestess          #
# Right foot of an alien        | 10str 10dex 10con                                                            |  2 | event reward (alien)    #
# Rotten belt                   | 16int 6wis 6spmax; wraith familiars only                                     |  1 | Evil Wraith             #
# Runed mithril buckle          | 20dex 6sta, escape_death                                                     |  2 | random pool             #
# Sash of chaos                 | 2int 3fire_res 2magma_boulder                                                |  1 | Clataz                  #
# Sash of niobhan               | 15wis 8spr 5holy_cause 4soul_of_the_avatar                                   |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Shen seng's dragon hide sash  | 15int 20spr 2mag_res 4project_energy_blast                                   |  3 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Shining silver belt           | 6str 3dex, infravision; heals hp - 'touch belt'                              |  2 | Grimtooth               #
# Shocking scale sash           | 23str 22dex 1dragonfist 1scaled_hide                                         |  ? | Thundera                #
# Slog's belt of fury           | 3hpr 3epr                                                                    |  0 | Slog                    #
# Snake skin belt               | 16dex 16epr 1poi_res 1ka_connection                                          |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Spiked leather belt           | 20str 12con 7sta                                                             |  3 | ?                       #
# Spiraled leather belt         | 20wis 9spr 1quccata                                                          |  2 | Vampire Sorcerer        #
# Sslikets dark leather belt    | 7str 5ambidextrous_attack 2force_of_the_undying                              |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Standard wide leather belt    | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Tattered belt                 | 3con                                                                         |  0 | Monkey                  #
# Thin leather belt             | no base stat bonuses; bonus varies on wearer's primary guild                 |  5 | Galadriel               #
#                     (abjurer) - 8wis 15spr 4master_of_vulnerability 4enhance_abjuration                                                     #
#                     (acrobat) - 7dex 13epr 2dmg 4heart_throw                                                                                #
#                       (druid) - 13int 4wis 22spr 4crystal_efficiency                                                                        #
#                   (elemental) - 7int 18spr 4elemental_strand_weaving                                                                        #
#                      (evoker) - 22int 14spr 2evocation 3mastery_of_evocation                                                                #
#                      (lurker) - 23dex 8cha 3art_of_assassination 1uncanny_stabbing                                                          #
#              (martial artist) - 12con 6hpr 2avoid_hits 3phys_res                                                                            #
#                 (necromancer) - 8spr 4anatomy 3hematology 3osteology                                                                        #
#                    (psychics) - 29int 2lore_of_the_watchers 3quick_chant                                                                    #
#                  (unraveller) - 11wis 28spr 4inflict_harm                                                                                   #
#                      (weaver) - 24wis 15spr unh_res 4soul_of_the_avatar                                                                     #
#                    (woodsman) - 18dex 7wis 4harmony_with_nature                                                                             #
# Thin strawspun belt           | 6sta 2honor_of_the_gods; stops hunger from declining                         |  1 | random pool             #
# Trainer belt                  | 2phys_res 2attack                                                            |  2 | Trainer                 #
# Twisted cloth belt            | 16wis 3sta 1voodooism                                                        |  1 | ?                       #
# Twisted grey belt             | 16wis 16spr 1unh_res 2holy_cause                                             |  ? | ?                       #
# Very large lava belt          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava sash          | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous sash     | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Vine belt                     | 9dex 3wis 1survival_reflexes                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# White dragonscale belt        | 18wis 2shield_parry; ?reflects damage?                                       |  ? | Rahal                   #
# Woven grey belt               | 9int 3spr 1evocation                                                         |  0 | random pool             #

 LEGSback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Baggy pants                   | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Pirate                  #
# Black cloth leggings          | 3spr                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Black leather pants           | 8str 16dex 10con 2dodge                                                      |  5 | ?                       #
# Black leggings of the bear    | 3str 3con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Black legs of scorched metal  | 16str 16dex 5martial_parry                                                   |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Black legs of the necromancer | 25dex 7sta 4backstab 4bleed                                                  |  5 | Fraenz                  #
# Black pants of the monkey     | 3dex 3con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Blackened leather pants       | 16str 19dex 1avoid_hits; unpyroable                                          |  3 | Executioner             #
# Blessed greaves of the dragon | 12str 3dex 12con 3weaponmaster                                               |  2 | King Crystal Dragon     #
# Blue silk leggings            | 3int 9spr                                                                    |  0 | Rebahn                  #
# Brn'kala's steel leggings     | 24wis 3disruption_lore 1weakened_body                                        |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Bronze plated greaves         | 9str 9con 1attack                                                            |  0 | random pool             #
# Brown leather breeches        | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Dargoth                 #
# Cargo pants                   | 25dex 15con 2dodge random_res's; additional height                           |  ? | Imallinga               #
# Chainlink leggings            | 6cold_res 6fire_res 4phys_res                                                |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Chainmail leggings            | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Giant                   #
# Coral greaves                 | 2str                                                                         |  0 | Manillo Guard           #
# Cow hide leggings             | 9int 9spr 1cold_res (made from animal hide)                                  |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Cracked leather pants         | 16int 9spr 1fire_res                                                         |  1 | ?                       #
# Crystal leggings              | 12int 12spr 3high_energy_focus                                               |  2 | Aquaria                 #
# Crystal legs of reflection    | 12wis 16spr 3mastery_of_reflection                                           |  3 | Lizardman God           #
# Defenders greaves of charisma | 3con 4cha                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Diapers                       | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Dragon scale leg plates       | 6spr                                                                         |  0 | Elven General           #
# Dragon leggings               | 13spr 12con 4fire_res                                                        |  2 | Sushin                  #
# Eel skin pants                | 15str 9dex 1elec_res                                                         |  1 | Electric Eel            #
# Enchanted mithril greaves     | 30str 15dex 2dmg 3attack                                                     |  7 | Golem                   #
# Fish scale pants              | 9str 9dex 1honor_of_the_gods                                                 |  0 | Fisherman               #
# Forest green leather leggings | 3random stat                                                                 |  0 | Elven Ranger            #
# Frog's legs                   | 2dex                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Glowing red leggings          | 3dex 4hpr                                                                    |  0 | Henry the Red           #
# Gnomish work pants            | 3wis                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Gold & turq ibis battleskirt  | 8wis 8spr, eat_corpses; ?special enhanced by other g&t items?                |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Gray silken trunkhose         | no stat bonuses; shortens spell casting time                                 |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Grey leggings                 | 3int 2tumbling                                                               |  0 | Holy Mother             #
# Guard's pants of charisma     | 4con 5cha                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Guard's pants of wisdom       | 4con 5wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Half-breed scale leggings     | ?                                                                            |  ? | Quintarius              #
# Huge leather trousers         | 6str 4honor_of_the_gods 4weaponmaster                                        |  2 | Ologhai                 #
# Leather leggings of jalinda   | 19wis 4high_priest_rites                                                     |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Leggings of azrael            | 16dex 2dodge                                                                 |  1 | Azrael                  #
# Leggings of kyril brandoth    | 3dex 3dodge                                                                  |  0 | Master Thief            #
# Magical leggings of tiamat    | 20int 10wis 32spr 4mastery_of_elements (made from black leather)             | 10 | Tiamat                  #
# Magic legs of tiamat (frayed) | 8int 8wis 20spr 5quick_chant                                                 |  5 | ungettable (recoded)    #
# Mithril leggings              | 2dex 8con                                                                    |  0 | Red Knight              #
# Monkey pants                  | 5cold_res                                                                    |  ? | ?                       #
# Old pair of leggings          | 3int                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Onyx movado leggings          | 6int 12spr                                                                   |  0 | Terse                   #
# Pale white leggings           | 6wis 12spr 2honor_of_the_gods; unpyroable                                    |  1 | Dula'sha                #
# Pants of the traveller        | 14cha 3voice_of_strength                                                     |  3 | Mirror Image            #
# Pair of flowing pants         | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Kozaki Bandit           #
# Pink pants of stamina         | 2sta                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Plated leggings of k'taktsh   | 29str 4attack 2crippling_blow                                                |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Ranger's greaves of charisma  | 4dex 5cha                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Red dragon-bone legs          | 3avoid_hits 4phys_res, escape_death; stat boost upon taking fire damage      |  ? | unique                  #
# Red leggings of epr           | 1epr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Red leggings of the bear      | 2str 2con                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Royal leggings                | 5spr 5cha                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Scaled mithril leggings       | 6dex 1cold_res                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Scarrab leggings              | 28spr 7con 4quick_chant                                                      |  5 | Chimera                 #
# Silk garters                  | 9con 3hpmax                                                                  |  0 | random pool             #
# Silk leggings                 | 9int 3spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Simple white pants            | 3str 9con 1phys_res; unpyroable                                              |  1 | Philip                  #
# Simple wool skirt             | 28wis 18spr 2quick_chant                                                     |  5 | Quin-ja                 #
# Snake skin leggings           | 16wis 16spr 1poi_res 2voodooism                                              |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Spotted leg of leopard lord   | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | Leo                     #
# Squire's leggings of falcon   | 2dex 3sta 2int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Steel leggings                | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Steel leggings of valor       | 7dex 14con                                                                   |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Tattered old pants            | 3int 3wis                                                                    |  0 | Rambling Castaway       #
# Tight leather pants           | 10str 20dex 5dodge; unpyroable                                               |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Very large lava leggings      | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large lava pants         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous leggings | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Webbed leggings               | 10dex 4hpr 5fists_of_fury                                                    |  2 | Primordial Ooze         #
# White pants of the tiger      | 3str 3dex 4spr                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# White steel leggings          | ?                                                                            |  0 | Talos Warrior           #
# Woolen pants                  | 6wis 6spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Xandar's blessed leggings     | 8cha 5unh_res                                                                |  1 | Xandar                  #
# Yellow greaves of strength    | 3str                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #

 LEFT LEGback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Brilliant goat-skin chap      | 3avoid_hits 3dodge 3survival_reflexes; additonal height, heals eps           | 10 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Bronze leg plate              | 8int 9spr                                                                    |  2 | Skeleton                #
# Crystal leg plate             | 12int 2spr 2high_energy_focus; reduces damage taken                          |  2 | Warden                  #
# Emerald shin guard            | 11int 11spr; with ruby greave: reduces damage taken                          |  3 | random pool             #
# Glowing goat-skin chap        | ?; additional height                                                         |  5 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Left greave of desi           | 15dex 3deliver_criticals                                                     |  3 | random pool             #
# Left shin guard               | 6dex 6sta 3deliver_criticals; extra regen                                    |  2 | random pool             #
# Left war greave               | 6str 15dex 6sta                                                              |  2 | Ooze                    #
# Luminescent goat-skin chap    | 2avoid_hits 2dodge 2survival_reflexes; additional height                     |  7 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Narwat's green scale greave   | 8str 16dex 2enhance_criticals                                                |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Scaled war greave             | 12str 1con 3fire_res 3attack                                                 |  2 | Kimbriki                #
# Shining goat-skin chap        | ?                                                                            |  ? | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Tin leg plate                 | 8con 1phys_res                                                               |  2 | Skeleton                #

 RIGHT LEGback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Brilliant goat-skin chap      | 12con 3avoid_hits 3phys_res; additional height, converts non-phys into phys  | 10 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Copper leg plate              | 8dex 1phys_res                                                               |  2 | Skeleton                #
# Glowing goat-skin chap        | ?; additional height                                                         |  5 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Golden leg plate              | 12int 2spr 2quick_chant; reduces damage taken                                |  3 | Warden                  #
# Luminescent goat-skin chap    | 9con 2avoid_hits 2phys_res; additional height                                |  7 | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Narmgac's green scale greave  | 8str 22dex 3deliver_criticals                                                |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Right greave of desi          | 10dex 2dragon_tail_sweep                                                     |  2 | random pool             #
# Right shin guard              | 6str 6con 3defensive_prowess; extra regen                                    |  2 | random pool             #
# Right war greave              | 6str 6dex 15con                                                              |  2 | Ooze                    #
# Ruby greave                   | 11int 11spr; with emerald shin guard: heals sps                              |  3 | random pool             #
# Shining goat-skin chap        | ?                                                                            |  ? | quest reward (chilp)    #
# Steel leg plate               | 10wis 7spr                                                                   |  2 | Skeleton                #
# Studded war greave            | 15dex 4con 4acid_res 3dodge                                                  |  3 | Kimbriki                #

 FEETback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Acolyte's boots of the owl    | 4int 7wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Azarian combat boots          | 13wis 8spr                                                                   |  1 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Big green shoes               | 1cha                                                                         |  0 | Circus Clown            #
# Black boots                   | 20int 20wis 16con                                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Black boots of dexterity      | 1dex                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Black combat boots            | 16dex 5dodge; unpyroable                                                     |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Black hide boots              | 16wis 9spr 1unh_res                                                          |  ? | ?                       #
# Black leather boots           | 10str 20dex 6con 5dodge                                                      |  3 | ?                       #
# Black leather boots           | 5dex 7sta                                                                    |  0 | Stealthy Thief          #
# Blackened leather boots       | 16dex 1fire_res 2dodge                                                       |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Blackmon's midnight boots     | 14wis 22spr 4lengthen_abjuration                                             |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blob boots                    | 15dex 8epr                                                                   |  1 | Blob                    #
# Blood red sandals             | 8spr                                                                         |  0 | Demonologist            #
# Bloody old boots              | 16str 6dex 2attack; vampire familiar only                                    |  1 | Evil Vampire            #
# Boots of dula-sha             | 12wis 2heal; unpyroable                                                      |  1 | Dula'sha                #
# Boots of lavos                | 10str 12con 5attack                                                          |  2 | Lavos                   #
# Boots of lightning            | elec_res fire_res                                                            |  2 | ?                       #
# Boots of nature               | 25str 25dex 9con 1harmony_with_nature                                        |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Boots of power                | 8con 7hpr                                                                    |  0 | Arabidopsis             #
# Boots of the beast            | 20str 20dex 3acid_res                                                        |  3 | Beast Within            #
# Boots of the cheetah lord     | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | Slink                   #
# Boots of the demon            | 20int 6wis 12spr                                                             |  2 | Gangreal                #
# Boots of the night            | 1attack, escape_death; dragonmaster: 20str 20dex 1dmg 3cold_res              |  2 | random pool             #
# Boots of the nimble           | 9dex 1unh_res 4dodge                                                         |  1 | random pool             #
# Boots of the rainbow          | 6sta 3cha                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Boots of whispering           | 20dex 5stealth 5hide                                                         |  3 | Morgrath                #
# Brown boots                   | 10con 1phys_res                                                              |  ? | ?                       #
# Brown leather sandals         | 12wis 9spr                                                                   |  ? | ?                       #
# Carebear-hide boots           | 1str 2hpr                                                                    |  0 | event reward (carebear) #
# Chain boots of reckoning      | 11str 1dmg                                                                   |  2 | Mindflayer God          #
# Cheetah boots                 | 8dex 2cha                                                                    |  ? | ?                       #
# Clown shoes                   | 8dex 12epr 12cha                                                             |  2 | Jingles                 #
# Combat boots                  | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Lizardman Gate Guard    #
# Combat boots                  | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Lizardman Warrior       #
# Combat boots                  | 9con 3hpmax 1phys_res                                                        |  1 | random pool             #
# Dark leather boots            | 10con 5hpr                                                                   |  0 | Son Of Lizardman God    #
# Dragonscale boots             | 30dex 15epr 3throwing_art                                                    |  5 | Galadriel               #
# Eel skin boots                | 14dex 1elec_res 2dodge                                                       |  1 | Electric Eel            #
# Elaborate boots of frith      | 8int 8spr                                                                    |  0 | Frith                   #
# Elven boots                   | 3str 4fire_res                                                               |  0 | Blackavar Elf           #
# Emerald boots of vorysis      | 6int 6spr                                                                    |  0 | Tyrannosaurus Rex       #
# Fluffy hospital slippers      | 16str 9con 1attack; unpyroable                                               |  1 | Philip                  #
# Forest green boots of warding | 15dex 5natural_weapon_lore 4spiritual_transfer                               |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Glimmering boots of wizardry  | 16spr 1mastery_of_elements                                                   |  2 | Head Wizard             #
# Goblin combat boots           | 5hpr                                                                         |  0 | Goblin Chief            #
# Gold and tur ibis sandals     | 8wis 8spr, eat_corpses; ?special enhanced by other g&t items?                |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Golden lace boots             | 30wis 18spr 2quick_chant                                                     |  5 | Vampire King            #
# Grey boots of charisma        | 2cha                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Grey leather boots            | 3hpr 2hide                                                                   |  0 | ?                       #
# Human skin boots              | 10int 15spr, infravision                                                     |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Knight's boots of the tiger   | 3str 3dex 4sta                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Leather boots                 | no magical effects                                                           |  0 | Dargoth                 #
# Light silvery boots           | 18wis 14spr 6find_weakness                                                   |  3 | Lizardman God           #
# Makell's shimmering boots     | 9str 16dex 3wis; dwarf only                                                  |  1 | random pool             #
# Mayor's shoes                 | 3wis 9spr                                                                    |  0 | Madesco City Mayor      #
# Moccasins                     | 6dex 6epr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Myrmidon's boots of the whale | 4str 3con 3sta                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Old leather boots             | 1str                                                                         |  0 | George                  #
# Pair of crimson boots         | 3int 1acid_res                                                               |  0 | Kozaki Sorcerer         #
# Pair of fur boots             | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | Queen Kitan             #
# Pair of soft leather boots    | 3dex                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Pearl encrusted boots         | 16wis 9spr 1acid_res                                                         |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Pink boots of strength        | 1str                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Pink boots of the boar        | 2str 2sta                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Pink boots of the gorilla     | 3str 3int                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# Polished leather boots        | 2epr                                                                         |  0 | Earthfast Guard         #
# Red boots                     | 8wis 3epr 5fire_res                                                          |  1 | Chara                   #
# Red boots                     | 8wis 3epr 5fire_res                                                          |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #
# Red boots of health regen     | 1hpr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Red boots of mana regen       | 4spr                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# Red dragonskin boots          | 18dex 4avoid_hits 5dodge                                                     |  7 | Lord Sear               #
# Red slippers                  | 16str 10dex 5epr 3focus_tiger_claw                                           |  3 | Ben Di Ho               #
# Red strappy heels             | 35wis 20spr 2cha; unpyroable                                                 |  7 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Riding boots                  | 8con 2attack                                                                 |  0 | Stable Master           #
# Rotten feet of the zombie     | 6sta 6wis 3voodooism; zombie familiar only                                   |  1 | Evil Zombie             #
# Shen seng's snake slippers    | 25dex 22epr 2fire_res 4strangle                                              |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Sinsuf's boots                | 8wis 8spr                                                                    |  0 | Sinsuf                  #
# Snake skin boots              | 16int 16wis 1poi_res 1high_energy_focus                                      |  2 | Yamgroo                 #
# Soft leather boots            | 12dex                                                                        |  0 | Druid                   #
# Sorcerer's boots of the boar  | 3str 3sta 4int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Sorcerer's boots of the tiger | 3str 3dex 4int                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Spiked steel boots            | 12str 2kick (made from hunk of metal)                                        |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Steel-toed boots              | 20str 3dmg                                                                   |  5 | Grimtooth               #
# Supple leather boots          | 18str 10dex 8epr                                                             |  3 | Hive Mother             #
# Teal silken slippers          | no stat bonuses; damages enemies, sp drain, shortens spell casting time      |  * | made from spider silks  #
# Thigh high black boots        | 20int 20wis 16con; unpyroable                                                |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Traveling boots               | 18con 8hpr 8epr                                                              |  2 | Ainvar                  #
# Very large lava shoes         | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Very large sulfurous boots    | stats generated randomly upon item creation; NoSave                          |  0 | made by lava mages      #
# Viking boots                  | 6str 6con 15epr                                                              |  1 | event reward (viking)   #
# Warriner's boots              | 30con 12hpmax 1avoid_hits                                                    |  5 | Mindflayer God          #
# Warrior's boots of the wolf   | 3str 4dex 3sta                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# White boots of constitution   | 3con                                                                         |  0 | random newbie           #
# White boots of the owl        | 2int 2wis                                                                    |  0 | random newbie           #
# White leather boots           | 20dex 10con 1acrobat_stance 3limber_up                                       |  5 | ?                       #
# White leather sandles         | 20int 15spr 3mastery_of_evocation                                            |  5 | ?                       #
# Wizard's boots of the tiger   | 3str 3dex 4spr                                                               |  0 | random newbie           #
# Wooden boots                  | 1con                                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Wyrmskin boots                | 9wis 16dex 3cha                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Yellow blob boots             | 5attack                                                                      |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #

 LEFT FOOTback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Black sock                    | 12int 2spr 1quick_chant 1mastery_of_the_realm                                |  ? | Sea Witch               #
# Boot of prayer                | 18wis 9spr 1pious_words                                                      |  3 | ?                       #
# Brown monk sandal             | 8wis 3spr 2major_refresh                                                     |  2 | random pool             #
# Chrysoberyl encrusted boot    | 20int 12spr 2fire_res 3poison_evocation                                      |  5 | Mirror Image            #
# Left foot of a bear           | 9str 1attack                                                                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Old boot                      | 1dex                                                                         |  0 | fishing reward          #
# Red strapped boot             | 8dex 1avoid_hits; reduces damage taken                                       |  2 | Warden                  #
# Stone sandal of the master    | 15dex 1dragon_tail_sweep 1power_kick; reduces damage taken/heals ep; ma only |  3 | random pool             #
# Tiger skin boot               | 4int 1cold_res 1quick_chant                                                  |  1 | Tracker Jim             #
# Witch's stocking              | 18wis 14spr                                                                  |  5 | Quin-ja                 #

 RIGHT FOOTback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Bloodied boot                 | 16wis 11spr; unpyroable                                                      |  ? | Joker                   #
# Bloody severed foot           | 4wis 3spr 11cha                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Dusty monk sandal             | 3wis 8spr 2heal                                                              |  2 | random pool             #
# Hematite encrusted boot       | 18int 11spr 2cold_res 3acid_evocation                                        |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Neon green sock               | 1cold_res                                                                    |  0 | hidden in room          #
# Old boot                      | 1dex                                                                         |  0 | fishing reward          #
# Pink ballet slipper           | 20wis 12spr; unpyroable                                                      |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Right foot of a deer          | 9dex 1kick                                                                   |  0 | random pool             #
# Rotten severed foot           | 9dex 2wis 12cha 2storytelling                                                |  2 | random pool             #
# Silver strapped boot          | 6dex 1avoid_hits; reduces damage taken                                       |  2 | Warden                  #
# Stone sandal of the master    | 15str 1dragon_tail_sweep 1power_kick; reduces dmg taken/heals eps; ma only   |  3 | random pool             #
# Wooden shoe                   | 8int 4spr                                                                    |  0 | random pool             #
# Zebra hide boot               | 4int 1cold_res 1high_energy_focus                                            |  ? | Tracker Jim             #

 MULTI-SLOTback to top
# Name                          | Stats/Info                                                                   | TP | Location                #
# Amon's demon armor            | 35str 25hpr 10fire_res (torso,arms,legs)                                     |  2 | Lorthren                #
# Ancient robes of the vampire  | 33str 33dex 5hematology; vampire familiar only (h,e,n,c,t,a,h,l)             |  1 | Evil Vampire            #
# Ancient wrappings             | 65dex 20attack; interrupts; mummy familiar only (h,n,t,a,h,l,f)              |  2 | random pool             #
# Anubian deathmask             | 10wis 10spr (head,neck)                                                      |  0 | random pool             #
# Baron's battlesuit            | 50hpr 7weapon_skill_piercing 7weapon_skill_slashing (torso,arms,legs)        |  2 | Baron                   #
# Black gloves of sight         | 3dex 2doublehit, infravision (hands,finger)                                  |  ? | ?                       #
# Black leather gloves          | 2dex (hands,fingers)                                                         |  0 | ?                       #
# Black squid tentacle          | 3hpr (left arm/left hand)                                                    |  0 | Squid                   #
# Bronze battle harness         | 9str 29con 29hpr (neck,torso,arms,legs)                                      |  0 | random pool             #
# Cap of visions                | 24int 5wis 30spr, infravision (head,neck)                                    |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ceremonial wrappings          | 4wis (head,eyes)                                                             |  0 | Rampaging Mummy         #
# Chainmail                     | 3con (torso,arms,belt)                                                       |  0 | ?                       #
# Chainmail coif                | 2con (head,neck)                                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Chainmail leggings            | 2con (legs,feet)                                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Clean white apron             | cold_res fire_res (belt,legs)                                                |  0 | Gregor                  #
# Clean white apron             | cold_res fire_res (belt,legs)                                                |  0 | Sandy                   #
# Coral gauntlets               | 4con (arms,hands)                                                            |  0 | Manillo Guard           #
# Court robes                   | ? (torso,arms,legs)                                                          |  ? | ?                       #
# Cow hide suit                 | 29int 29wis 9spr; made from animal hide (cloak/torso/arms/legs)              |  0 | Hefnoin Farmer          #
# Damien the protector          | 10dex 5dodge 4weapon_parry (r.arm/r.hand/r.finger)                           |  2 | event reward (clones)   #
# Darian the destroyer          | 8con 3attack (l.arm/l.hand/l.finger)                                         |  0 | Elven General           #
# Deer cloak                    | 6str 5hpr (head,neck,cloak)                                                  |  0 | random pool             #
# Demon skin suit               | 32int 12wis 64spr (cloak,torso,arms,hands,legs)                              |  1 | Azrael                  #
# Dog head of cerberus          | 24str 24con, infravision; damages enemies, heals hp (head,neck)              |  2 | Cerberus                #
# Dragon skin suit              | 40str 40con 4attack (neck,amulet,torso,belt,legs,feet)                       |  0 | Komodo Dragon           #
# Dull brown robe               | no magical bonuses (torso,legs)                                              |  0 | Highland Keep Priest    #
# Eagle boots                   | 43dex 15sta 7dodge (legs,feet)                                               |  3 | random pool             #
# Eel skin suit                 | 28str 52con 3elec_res (neck,torso,arms,legs)                                 |  1 | Electric Eel            #
# Elven chainmail suit          | 1str (head,neck,torso,arms,legs)                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Elvish robes                  | no magical bonuses (torso,legs)                                              |  0 | Kritaris                #
# Emperor shihuang royal robe   | 40int 15wis 30spr; unpyroable (torso,arms,legs)                              |  3 | Emperorer Shihuang      #
# Fancy black tuxedo            | no stats (neck,torso,arms,legs)                                              |  0 | ?                       #
# Frankenstein's hooded cloak   | 12str 12con 3phys_res (head,cloak)                                           |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Full plate battlesuit         | 15con 15hpr 5mag_res (head,neck,torso,arms,hands,legs,feet)                  |  0 | Tersiian Guard          #
# Giant tunic                   | no magical bonuses (torso,arms,legs)                                         |  0 | Arko                    #
# Glimmering evening dress      | no magical bonuses (torso,legs)                                              |  0 | ?                       #
# Glove of souls                | bonuses varies on status of retractable spike inside glove (r.hand,piercing) |  5 | Fraenz                  #
#             (spike retracted) - phys_res; reduces damage taken                                                                              #
#              (spike extended) - 20dex; insta-kill, drains corpses to charge                                                                 #
# Gnosis armor                  | 30str 15con; reduces melee hits taken (neck,torso,legs)                      |  0 | random pool             #
# Green robe of raena           | 5wis 22spr 5half_heal (torso,belt)                                           |  2 | Raena                   #
# Green robes                   | 10int 15spr (torso,arms)                                                     |  0 | Elite Mage Guard        #
# Green robes                   | 10int 15spr (torso,arms)                                                     |  0 | Xacthar                 #
# Green squid tentacle          | 3spr (r.leg/r.foot)                                                          |  0 | Squid                   #
# Grey robes                    | 6cha (torso,arms,legs)                                                       |  0 | Chambermaid             #
# Grey robes of the prisoner    | 40str 40dex 10attack (cloak,arms,legs)                                       |  2 | Ugla                    #
# Grey squid tentacle           | 3wis (l.leg/l.foot)                                                          |  0 | ?                       #
# Halloween tuxedo              | 5str 10con phys_res unh_res; reduces damage taken; NoSave (t,a,l)            |  0 | Jack Skellington        #
# Helm of vannheim              | 50str 50con 15hpmax 2phys_res; reduces melee hits taken (head,eyes,neck)     |  3 | random pool             #
# Hobbes head                   | 3str (head,eyes)                                                             |  0 | Tiny Jim                #
# Huge black scalemail tunic    | 5str 28con 21hpr 28hpmax (torso,belt)                                        |  2 | Ologhai                 #
# Leather jerkin                | no magical bonuses (torso,arms)                                              |  0 | Morgrath                #
# Lion head of cerberus         | 24con 4weaponmaster; damages enemies, heals ep (head,neck)                   |  2 | Cerberus                #
# Long grey robes               | 6cha (torso,arms,legs)                                                       |  0 | Chambermaid             #
# Long red robes                | 30int 15spr 7casting (torso,arms,legs)                                       |  2 | Vul                     #
# Long red robes                | 30int 15spr 7high_energy_focus (torso,arms,legs)                             |  2 | Vul                     #
# Long red robes                | 30int 15spr 7quick_chant (torso,arms,legs)                                   |  2 | Vul                     #
# Long white robe               | no magical bonuses (torso,arms,legs)                                         |  0 | Talos Citizen           #
# Mithril battlesuit            | 50con 9attack (head,torso,arms,legs)                                         |  1 | Elite Warrior           #
# Mummified wrappings           | 7str 40dex 2akh_ba_attack; mummy familiars only (eyes,cloak,belt)            |  1 | Evil Mummy              #
# Nimrodel's robes              | 5wis 16spr (torso,arms)                                                      |  0 | Nimrodel                #
# Old ceremonial robe           | 3wis (torso,legs)                                                            |  0 | ?                       #
# Purple robes of verdibrant    | ? (?)                                                                        |  ? | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Red armani suit               | 24int 24wis 35spr; unpyroable (torso,arms,legs)                              |  2 | Satan CEO               #
# Riveted shoulder pad          | 10str 10con (neck,arms)                                                      |  0 | random pool             #
# Robe of the high priest       | 8wis 20spr (torso,arms)                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Robes of an abjurer           | 4int 4wis (torso,arms)                                                       |  0 | ?                       #
# Robes of the priest           | 5arrow_of_light (cloak,torso)                                                |  0 | White Priest            #
# Rotting robes of the wraith   | 33int 22spmax 9mind_of_the_undying; wraith familiar only (h,e,n,c,t,a,l)     |  1 | Evil Wraith             #
# Royal guard chainmail         | 3str 5hpr (torso,arms,legs)                                                  |  0 | White-clad Royal Guard  #
# Royal guard chainmail         | 15str 12hpr (torso,arms,legs)                                                |  0 | White-clad Royal Guard  #
# Shimmering white robe         | 19dex 9wis 34cha (head,torso)                                                |  2 | random pool             #
# Shiny steel chainmail         | 2str (torso,arms,legs)                                                       |  0 | Earthfast Guard         #
# Shiny steel helmet            | 2hpr (head,neck)                                                             |  0 | Earthfast Guard         #
# Silken gown                   | ? (torso,arms,legs)                                                          |  ? | Princess Loraine        #
# Skull of displacement beast   | 11str 11con 5hpr (head,neck)                                                 |  0 | Displacement Beast      #
# Small warhide                 | 3con (torso,arms,legs)                                                       |  0 | ?                       #
# Steel wool fleece             | 5hpr (torso,arms,legs)                                                       |  0 | ?                       #
# Stone cold suit of armor      | 6str 5hpr; reduces melee hits taken (torso,arms,legs)                        |  2 | Stone General           #
# Stone cold suit of armor      | 15str 15hpr 5phys_res (torso,arms,legs)                                      |  2 | Stone General           #
# Suit of chainmail             | no magical bonuses (torso,arms)                                              |  0 | ?                       #
# Suit of chainmail             | 6phys_res (?)                                                                |  3 | Aesthel                 #
# Suit of feathers              | 10hpr 10spr (torso,amulet)                                                   |  0 | ?                       #
# Suit of full platemail armor  | 15str 30hpr (head,neck,torso,arms,legs,feet)                                 |  0 | Death Knight            #
# Suit of platemail armor       | no magical bonuses (head,neck,torso,arms,legs,feet)                          |  0 | Death Knight            #
# Suit of skin                  | 7con 40wis 22spr (torso,arms,legs)                                           |  ? | ?                       #
# Suit of synchronicity         | 5str 5dex 12con (torso,arms,legs)                                            |  0 | Sting                   #
# Thick white smock             | 25str 25dex 6phys_res; unpyroable (torso,belt)                               |  5 | Doctor Kadavre          #
# Three piece suit              | 5cha; unpyroable (neck,torso,arms,legs)                                      |  0 | Demon Vice President    #
# Torg's armor                  | 8str 10fire_res (torso,arms,legs)                                            |  ? | Torg                    #
# Torn robes of the zombie      | 76sta 28epm 9attack; zombie familiar only (head,neck,torso,arms,hands,legs)  |  1 | Evil Zombie             #
# Torturer's thumb screws       | 5thumb_screws (fingers)                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# White robes of a healer       | holy_res (torso,arms)                                                        |  0 | ?                       #
# Wizards robes                 | 5wis 12spr 1fire_res (torso,arms)                                            |  0 | Calvin                  #
# Wolf head of cerberus         | 24dex 9epr 5tiger_claw (head,neck)                                           |  2 | Cerberus                #
# Wolf-hide suit                | 8build_campfire 12natural_weapon_lore (torso,arms,legs,neck,belt)            |  1 | Fenris Wolf             #
# Wyvernskin gloves             | 28dex 15sta 5epmax (arms,hands)                                              |  1 | random pool             #

 SLASHINGback to top
# Name                          | WC | Stats/Info                                                              | TP | Location                #
# Adamantite scimitar           | 35 | 6str 2champion_lore, magical-dtype                                      |  2 | Weaponmaster            #
# Adamantium long sword         | 35 | 6str 2phys_res                                                          |  2 | Grimtooth               #
# Adamantium long sword         | 35 | 6str 2phys_res                                                          |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #
# Amon's demon sword            | 35 | 6str 3hpr 4bladed_fury                                                  |  1 | Lorthren                #
# Ancient axe of the vikings    | 30 | 3phys_res 3berserker_rage; ?special?                                    |  3 | event reward (viking)   #
# Ash's sword                   | 30 | 10str 4dex                                                              |  0 | Good Ash                #
# Ash's sword                   | 35 | 10str 4dex                                                              |  0 | holiday reward (santa)  #
# Avenger axe                   | 40 | 6str 6dex                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Axe of darkness               | 55 | 15str 10dex 5wpn_skill_slashing 5weaponmaster, very high cold-dtype     |  7 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Axe of denial                 | 55 | 10str 2dmg 4blade_dance, average unholy-dtype                           |  5 | Smoke Demon             #
# Axe of execution              |  ? | 20str 2attack 4weaponmaster; damages enemies with fire; unpyroable      |  3 | Executioner             #
# Axe of king ahmose            |  ? | 5str; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Sekhmet                 #
# Barbed bastard sword          | 45 | 16int 16wis; damages enemies with physical                              |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Bardsword                     | 30 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lady Anne               #
# Barons sword                  | 40 | 16str 3dex 5attack, emits_light; damages enemies                        |  2 | Baron                   #
# Bastard sword                 | 20 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | Giant                   #
# Black bastard sword           |  ? | 6str                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Black sword                   | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Abdul                   #
# Blade of burning              | 55 | 12str 2attack, average fire-dtype; 20dex 1dmg 5weapon_skill_slashing    |  2 | Biggiz                  #
# Blazing red razor-edged sword | 20 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Red Eagle Guard         #
# Blood red widowmaker          | 55 | 5str 12con 5blade_dance; used for trophy decapitation                   |  2 | Mithren                 #
# Blood stained axe             | 55 | 26str 16sta 5weapon_skill_slashing, acid-dtype                          |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Bloodletter                   | 40 | 6str 2strike; unpyroable                                                |  0 | Insane Warrior          #
# Bloody athame                 | 10 | ?; damages enemies with unholy                                          |  0 | Tiny Jim                #
# Bloody paw of gungor          | 15 | 2str 2dex                                                               |  0 | King Gungor             #
# Blue bastard sword            | 30 | 1str, average cold-dtype                                                |  0 | in-store                #
# Bone handled longsword        | 40 | 5con 5attack 5bladed_fury                                               |  3 | Mantisman Leader        #
# Bone longsword                |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Bone shortsword               |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Bright green dragon spine     | 25 | 12int 3poison_evocation, average poison-dtype; stacking poison vulns    |  ? | unique                  #
# Bronze two-handed sword       | 35 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Butcher knife                 |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Gregor                  #
# Butcher knife                 |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Sandy                   #
# Captain's sword               | 15 | 2str                                                                    |  0 | Henry The Red           #
# Chameleon kama                | 30 | 12dex, ext.high-dtype; reduces dmg taken, adjusts dtype to least vuln   |  3 | random pool             #
# Cold metal sword              |  ? | 16str 1wpn_skill_slashing; damages enemies with cold                    |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Coral blade                   | 25 | 3str                                                                    |  0 | Manillo Guard           #
# Corroded metal sword          | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Dungeon Guard           #
# Curved sword                  |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Pirate                  #
# Cutlass of the ne'tal         | 45 | 16str 12dex 4weapon_skill_slashing                                      |  2 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Dark sword                    | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Kozaki Overlord         #
# Darkblade                     | 20 | 2str 3con                                                               |  0 | Fade                    #
# Darkthorn                     | 40 | 16dex 1attack 2doublehit, high poison-dtype/small acid-dtype            |  1 | random pool             #
# Deadly long sword             | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Mon                     #
# Deadly short sword            | 30 | 14dex, escape_death                                                     |  2 | Wesley                  #
# Decapitator                   | 60 | 15str 7con 2dmg 4advanced_whirlwind_attack, average asphyxiation-dtype  |  5 | Dargoth                 #
# Defenders burning blade       | 45 | 3attack; damages enemies with fire                                      |  0 | Sturdy Defender         #
# Demonsword                    | 30 | 3dex 3multiweapons                                                      |  0 | Demon                   #
# Desert sabre                  | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Kozaki Bandit           #
# Dimensional bender            | 60 | 9str 25dex 1phys_res 4bladed_fury                                       |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Double edged sword            | 20 | no stat bonuses; hits like wielding two wpns, cannot wield another wpn  |  0 | random pool             #
# Dragon katana                 | 30 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | Pogoda Guard            #
# Dragon katana                 | 30 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | Shen Seng's Elite Guard #
# Dragonslasher                 | 20 | 1str; damages evil aligned enemies                                      |  0 | Elven General           #
# Dragonslayer                  | 60 | 28str 10dex 2dmg, cold-dtype; damages/stuns dragons                     |  7 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Dwarven battle axe            | 60 | 16str 6con 1dmg; damages/stuns enemies                                  |  3 | random pool             #
# Elite monkey guard's sword    |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Elite Monkey Guard      #
# Elven long sword              | 40 | 7dex 4weapon_skill_slashing, average magical-dtype                      |  1 | Celeborn                #
# Elven ranger sword            | 30 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Blackavar Elf           #
# Elven ranger sword            | 30 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Nasty Demon             #
# Enchanted leafblade           | ** | stats based on guild mastery at item creation; NoSave                   |  0 | made by woodsmans       #
# Excalibur the great           | 50 | 30str 20hpr 2dmg, average asphyxiation-dtype; NoSave                    |  0 | event reward (statue)   #
# Fighter's awesome sword       | 40 | 3dex 3dodge                                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Fine battleaxe                | 30 | 9str 3dex 3attack                                                       |  0 | random pool             #
# Firesword                     | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Fire Army Soldier       #
# Flaming black vorpal blade    | 50 | 6con, above average acid-dtype; 8con damages enemies with acid          |  ? | ungettable (wiz toy)    #
# Flaming blue vorpal blade     | 50 | 6hpr, above average electric-dtype; 8hpr damages enemies with elec      |  ? | ungettable (wiz toy)    #
# Flaming green vorpal blade    | 50 | 6str, above average poison-dtype; 8str damages enemies with poi         |  ? | ungettable (wiz toy)    #
# Flaming red vorpal blade      | 50 | 6dex, above average fire-dtype; 8dex damages enemies with fire          |  ? | ungettable (wiz toy)    #
# Flaming two-handed sword      | 40 | 6str, small fire-dtype                                                  |  0 | Fire Army Soldier       #
# Frost reaver                  | 35 | 6str 3dex, magical-dtype                                                |  0 | Smith                   #
# Ghost sword                   | 40 | 1psi_res 4weaponmaster, ext.high psionic-dtype; makes enemies flee      |  2 | random pool             #
# Giant's sword                 | 30 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Giant King              #
# Gleaming axe                  |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | Grey Reaper             #
# Gleaming great sword          | 35 | 5str                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Glorysong                     | 50 | 3con 2slashing_weapons_mastery, emit_light; damages enemies             |  2 | Queen Vrille            #
# Golden wakizashi              | 50 | 12dex 2dmg 4slashing_weapons_mastery, average poison-dtype              |  5 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Green copper sword            | 30 | 1str 2con, average poison-dtype                                         |  0 | in-store                #
# Green glowing sword           | 40 | 18str 2mastery_of_the_dance 2weapon_skill_slashing                      |  3 | ungettable (?)          #
# Guard's sword                 | 25 | 2con, average cold-dtype                                                |  0 | Illium City Guard       #
# Hiltlis, the demonic blade    | 50 | 16str 4wpn_skill_slash, ext.high unholy-dtype; dmgs enemies w/ unholy   |  2 | Kalz'zet                #
# Hiraikotsu                    | 20 | 7str 14dex                                                              |  1 | Sango                   #
# Holtlas, the demonic axe      | 50 | 16dex 3doublehit, ext.high unholy-dtype; damages enemies with unholy    |  2 | Kalz'zet                #
# Holy sword                    | 50 | 18str 4mastery_of_the_dance 5weapon_skill_slashing                      |  5 | ?                       #
# Huge bloody cleaver           | 20 | 2str                                                                    |  0 | Big Pete                #
# Huge flaming red blade        | 55 | ?, fire-dtype; damages enemies with fire (known as 'Hopeless')          |  0 | random unique           #
# Iblis blade of fallen seraph  |  ? | 3str 3enh_striking 4strike; damages enemies with cold/fire/phys         |  2 | random pool             #
# Illuar                        | 40 | 16str 3dex 9con, high holy-dtype; detects adjacent undeads              |  1 | random pool             #
# Iron bastard sword            |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron longsword                |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron shortsword               |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Katana blade                  | 25 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Trainer                 #
# King's axe of might           | 30 | 7str 2attack                                                            |  0 | Lizardman King          #
# Large black demon sword       | 40 | 4str 2bladed_fury                                                       |  0 | Large Black Demon       #
# Large two-handed sword        | 40 | 4str                                                                    |  0 | Death Knight            #
# Legendary axe named 'Kindle'  | 50 | 25con 5weapon_skill_slashing, average fire-dtype                        |  3 | Fire Warlord            #
# Legendary singing sword       | 50 | 3con 4attack, average electric-dtype; con attack                        |  2 | King Arthur             #
# Long sharp sword              | 35 | 5str 3weapon_skill_slashing                                             |  0 | White-clad Royal Guard  #
# Long sword                    | 40 | 7dex 4weapon_skill_slashing, average magical-dtype                      |  1 | Celeborn                #
# Long sword                    | 40 | 8str 8con 20hpr                                                         |  2 | ?                       #
# Lucifer's blade               | 60 | 25str 10hpr, unholy-dtype; unpyroable                                   |  3 | Satan CEO               #
# Lucifer's dark sword          | 25 | no stat bonuses, unholy-dtype; unpyroable                               |  0 | Satan CEO               #
# Mantisman long sword          | 30 | 3str 3con                                                               |  0 | Mantisman Guard         #
# Mantisman long sword          | 30 | 3str 3con                                                               |  0 | Mantisman Leader        #
# Mantisman short sword         | 25 | 3str                                                                    |  0 | Mantisman Guard         #
# Mantisman short sword         | 25 | 3str                                                                    |  0 | Mantisman Leader        #
# Master sword                  | 20 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | Bad Ash                 #
# Ornately handled sword        | 30 | no stat bonuses; damages enemies                                        |  0 | King's Friend           #
# Polished short sword          |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | Inigo Montoya           #
# Razor-sharp scalpel           |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Grey Reaper             #
# Red-handled longsword         | 55 | 2dmg 3weaponmaster, average fire-dtype; damages/stuns enemies with fire |  7 | Lord Sear               #
# Ripper, the runic battleaxe   | 50 | 10dex 12epr, magical-dtype                                              |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Scythe                        | 35 | no stat bonuses, average unholy-dtype                                   |  0 | Vampire                 #
# Sharp elven longsword         | 35 | 12str 8dex 1dmg, average fire-dtype                                     |  3 | Aesthel                 #
# Sharp shortsword              |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lizardman Gate Guard    #
# Sharp shortsword              |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lizardman Warrior       #
# Sharp steel sword             |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | George                  #
# Sharp sword                   | 25 | 6str 6dex                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Shihuang lightning blade      | 60 | 15str 4whirlwind_attack, avg elec-dtype; damages with elec; unpyroable  |  3 | Emperorer Shihuang      #
# Shining long sword            | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Paladin                 #
# Short sword                   | 20 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | Giant                   #
# Short sword                   | 25 | 5str 3weapon_skill_slashing                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Silver sword                  | 40 | 8str 5con 6hpr                                                          |  1 | Demon                   #
# Silver wakizashi              | 40 | 5str, average cold-dtype                                                |  0 | Master Chin Di          #
# Silver wakizashi              | 40 | 15dex 3whirlwind_attack, average acid-dtype                             |  2 | Ben Di Ho               #
# Silvery blade                 | 25 | no stat bonuses, average cold-dtype                                     |  0 | King Arthur's Guard     #
# Silvery blade                 | 25 | no stat bonuses, average fire-dtype                                     |  0 | Headless Skeleton       #
# Silvery katana                | 25 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Slan's broadsword             | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Slan                    #
# Slightly curved wakizashi     | 20 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Harishu                 #
# Snaga, the sender             | 60 | 14con 4phys_res, average unholy-dtype                                   |  0 | random unique           #
# Soul sword                    | 50 | 15str 2dmg, average unholy-dtype                                        |  3 | Pit Fiend               #
# Souleater                     | 30 | 3str 6con 11hpr; damages enemies                                        |  1 | Wraith Champion         #
# Sword of ability              |  ? | 6con 16spr 1all_skills 1all_spells                                      |  3 | Kimbriki                #
# Sword of death                | 40 | 20str 15hpr                                                             |  2 | Wii                     #
# Sword of deception            | 45 | 20int 28spr; ?special?                                                  |  5 | Rahal                   #
# Sword of devastation          | 50 | 15str 3attack, average cold-dtype                                       |  1 | Grithmal                #
# Sword of hiessch'grend        | 25 | 3con 1poi_res, cold-dtype                                               |  0 | Lizardman Warlord       #
# Sword of omen                 | 50 | 1str, acid-dtype; ?special?                                             |  ? | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Sword of steel                | 40 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Smoke Demon             #
# Sword of the skies            | 20 | 3wis 3high_energy_focus, electric-dtype                                 |  1 | Lizardman Highpriest    #
# Tetsusaiga                    | 45 | 11str 4crip_blow; boosts melee; damages evil mobs; only one wieldable   |  ? | Inuyasha                #
# Thunder axe                   | 60 | 20str 3slashing_wpns_mastery, average electric-dtype; damages enemies   |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Titanium axe                  | 55 | 20str 20con, average acid-dtype                                         |  3 | Chimera                 #
# Torg's sword                  |  ? | ?                                                                       |  1 | Torg                    #
# Transmutated blade            |  ? | 16str 12con 5weapon_skill_slashing; 'touch ball' to revert back         | ** | transmutation ball      #
# Trick, used by trickster      |  ? | 10hpr 10epr 10attack 10weapon_skill_slashing, unholy-dtype; NoSave      |  0 | ?                       #
# Turanian broadsword           |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Turanian Warrior        #
# Two-bladed sword              | 40 | 3str, 5att 3wpn_s_slash; hits like wielding two wpns, cannot wield two  |  1 | random pool             #
# Two-handed sword named Blaze  | 45 | 16str 2dmg, average fire-dtype                                          |  3 | Fire Warlord            #
# Typhoon blade                 | 20 | 15int 15spr 3casting                                                    |  2 | Typhoon                 #
# Wakizashi                     |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Xin Li                  #
# Warp blade                    | 35 | 10str; 10dex 5attack                                                    |  0 | Slaine                  #
# Warsword of turan             | 45 | 8str, average magical-dtype                                             |  ? | Turanian Warlord        #
# White sword                   | 50 | 5str 15dex 3weapon_parry; damages enemies                               |  3 | Link                    #
# Wizard's blade                | 35 | 15int 6wis 6con                                                         |  1 | Zatea                   #
# Wooden bastard sword          |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Wyrnbane                      | 50 | 25str 10dex, extremely high psionic-dtype; stuns enemies                |  5 | random pool             #
# Xandar's mighty broadsword    | 45 | 8str 6cha                                                               |  0 | Xandar                  #

 BLUNTback to top
# Name                          | WC | Stats/Info                                                              | TP | Location                #
# Acid demons spiked club       |  ? | 3con; damages enemies with acid; level 34 and below only                |  0 | random pool             #
# Ancient typewriter            | 30 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Kiwi Bird               #
# Apocalypse staff              | -- | no base stat bonuses; bonuses varies on wearer's primary guild          |  7 | Schizomycetes           #
#                     (abjurer) | 35 | 15wis 26spr 16hpr 4unh_res, average magical-dtype                                                      #
#                     (acrobat) |  ? | ?                                                                                                      #
#                   (elemental) | 35 | 23int 32spr 6mag_res, average magical-dtype                                                            #
#                      (evoker) | 35 | 23int 32spr 6mag_res, average magical-dtype                                                            #
#                  (unraveller) | 35 | 15wis 26spr 16hpr 4unh_res, average magical-dtype                                                      #
#                     (warrior) | 35 | 22str 15hpr 5phys_res, average magical-dtype                                                           #
#                      (weaver) | 35 | 15wis 26spr 16hpr 4unh_res, average magical-dtype                                                      #
# Big baby rattle               | 25 | 3wis 9dex 16cha, extremely high magical-dtype                           |  1 | random pool             #
# Big club                      | 40 | 3str; damages enemies with physical                                     |  0 | Slog                    #
# Black dragon bone staff       |  ? | 35int 25spr 2magic_evocation, average magical-dtype; vulns magic        | 10 | Jesrael                 #
# Black hammer                  | 30 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lizardman God Guardian  #
# Blackmon's black staff        | 25 | 20wis 14spr 5con 4interrogation                                         |  5 | Lord Blackmon           #
# Blessed mace of restoration   | 30 | 21wis 11spr; boosts healing spells; only one wieldable                  |  ? | Vahl                    #
# Bloody hammer of astoroth     | 45 | 12str 2deathblow, electric-dtype                                        |  2 | Zatea                   #
# Blue frostgiant club          | 35 | 1str 2con, average cold-dtype                                           |  0 | in-store                #
# Blue wooden staff             | 20 | 2wis elec_res                                                           |  0 | Mocken                  #
# Bo stick                      |  ? | 3dex, cold-dtype                                                        |  0 | ?                       #
# Bronze long mace              |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Bronze short mace             |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Chysle's great staff          |  ? | 4int 5spr                                                               |  0 | Chysle                  #
# Cleric staff                  | ** | wis spr (based on spell mastery at item creation); NoSave               |  0 | made by weavs/unravs    #
# Clover syckle                 |  ? | 8int 6wis                                                               |  0 | Menua                   #
# Club                          | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Club of the undead            | 55 | 9str 1weapon_skill_blunt; damages/stuns enemies; abom familiars only    |  1 | Massive Abomination     #
# Cold metal club               |  ? | 16str 1weapon_skill_blunt; damages enemies with cold                    |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Cornucopia                    |  ? | 3sta 9cha 1appraisal; drops gold                                        |  0 | random pool             #
# Craftsman's hammer            | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Crimson oak staff             | 15 | 2int 1poi_res                                                           |  0 | Gypsy Sorcerer          #
# Darkwood staff                | 40 | no stat bonuses, poison-dtype; damages enemies with unholy              |  0 | Gosai Guard             #
# Dragon staff                  |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | ?                       #
# Earthstaff                    | ** | int spr wpn_s_blunt (based on spell mastery at item creation); NoSave   |  0 | made by earth mages     #
# Enchanted rootstaff           | ** | stats based on guild mastery at item creation; NoSave                   |  0 | made by woodsmans       #
# Ent limb                      | 15 | 2forearm_bash                                                           |  0 | ?                       #
# Facesmasher                   | 50 | 6str 1dmg 1bloodlust; stuns enemies, damages enemies with physical      |  2 | Ologhai                 #
# Fancy walking stick           | 20 | 6dex 8epr                                                               |  0 | Chrysophace             #
# Femur of the titan            |  ? | 15str 3force_of_the_undying; insta-kill, grows wielded by abomination   |  3 | random pool             #
# Fire demons spiked club       |  ? | 3str; damages enemies with fire; level 34 and below only                |  0 | random pool             #
# Flaming skull mace            |  ? | 6int 6spr                                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Frankenstein's black staff    |  ? | 6wis 16spr; 'very evil' alignment needed to wield                       |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Gavel of the pure             |  ? | 3wis; damages enemies with holy; unpyroable                             |  0 | Judge                   #
# Giant maul                    | 50 | 15str 2bloodlust, emits_light, very high unholy-dtype; damages enemies  |  2 | Arko                    #
# Glistening rod of peia        | 25 | 8int 12spr 5mastery_of_the_mind                                         |  3 | Lizardman God           #
# Glistening rod of heaven      | 25 | 3int 5casting, average electric-dtype                                   |  ? | ?                       #
# Gnarled stick                 | 40 | 15dex 5build_campfire 5scavenge_wood                                    |  2 | random pool             #
# Gold and turqu ibis sceptre   | 40 | 15wis 15spr 2peel_flesh 1unh_res, average unholy-dtype; shifts align    |  2 | Ozymandius              #
# Golden scepter                |  ? | 2wis 2cha                                                               |  ? | Duke Morkov             #
# Hammer arm                    | 25 | 4spr 3attack                                                            |  0 | Azchash                 #
# Hammer of crushing            | 60 | 9str 25con 4bloodlust, average asphyxiation-dtype                       |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Hammer of darkness            | 25 | 4int 3wis 13spr, emits_darkness, cold/unholy-dtype; lures good monsters |  2 | random pool             #
# Hammer of light               | 25 | 3int 4wis 14spr, emits_light, fire/holy-dtype; lures evil monsters      |  2 | random pool             #
# Hammer of power               | 50 | 10str 5con 4elec_res 5deathblow                                         |  3 | Ghazi                   #
# Heal rod                      | 15 | 5spr                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# High priest scepter           | 15 | 5wis 8spr                                                               |  0 | ?                       #
# Holy cudgel                   | 35 | 20wis 20spr 5healing_efficiency                                         |  0 | event reward (statue)   #
# Holy mothers staff            | 35 | 6dex 1attack                                                            |  1 | Holy Mother             #
# Holy staff                    | 30 | 29wis 4shield_parry, average holy-dtype; 'good' align needed to wield   |  5 | Xetrov                  #
# Huge mithril hammer           | 35 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Stone Giant Shaman      #
# Icey bo stick                 | 30 | 3dex, cold-dtype                                                        |  0 | Guardian Monk           #
# Iron hammer                   |  ? | 2str 9hpr                                                               |  0 | Torg                    #
# Iron handled mop              | 55 | 6str 20con 2body_control                                                |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Iron knife                    |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron long maul                | 35 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron short mace               |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron skillet                  |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Gregor                  #
# Iron skillet                  |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Sandy                   #
# Iron Warhammer                |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Krunch, the adamantium hammer | 45 | 15str 3doublehit, average electric-dtype; 200+ strength needed to wield |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Long wooden staff             |  ? | 20spr 4incinerate, high magical-dtype                                   |  2 | Xacthar                 #
# Mace of malice                | 30 | 15str 5hpr                                                              |  0 | Lorthren                #
# Mace of power                 | 30 | 6int 6wis, average magical-dtype; damages enemies, party heal           |  0 | Athol                   #
# Mace of strength              | 40 | 16str 3dex, cold-dtype                                                  |  1 | random pool             #
# Mace of torg                  |  ? | 7str 5hpr 2epr                                                          |  0 | Torg                    #
# Magical strawberry maul       | 20 | none                                                                    |  0 | Scottsberry             #
# Magical wand                  |  ? | 7int 7spr                                                               |  0 | Wicked Witch            #
# Mahogany staff                | 20 | 9wis 25spr 4casting                                                     |  3 | Iselin                  #
# Mandolin                      | 20 | 3wis                                                                    |  0 | Galen                   #
# Maul of fire                  | 40 | 3str 5weapon_skill_blunt, fire-dtype                                    |  1 | Elite Warrior           #
# Metal baton                   | 30 | 3str 1weapon_skill_blunt                                                |  ? | ?                       #
# Metal baton of the warden     |  ? | 9str 4bloodlust 5weapon_skill_blunt; damages enemies                    |  5 | Warden                  #
# Mold man club                 | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Mold Man                #
# Monkey staff                  | 40 | 9epr 4weapon_skill_blunt, psionic-dtype                                 |  1 | KinTzu                  #
# Mythinite mace                | 50 | 21str 5deathblow 5fevered_strength, very high holy-dtype                |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Obsidian staff                | 45 | no stat bonuses, eat_corpses                                            |  3 | quest reward (?)        #
# Old wooden staff              | 30 | 1str                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Paladin battle mace           | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Paladin                 #
# Pearl sceptre                 |  ? | 16int 1channel_energy; damages enemies with cold                        |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Pearl wand                    |  ? | 16wis 1arrow_of_light; damages enemies with holy                        |  1 | Clam Demon              #
# Poison demons spiked club     |  ? | 3dex; damages enemies with poi; level 34 and below only                 |  0 | random pool             #
# Rainstaff                     | 30 | 12wis 18spr 3inflict_harm                                               |  3 | King Gannondorf         #
# Red firegiant club            | 35 | 3str, average fire-dtype                                                |  0 | in-store                #
# Rik katazgrund a uzkul        | 60 | 20str 3bloodlust; dwarf: ?special?                                      |  3 | ?                       #
# Rod of lightning              | 20 | 5int 15spr 5mastery_of_air 5mastery_of_water                            |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Rod of magic                  | 20 | 8int 12spr 3mastery_of_evocation                                        |  3 | Ghazi                   #
# Runed wooden staff            | 30 | no stat bonuses, extremely high holy-dtype                              |  0 | Miroku                  #
# Sceptre of the dead king      | 45 | 20wis 12spr 2psi_res                                                    |  1 | random pool             #
# Sceptre of darkness           |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | ?                       #
# Sceptre of the pure           |  ? | 9int 25wis 25spr; dmgs enemies with holy; 'good' align needed to wield  |  5 | Kimbriki                #
# Shaman's staff                | 45 | 10str 4blunt_weapons_mastery 5deathblow                                 |  3 | quest info              #
# Sharp double-edged stiletto   |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | ?                       #
# Silver hammer                 | 45 | 3str 19hpr, average unholy-dtype                                        |  2 | Lorthren                #
# Silver mirror                 |  5 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Mirror Image            #
# Silver wand                   | 15 | 8wis 11spr 3quick_chant                                                 |  2 | Zelda                   #
# Simple harp                   | 20 | 16dex 16sta 12epmax 3wis; stops combat                                  |  2 | random pool             #
# Skullcracker                  | 40 | 12str 5hpr                                                              |  0 | Lok McFavash            #
# Small stick                   | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Sorcerer's staff              | 30 | 12spr 5type_4rnder/evo,type, emits_dark; picks type/drains sp on wield  |  3 | random pool             #
# Spiked mace                   |  ? | 18str 4bloodlust 2deathblow, poison-dtype; unpyroable                   |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Spinal staff                  |  ? | 9spr 3spmax; summons skeleton familiar                                  |  0 | random pool             #
# Spoon                         | 20 | 4dex 5create_food 5create_poison_food                                   |  1 | ?                       #
# Staff                         | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Highland Keep Wizard    #
# Staff of alton                |  ? | 12int 16spr 3lightning_evocation                                        |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Staff of death                | 35 | 10wis 30spr 5death                                                      |  5 | Fraenz                  #
# Staff of elements             |  ? | 7int 10spr                                                              |  1 | Clataz                  #
# Staff of healing              |  ? | 2spr 3cure_light_wounds                                                 |  0 | Witch                   #
# Staff of prayers              | 50 | 3wis 10prayer_for_mankind 5pious_words                                  |  5 | Zatea                   #
# Staff of runes                | 30 | 5int 3essence_eye                                                       |  0 | Elite Mage Guard        #
# Steel hammer                  | 50 | 1attack 2bloodlust 3weapon_skill_blunt                                  |  1 | Wade                    #
# Steel handled mop             | 55 | 12str 3con 2bloodlust 2weapon_skill_blunt                               |  2 | Janitor                 #
# Stone staff                   |  ? | 20int 20wis 35spr 5high_energy_focus; damages enemies                   |  0 | event reward (statue)   #
# Terryaki chopsticks           | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Terryaki                #
# Textbook                      | 15 | 2int                                                                    |  0 | Librarian               #
# Tickle feather                |  ? | 8int 9spr                                                               |  0 | Queen Tarma             #
# Toe cracker                   | 30 | 8str                                                                    |  0 | Mortimer                #
# Thor's hammer of thunderbolts | 40 | 20str 20dex 2dmg, average electric-dtype; damages enemies               |  0 | event reward (statue)   #
# Transmutated mace             |  ? | 16str 12con 5weapon_skill_blunt; 'touch ball' to revert back            | ** | transmutation ball      #
# Triad staff                   | 30 | 8dex 4dodge, average poison-dtype; damages enemies                      |  1 | Chenzui                 #
# War hammer of rage            | 60 | 15str 12con 5bloodlust 2deathblow                                       |  7 | Zatea                   #
# Whalus' staff                 | 30 | 9int 25wis 16spr 10heal                                                 |  5 | King Whalus             #
# Wilohny staff                 | 50 | 16int 3spr 3high_energy_focus; ?special                                 |  2 | ?                       #
# Wizard's wand                 |  ? | 8wis 7spr                                                               |  0 | Calvin                  #
# Wood 2x4                      | 30 | 18str 1bloodlust 5deathblow; unpyroable                                 |  3 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Wooden club                   |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Wooden short club             |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Wooden staff                  | 25 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Wooden stick                  | 35 | 3wis 10spr 3quick_chant                                                 |  ? | ?                       #

 PIERCINGback to top
# Name                          | WC | Stats/Info                                                              | TP | Location                #
# Acrobat's throwing knife      |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | Acrobat                 #
# Ancient cave wyvern's horn    | 35 | 15dex 4double_stab 5stab                                                |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Ancient cave wyvern's tooth   | 35 | 18dex 5weapon_skill_piercing, very high poison-dtype                    |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Aquilonian throwing knife     | 30 | 9dex 3speed_throwing, breaks concentration; can be put into bandolier   |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Arenjun throwing knife        | 30 | 25dex 10sleight_of_hand 6stealth; can be put into bandolier             |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Backbiter                     | 40 | 10str 3epr 4backstab, average poison-dtype                              |  2 | Morrigu                 #
# Banner of the red branch      |  ? | 3str 3con                                                               |  0 | ?                       #
# Black dagger                  | 10 | 1poi_res                                                                |  0 | ?                       #
# Black dagger of the demon     | 15 | 6str 6dex                                                               |  0 | Kalz'zet                #
# Black handled dagger          | 25 | 4magic_blast                                                            |  0 | ?                       #
# Black throwing dagger         | 25 | 8dex 2speed_throwing 5throw_knife                                       |  3 | Morgrath                #
# Black throwing dagger         | 25 | 8dex 2speed_throwing 5throw_knife                                       |  3 | Zurgath                 #
# Bloodied wooden stake         | 15 | no stats; insta-kill based off player/monster level                     |  ? | ?                       #
# Bloody fang of nosferatu      | 40 | 30dex 15epr 5bleed 3unh_res, unholy-dtype                               |  7 | Nosferatu               #
# Bloody knife                  | 25 | 1backstab                                                               |  0 | ?                       #
# Blue handled dagger           |  ? | 16int 16spr; damages enemies with magical                               |  ? | Blue Demon Lord         #
# Bone dagger                   | 15 | 5int 15wis 15spr 3master_of_vulnerability                               |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Bone shank                    | 30 | 16str 30dex 4weapon_skill_piercing, average poison-dtype                |  5 | Warden                  #
# Bronze long dagger            | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Fire Army Solider       #
# Bronze long dagger            | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Cat's eye dagger              | 30 | 6dex 2armor_piercing                                                    |  0 | Tough Looking Thief     #
# Claw                          |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | King Of The Cats        #
# Claw of a gargantua           | 30 | 10wis 15cha 3storytelling                                               |  2 | Gargantua               #
# Claw of a roc                 | 20 | 12int 3wis 12spr 2casting                                               |  2 | Roc                     #
# Claw of the wraith (blue)     | 30 | 16int 2high_energy_focus 2magical_knowledge, sp drain; only 1 wieldable |  2 | ?                       #
# Claw of the wraith (magenta)  | 30 | 16int 2quick_chant 2psionic_knowledge, sp drain; only one wieldable     |  2 | ?                       #
# Cold metal dagger             |  ? | 16str 1wpn_skill_piercing; damages enemies with cold                    |  1 | Savlo                   #
# Croc's knife                  | 30 | 3con 3backstab; unpyroable                                              |  0 | Crocodile Dundee        #
# Cursed black knife            | 25 | 10wis 2holy_res 5images_of_torture                                      |  2 | Highland Keep Priest    #
# Curved kukri dagger           | 20 | 9dex 3epr, infravision, below average poison/cold-dtypes                |  0 | random pool             #
# Dagger of chaos               | 45 | 20dex 4dmg 2backstab                                                    |  7 | Smoke Demon             #
# Dagger of dexterity           |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | ?                       #
# Dagger of enfeeblement        | 25 | 20dex 4armor_percing 2bleed; lowers monsters level                      |  3 | random pool             #
# Dagger of king ahmose         | 30 | 5dex; unpyroable                                                        |  0 | Isis                    #
# Dagger of mangore             | 35 | 12dex 3con 10epr                                                        |  2 | Zatea                   #
# Dagger of ne'tal              | 40 | 12str 8dex 2dmg                                                         |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Dagger of the assassin        |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | ungettable (old mob)    #
# Dagger of the phantom         | 25 | 8dex 8sta                                                               |  0 | Phantom Of The Opera    #
# Dagger of the wind            | 15 | no stats, average asphyxiation-dtype                                    |  0 | Air Mage                #
# Deadly scythe                 | 40 | 1attack 3weapon_skill_piercing, escape_death                            |  1 | random pool             #
# Demon slicer                  | 50 | 12dex, average unholy-dtype; damages enemies with unholy                |  2 | Jark                    #
# Demon spear                   | 35 | 8wis 8spr                                                               |  0 | Lorthren                #
# Demon spear                   | 35 | 8wis 8spr                                                               |  0 | Torg                    #
# Demon spear of the warlord    | 15 | 14str                                                                   |  1 | Gangreal                #
# Demonic black dagger          |  ? | 3con; damages enemies with unholy; level 34 and below only              |  0 | random pool             #
# Demonic green dagger          |  ? | 3dex; damages enemies with electric; level 34 and below only            |  0 | random pool             #
# Demonic white dagger          |  ? | 3dex; damages enemies with cold; level 34 and below only                |  0 | random pool             #
# Dragon spear                  | 30 | 6int 4cold_res                                                          |  0 | Hermit                  #
# Dragonclaw                    |  ? | 9dex 4bleed 4stab                                                       |  2 | ?                       #
# Dwarven golden pick           | 40 | 16int 3spr                                                              |  1 | random pool             #
# Elven maiden's dagger         | 15 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Elf                     #
# Fang of the dark lord         | 30 | 24dex 4bleed 1knowledge_of_pressure_points; damages enemies unholy      |  ? | Qassartan               #
# Fanged dagger                 | 35 | 10dex 5knowledge_of_press_points; heals ep; can be put into bandolier   |  3 | Morgrath                #
# Fire pick                     | 55 | 16str 4fatal_strike 4psychotic_stabbing, average fire-dtype             |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Flame blade                   | ** | spr attack wpn_s_piercing, fire-dtype (based on spell mastery); NoSave  |  0 | made by fire mages      #
# Flaming sword                 | ** | spr attack wpn_s_piercing, fire-dtype (based on spell mastery); NoSave  |  0 | made by fire mages      #
# Fog pick                      | ** | str int spr, cold-dtype (based on spell mastery at creation); NoSave    |  0 | made by water mages     #
# Frost pike                    | 50 | 16str 20dex 2attack, extremely high cold-dtype; stacking cold vulns     |  3 | random pool             #
# Gezi'thd sacrificial dagger   |  ? | 3int 12spr unh_res; damages enemies with magical or unholy              |  2 | Frankenstein            #
# Giant king's dagger           | 40 | 6dex epr                                                                |  1 | Giant King              #
# Gleaming dragon-tooth spear   | 55 | 4weapon_skill_piercing, cold-dtype, insta-kills dragons                 |  0 | random unique           #
# Glistening knife              | 30 | 15str 26dex 5weapon_skill_piercing; unpyroable                          |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Glowing crystal shard         | 55 | 29epr 4heart_throw, emits light, average electric-dtype                 |  0 | random unique           #
# Glowing spiked rib            | 50 | 16str 5double_stab 5triple_stab                                         |  5 | Mak Toshan              #
# Golden fang                   | 40 | 25dex 4bleed                                                            |  5 | Mirror Image            #
# Golden tanto                  | 45 | 20dex 8hpr 6impale, average poison-dtype                                |  3 | Lord Shin Seng          #
# Green handled dagger          |  ? | 16wis 16spr; damages enemies with poison                                |  ? | Green Demon Lord        #
# Guards standard knife         |  ? | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Hefnoin Guard           #
# Guard's spear                 | 35 | 6str                                                                    |  0 | Tersiian Guard          #
# Holy dagger of ynnek          | 15 | 4int 14wis 14spr; damages enemies with holy                             |  3 | Ynnek                   #
# Holy stake                    | 35 | 30dex 5impale; unpyroable                                               |  5 | ungettable (sunnydale)  #
# Ice pick                      | ** | str int spr, cold-dtype (based on spell mastery at creation); NoSave    |  0 | made by water mages     #
# Iron dagger                   |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Iron long dagger              |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Ivory dagger                  | 30 | 8dex 15sta 19epr                                                        |  3 | random pool             #
# Kadavre scalpel               | 35 | 20str 12dex 5fatal_strike; unpyroable                                   |  5 | Doctor Kadavre          #
# Kozaki throwing dagger        | 20 | 12dex 5upper_body_anatomy; makes enemies bleed                          |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Large mold man spear          |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Mold Man                #
# Leaf bladed dagger            | 30 | 9wis 5knowledge_of_pressure_points; can be put into bandolier           |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Lethe dagger                  | 45 | 2dmg 5armor_piercing 5backstab, average poison-dtype                    |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Lightning spear of illuminat  | 40 | 8spr, average electric-dtype                                            |  0 | Lizardman King          #
# Long dagger                   |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Dro                     #
# Long dagger                   |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Elf                     #
# Long iron-tipped spear        | 35 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Long white spear              | 45 | 1dex                                                                    |  0 | Talos Citizen           #
# Long white spear              | 45 | 1dex                                                                    |  0 | Talos Warrior           #
# Long wooden spear             |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Magical dagger                |  ? | no stat bonuses, high random-dtype                                      |  0 | Genie Of The Lamp       #
# Mechanical drill              | 25 | 3attack 2poi_res                                                        |  0 | Azchash                 #
# Metal claws                   |  ? | 23hpr 15spr 15epr -or- 8dex 1dmg; damages enemies, 3dex 2dmg            |  3 | random pool             #
# Mithril dagger of the dwarves | 40 | 15dex 25epr 3double_stab                                                |  5 | Galadriel               #
# Mold man spear                |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Mold Man                #
# Monastic dagger               |  ? | 3motion_control 3voice_of_strength                                      |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Obsidian dagger               |  ? | 8int 25spr 4casting                                                     |  ? | Iselin                  #
# Obsidian ritual dagger        | ** | wis spr unh_res; unholy-dtype (based on guild mastery); NoSave          |  0 | made by sacrificers     #
# Pawn's dagger                 |  5 | no magical effects; unpyroable                                          |  0 | Pawn                    #
# Pitchfork of the underworld   | 55 | 16dex 1attack 5weapon_skill_piercing; ?special?                         |  2 | random pool             #
# Plant killer dagger           |  ? | 25dex; damage against plant enemies                                     |  3 | quest info              #
# Pointy black dagger           | 10 | 3sta                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Polished tanto                | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Xin Li                  #
# Red handled dagger            |  ? | 16wis 16spr; damages enemies with fire                                  |  2 | Red Demon Lord          #
# Saber blade                   | 35 | 15str 25dex 5cha 4piercing_weapons_mastery                              |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Sacrificial dagger of lloth   | 30 | 16wis 1unh_res 1ritual_of_death 1_true_belief_in_lloth                  |  2 | Rostalos                #
# Sacrificial dager of mordulak | 30 | 16wis 1unh_res 1ritual_of_death 1true_belief_of_mordulak                |  2 | Rostalos                #
# Sacrificial dagger of shirija | 30 | 16wis 1unh_res 1ritual_of_death 1_true_belief_in_shirija                |  2 | Rostalos                #
# Sacrificial dagger of talakh  | 30 | 16wis 1unh_res 1ritual_of_death 1_true_belief_in_talakh                 |  2 | Rostalos                #
# Saurian throwing knife        | 30 | 8hearty_feast 8stealth; damages animals; can be put into bandolier      |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Schizo tooth                  | 45 | 30dex 12epr, high acid-dtype; heals ~50ep                               |  5 | Schizomycetes           #
# Serrated bone spear           | 60 | 20dex 3attack 5weapon_skill_piercing; ?special                          |  5 | Lacerti                 #
# Short iron-tipped spear       |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Short wooden spear            |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Silver dagger of the demon    |  ? | 25wis 9spr 3master_of_vulnerability; damages enemies with unholy        |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Silver tanto                  | 30 | 5dex, average fire-dtype                                                |  0 | Master Chin Di          #
# Silver tanto                  | 30 | 10dex 2weapon_skill_piercing, average poison-dtype                      |  0 | Ben Di Ho               #
# Slagos pike                   | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Slagos Guard            #
# Small dagger                  |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Pirate                  #
# Snake phang                   | 30 | 5int 25epr 5doublestab, average poison-dtype                            |  5 | Chimera                 #
# Solan's dagger                |  ? | 4dex 5epr 1phys_res                                                     |  ? | quest reward (uforia)   #
# Spear of the dragon           |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Fe                      #
# Spear of the masters          | 40 | 6str 3dev_attack 2weaponmaster; crit vulns                              |  2 | random pool             #
# Stinger                       | 20 | 1stab                                                                   |  0 | ?                       #
# Stone throwing dagger         | 15 | 3dex                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Tarantian throwing dagger     | 30 | 12cha 5lower_body_anatomy;  can be put into bandolier                   |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Trec's dagger                 |  ? | 8dex; damages enemies                                                   |  0 | Trec                    #
# Turanian herald's dagger      | 30 | 12dex 5heart_throw 4stealth; can be put into bandolier                  |  3 | Herald Of Tarantia      #
# Twisted stone dagger          | 25 | 20int 20spr 2honor_of_the_gods 1phys_res                                |  3 | Zapakelethe             #
# Venom the blade of the thief  |  ? | 3dex 2knowledge_of_pressure_points                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Wererat dagger                |  ? | ?; damages enemies                                                      |  0 | Wererat Assassin        #
# White handled dagger          |  ? | 16int 16spr; damages enemies with asphyxiation                          |  ? | White Demon Lord        #
# Wooden dagger                 |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Wooden stake                  | 10 | no magical effects effects; NoSave                                      |  0 | ?                       #
# Wooden throwing dagger        | 20 | 3dex 2throw_knife                                                       |  0 | Stealthy Thief          #
# Yellow handled dagger         |  ? | 16int 16spr; damages enemies with acid                                  |  ? | Yellow Demon Lord       #
# Zamitex' golden trident       | 55 | 20int 2evoc; dmgs enemies with elec, 24int 2light_evoc 2mastery_of_evoc |  5 | King Mermaid            #

 WHIPPINGback to top
# Name                          | WC | Stats/Info                                                              | TP | Location                #
# 3-headed snake whip           | 25 | 6dex, above average poison-dtype                                        |  0 | ?                       #
# 4-headed snake whip           | 35 | 9dex 1lightning_whip, poison-dtype; damages enemies with poison         |  0 | Priestess Of Lloth      #
# 5-headed snake whip           | 45 | 25dex 4lightning_whip, high poison-dtype; damages enemies with poison   |  3 | High Priestess          #
# 5-headed snake whip           | 45 | 25dex 4lightning_whip, high poison-dtype; damages enemies with poison   |  3 | Matron Mother           #
# Barbed chain whip             | 50 | 9dex 1acid_res; ?special?                                               |  0 | random pool             #
# Darkwhip                      |  ? | 20int 20spr 3quick_chant 2poi_res, emits_darkness; damages enemies      |  3 | Zapakelethe             #
# Deadly web of human skulls    | 55 | 16dex 3dmg, average cold-dtype                                          |  3 | Lizardman God           #
# Demons whip                   | 45 | 20dex 4lacerate 5whipping_weapons_mastery; damages enemies              |  7 | Smoke Demon             #
# Eyestalk of the beholder      | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Beholder                #
# Flail of torment              | 55 | 11dex 3devastating_attack 5whipping_weapons_mastery                     |  ? | Mindflayer God          #
# Flaming whip                  |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Balrog                  #
# Froststrand                   | 40 | 12con 3epr, average cold-dtype                                          |  0 | random pool             #
# Knotted leather whip          | 45 | 9dex 1asphyx_res; ?special?                                             |  ? | ?                       #
# Large dock chain              |  ? | ?                                                                       |  0 | in-store                #
# Long chain                    |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | ?                       #
# Long leather whip             |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Long strand of spidranox web  |  ? | 3dex, 4weapon_skill_whipping, acid-dtype                                |  0 | Huge Spidranox          #
# Master's whip                 | 20 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Dungeon Master          #
# Metal-tipped whip             |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Oblis whip of fallen seraph   |  ? | 3dex 2entangle 1whipping_weapons_mastery; stuns enemies                 |  2 | random pool             #
# Ordinary looking whip         | 25 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Smoke Demon             #
# Overseer's whip               |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Overseer                #
# Pit guard's whip              |  ? | ?                                                                       |  ? | Pit Guard               #
# Runed whip of evil            | 25 | 6dex 1weapon_skill_whipping, emits_darkness, average asphyxiation-dtype |  0 | Hangman Tree            #
# Short leather whip            |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Skytz, the war whip           | 35 | 3dex 4lacerate 2whipping_wpns_mastery, average fire-dtype               |  2 | King Geoffrey           #
# Slave master's whip           | 40 | 3str, average poison-dtype; unpyroable                                  |  0 | Captain Sinister        #
# Sleek black leather whip      | 35 | no stat bonuses, average acid-dtype                                     |  0 | in-store                #
# Solan's whip                  | 20 | 6str 4dex, average magical-dtype; damages enemies with holy             |  1 | quest reward (uforia)   #
# Tail of gargantua             | 45 | 3dex 4entangle, poison-dtype                                            |  1 | Gargantua               #
# Tentacle of a huge jellyfish  | 30 | 9sta 5epr                                                               |  0 | Huge Jellyfish          #
# Thorned whip                  |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Pirate                  #
# Thorny vined whip             | 45 | 9dex 1poi_res; ?special?                                                |  ? | ?                       #
# Training whip                 | 25 | 5dex 2weapon_skill_whipping                                             |  0 | Lenny                   #
# Transmutated whip             |  ? | 16str 12con 5weapon_skill_whipping; 'touch ball' to revert back         | ** | transmutation ball      #
# Whip of energy                |  ? | 9int 25spr 3elemental_strand_weaving 1mastery_of_elements               |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Whip of fire                  |  ? | 20dex 3weapon_skill_whipping, extremely high fire-dtype                 |  2 | Ruby                    #
# Whip of fires                 |  ? | 16str 16dex; damages enemies with fire damage                           |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Whip of terror                | 20 | 6str 15dex 6con                                                         |  1 | Zatea                   #
# Whip of the overseer          | 50 | 6dex 1dmg; ?special                                                     |  2 | random pool             #

 SHIELDback to top
# Name                          | WC | Stats/Info                                                              | TP | Location                #
# Azarian battle shield         | 25 | 13wis 9spr                                                              |  1 | event reward (azarian)  #
# Barbed shield                 |  ? | 25str 25con 1shield_deflection 2shield_parry                            |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Black monk's shield           |  ? | 6dex                                                                    |  0 | Head Priest             #
# Bronzed shield                | 30 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | ?                       #
# Dai-shield                    |  ? | 2dex 4hpr                                                               |  0 | Daishitzu Spirit        #
# Dark green scale              | 30 | 15con 3shield_deflection 3shield_parry                                  |  3 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Dark red shield               | 45 | 16str 16dex 5phys_res                                                   |  5 | Lizardman God           #
# Deathen shield                |  ? | 10dex 15con cold_res 5enhd_deflection 5shield_parry                     |  7 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Dire defender                 |  ? | 29con 4shield_parry; ?special?                                          |  ? | Rahal                   #
# Dragon scale shield           | 40 | 6dex 1dodge 1phys_res                                                   |  1 | random pool             #
# Durable iron shield           |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lizalfo                 #
# Enchanted twigshield          | ** | stats based on guild mastery at item creation; NoSave                   |  0 | made by woodsmans       #
# Eye of the beholder           |  ? | 4int 15spr 5quick_chant                                                 |  3 | Hive Mother             #
# Fine sheet of crystal         | 15 | 1asphyx_res                                                             |  0 | ?                       #
# Geoffrey's red shield         |  ? | 7wis 14spr                                                              |  1 | King Geoffrey           #
# Gleaming white dragon scale   | 55 | 8dex 1honor_of_the_gods 3shield_deflection; reduces damage from dragons |  ? | unique                  #
# Glimmering shield             |  ? | 5hpr                                                                    |  0 | Lizardman Warlord       #
# Great boar shield             | 40 | 18hpr 4mag_res                                                          |  2 | Morrigu                 #
# Grinning face                 |  ? | unh_res; NoSave                                                         |  0 | Jack Skellington        #
# Guard's shield                | 25 | 2str, average magical-dtype                                             |  0 | Illium City Guard       #
# Hagworth's golden shield      | 15 | 3con                                                                    |  0 | Hagworth                #
# Holy shield                   |  ? | 16wis 16spr 2enhance_healing                                            |  ? | ?                       #
# Hylian shield                 | 35 | 8con 3phys_res                                                          |  3 | Link                    #
# Invisible shield              | ** | int spr(based on spell mastery at item creation); NoSave                |  0 | made by air mages       #
# Kukul                         | 15 | 9spr 1magical_economy 1quick_chant 2fire_res; outputs spam              |  0 | random pool             #
# Large wooden shield           |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Mythanite laced energy shield |  ? | 4enhanced_deflection 5shield_deflection; heals hp, reduces damage taken |  ? | Kalz'zet                #
# Mythinite shield              | 40 | 20con 3fire_res 5ignore_pain 5shield_deflection                         |  5 | Ancient Cave Wyvern     #
# Oaken shield                  | 25 | 12con 5hpr                                                              |  0 | Treebeard               #
# Phoenix egg                   |  ? | 6int 20spr; one-time free reincarnation                                 |  2 | random pool             #
# Red dragon shield             | 25 | 2str, average fire-dtype                                                |  0 | in-store                #
# Round steel shield            | 30 | 7dex 8con 2avoid_hits                                                   |  3 | Aesthel                 #
# Scribes tablet                |  ? | 20wis 12spr 1fire_res                                                   |  2 | random pool             #
# Serpent shield                |  ? | 15int 3wis 10spr 5casting                                               |  3 | Zatea                   #
# Shield of deception           |  ? | 25wis 2healing_efficiency 2mastery_of_healing                           |  ? | Kimbriki                #
# Shield of reflection          | 45 | 10con 2avoid_hits 5asphyx_res 5shield_parry                             |  7 | Smoke Demon             #
# Shield of the chameleon       |  ? | 16hpmax 2dodge 4shield_parry; necro familiars: ?special?                |  5 | ?                       #
# Small wooden shield           |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | in-store                #
# Sturdy shield                 |  ? | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | Lizardman Warrior       #
# Sturdy steel shield           |  ? | 5con                                                                    |  0 | Death Knight            #
# Tower shield                  | 35 | 2enhanced_deflection 3shield_deflection 2shield_parry                   |  2 | random pool             #
# Wolf shield                   | 30 | 3dex 2dodge 2shield_deflection; summons wolf familiar                   |  1 | random pool             #
# Wooden shield                 | 10 | no magical effects                                                      |  0 | George                  #

 GENERALback to top
# Name                      | Information                                                                                        #
# Ancient book              | lists the stats of non-top eq of a particular stat and slot                                        #
# Berserker guild relocator | relocates you to the berserker guild; only works for a Berserker guild member                      #
# Bomb                      | used to blow open the entrance to the Kozaki Hideout                                               #
# Crystal triangle          | key to unlock water dragon's treasure chest                                                        #
# Dragonbone scepter        | one of the items used to summon Viho                                                               #
# Dragon gem                | summons a dragon to assist you in combat, leaves behind a valueable gem                            #
# Equipment repair ticket   | randomly repairs a random amount of armors and weapons in inventory back to mint condition         #
# <event> ticket            | activates whatever event the ticket is for (can't be used with another event)                      #
# Exp button                | no stats and does nothing                                                                          #
# Free exp ticket           | gives a small amount of experience based off player level to the user                              #
# Free reinc ticket         | gives user a reinc without any tax penaltiess to total worth or spell/skill/stat training          #
# Free ress ticket          | gives user a resurrect without any exp loss or scars                                               #
# Fur pelt                  | no stats and does nothing                                                                          #
# Gem bag                   | holds up to fifty gems with no weight reduction                                                    #
# Gentleman's pocket watch  | lets you know when a tick/tock is coming                                                           #
# Globe of darkness         | emits magical darkness                                                                             #
# Green bag                 | adds poison damage special to weapons; 'dip <weapon> in bag' to use                                #
# Herb pouch                | holds herbs with no weight reduction                                                               #
# Holy jug                  | used to store holy water; summoned by a High Priest guild member; NoSave                           #
# Holy urn                  | used to store holy water; summoned by a High Priest guild member; NoSave                           #
# Lodestone                 | transports you to its destination when rubbed; 'look at lodestone' to see its destination          #
# Lodestone bag             | holds up to fifty lodestones with no weight reduction                                              #
# Personal <event> ticket   | silently gives user the effects from whatever event the ticket is for                              #
# Power crystal             | used to charge a focus crystal; summoned by an Adept Of The Stones guild member                    #
# Pyroclast                 | used to repair damaged eq's max condition by ~15                                                   #
# Random event ticket       | activates a random event (can't be used with another event)                                        #
# Rusty shovel              | used to dig up the bomb in Kozaki desert                                                           #
# Small brown pouch         | contains balls that turn into either blue/yellow mist                                              #
# Torch                     | emits light while lit                                                                              #
# Transmutation ball        | turns into either a slashing, whipping, or blunt weapon type, 'write type on ball' to change, 2tps #
# White mushroom            | temporarily gives you 1.5x your height and hpmax                                                   #
# Wolf-hide bag             | spawns up to four weak familiars                                                                   #

 POTIONSback to top
# Name                              | Information                           #
# Ahlfors elixir of the demon       | +stats -regen, race becomes a demon   #
# Blue potion                       | heals drinkers's sp                   #
# Bottle of sparkling blue potion   | heals drinkers's sp                   #
# Clear dark red potion             | boosts wis                            #
# Clear orange ep healing potion    | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Clear purple hp healing potion    | heals drinkers's hp                   #
# Clear red potion of str           | boosts str                            #
# Cloudy brown potion of int        | boosts int                            #
# Cloudy dark green potion of spr   | boosts spr                            #
# Cloudy grey hp healing potion     | heals drinkers's hp                   #
# Cloudy light green potion of wis  | boosts wis                            #
# Cloudy light purple potion of int | boosts int                            #
# Cloudy red ep healing potion      | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Dragon blood healing potion       | heals ~1500 hp                        #
# Dragon blood mana potion          | heals ~1500 sp                        #
# Endurance potion                  | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Foul mixture                      | reduces monster's combat strength     #
# Greater mana potion               | heals drinkers's sp                   #
# Greater STAT potion               | boosts whichever stat by 10           #
# Green potion                      | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Healing balm                      | heals drinkers's hp                   #
# Health regeneration potion        | heals drinkers's hp                   #
# Lesser STAT potion                | boosts whichever stat by 5            #
# Mage's potion                     | boosts int spr                        #
# Magical antidote                  | removes drinkers's poison             #
# Major endurance potion            | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Major mana potion                 | heals drinkers's sp                   #
# Mana potion                       | heals drinkers's sp                   #
# Minor endurance potion            | heals drinkers's ep                   #
# Priest potion                     | boosts wis spr                        #
# Putrid mixture                    | disables monster's regeneration       #
# Rogue potion                      | boosts dex sta epr                    #
# Small blue vial of a thick potion | heals ~1000 hp/sp/ep                  #
# Small bottle of bright red potion | ?                                     #
# Small bottle of murky potion      | heals drinker's ep                    #
# Swirling blue potion              | boosts 100wis                         #
# Swirling golden potion            | boosts poi_res                        #
# Swirling green potion             | 20str 20dex 20con 20int 20wis resists #
# Waking salts                      | removes drinker from stun             #
# Warrior potion                    | boosts str con hpr attack             #
# White potion                      | heals drinkers's hp                   #
# Wisdom potion                     | boosts wis                            #

 GUILD MASTERYback to top
# Name                      | Guild        | Slot      | Stats                                                                    #
# Mystical shield           | abjurer      | 1hand wpn | int wis spr enhance_abjuration lengthen_abjuration strengthen_abjuration #
# Changeable Instrument     | acrobat      | lhand wpn | cha wis spr dex epr avoid_hits storytelling please_audience              #
# Druidic staff             | druid        | 2hand wpn | int wis spr con hpr elec_res phys_res crystal_efficiency shaman_lore qc  #
# Ring of the elements      | elemental    | r.finger  | int wis spr cold_res fire_res phys_res mastery_of_elements quick_chant   #
# Prismatic amulet          | evoker       | amulet    | int wis spr mastery_of_evo acid/asphyx/cold/elec/fire/mag/phys/poi_res   #
# Lurker's kukri            | lurker       | 1hand wpn | str dex sta cha phys_res poi_res emits_darkness armor_piercing           #
#                                                        fatal_strike inflict_pain, unholy-dtype                                  #
# Black leather gloves      | martial arts | hands     | str dex hpr epr dmg fists_of_fury dragonfist                             #
# Wooden staff of the necro | necromancer  | 2hand wpn | int wis spr hpr con anatomy dead_speak hematology mind_power osteology   #
#                                                        mastery_of_mummification minion_control voodooism                        #
# Wooden broom              | psychics     | 2hand wpn | int wis con spr hpr mag_res elec_res phys_res psi_res dreamweaving_lore  #
#                                                        brewing_lore mental_tide talis_ceremonies lore_of_the_elders/watchers    #
# Shapeshifter's collar     | shapeshifter | neck      | str dex con sta int hpr epr feline_lore avian_lore draconian_lore        #
# Ceremonial robe           | unraveller   | torso     | ?                                                                        #
# Ornamented warrior belt   | warrior      | belt      | str con hpr phys_res dodge weaponmaster                                  #
# Holy ankh                 | weaver       | neck      | wis con spr holy_res enhance_healing mastery_of_healing                  #
# Magical woodsman cloak    | woodsman     | cloak     | str dex con hpr epr phys_res cold_res harmony_w_nat/natural_wpn_lore     #

# Name           | Guild               | Information                                      #
# Bannerman horn | bannerman           | can be charged with spell points to stun enemies #
# Focus crystal  | adept of the stones | used to fuel the 'gem blast/gem flash' spells    #

 RACE LEADERback to top
# Name                                | Race       | Stats                                #
# Jesrael's demon horns               | archdemon  | 6int 6spr 4poi_res blast spell boost #
# Magical nosebone of gam'ba'la       | cromagnon  | ?                                    #
# Sleek black scabbard of darkness    | drow       | 4wis 4str 8dex                       #
# Glowing sacred symbol of aüle       | dwarf      | 6con 6hpr 4wis                       #
# Elvania's platinum ear              | elf        | 7wis 4spr 5con                       #
# Mallorn headband                    | ent        | 7wis 5con fire_res                   #
# Tiny magical dust pouch of faeries  | faerie     | 5int 7spr 3dex                       #
# Krishin's stone earrings            | gargoyle   | 6int 6spr 4con                       #
# Blue drudge-beast collar            | giant      | 3str 4con 10hpr                      #
# Thinking cap                        | gnome      | 4int 6wis 6spr                       #
# Abraxas's earring                   | goblin     | ?                                    #
# Mystical teeth pendant of morak     | grorrark   | 6str 5dex                            #
# Silver Spile of Syrah               | ghyrdon    | makes l.ep pots when not in combat   #
# Tiara of duality                    | halfelf    | 8dex 4wis 10cha                      #
# Old toby's briar pipe               | hobbit     | 8dex 4sta 4epr                       #
# Imperial great seal                 | human      | 3str 3dex 3con 3sta 3int 3wis 3cha   #
# Kobold's magical slime ball         | kobold     | ?                                    #
# Leprechaun bright feather           | leprechaun | 3dex 5int 8spr                       #
# Adamantium tailspike of lizard king | lizardman  | 6str 4dex 6hpr                       #
# Dark eye of the underworld          | mindflayer | 7int 5wis 4spr                       #
# Morantha's nosering                 | minotaur   | 6str 10con                           #
# Talisman of growing                 | ogier      | 7str 5dex 4sta                       #
# Firedrake's fire opal               | phoenix    | 5int 7spr fire_res                   #
# Selene's magical scale              | snakeman   | 6int 6spr poi_res                    #
# Powerful golden mandibles of g'Tak  | thrikhren  | 6int 6spr 4str                       #
# Quicksilver eye                     | troll      | 10con fire_res acid_res              #
# Fang of nosferatu                   | vampire    | 8int 4wis holy_res                   #
# Glowing armband of deirdre          | vinnipier  | 4str 7dex 5hpr                       #
# Xorzan's red scale hide             | xorn       | ?                                    #

 CHANGESback to top
     07/30/10: Dragon claws - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Crystal wings - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Hiltlis, the demonic blade - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Holtlas, the demonic axe - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Glove of scales - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Necklace of worship - tp value updated
     07/30/10: Amulet of bravery - location updated
     07/30/10: Stone cold suit of armor - location updated
     07/30/10: Flowery wreath - location updated
     07/30/10: Monastic dagger - location updated
     07/30/10: Monastic dagger - location updated
     07/30/10: Hammer arm - location updated
     07/30/10: Bard Guild Item - stats updated
     07/30/10: Cross of darkness - stats updated
     07/30/10: Plant killer dagger - stats updated
     07/30/10: Helm of versatilitty - stats updated
     07/30/10: Silver plated bracers - stats updated
     07/30/10: Golden idol - location updated
     07/30/10: Akubra of the ranger - tp value updated
     03/01/10: Scaled war greave - tp value updated
     03/01/10: Smooth ring of blood - tp value updated
     03/01/10: Ring of vengeance - tp value and location updated
     03/01/10: Blue velvet glove w/ sequins - special updated
     03/01/10: Silver plated bracers - special updated
     02/02/10: Crystal leg plate - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Spider silk mask - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Collar of lavos - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Cloth sleeve - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Kimbriki's silver breastplate - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Crystal belt - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Glowing necklace of spirits - tp value updated
     02/02/10: Kozaki throwing dagger - location updated
     02/02/10: Leaf bladed dagger - location updated
     02/02/10: Saurian throwing knife - location updated
     02/02/10: Turanian herald's dagger - location updated
     02/02/10: Tarantian throwing dagger - location updated
     02/02/10: Aquilonian throwing knife - location updated
     02/02/10: Arenjun throwing knife - location updated
     02/02/10: Bandolier of the standard bearer - location updated
     02/02/10: Abjurean necklace - location updated
     01/31/10: Lethe dagger - magical d-type updated
     01/31/10: Amulet of shadows - specials updated
     01/31/10: Slime covered ring - tp value/location updated
     01/31/10: Ring of the cavern - location updated
     01/31/10: Mask of the dark lord - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Turanian herald's dagger - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Arenjun throwing knife - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Leaf bladed throwing dagger - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Sarah's right hand - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Pectagonal belt - name changed to Pentagonal belt
     01/31/10: Kozaki throwing dagger - stats updated
     01/31/10: Sorcerer's staff - tp value updated
     01/31/10: Dral's bloodied pendant - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Cracked leather pants - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Ghazi's vambrace - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Long black cloak of the servant - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Wolf-hide vest - name changed to Wolfhide vest
     01/16/10: Gloves of the butcher - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Studded war greave - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Black dagger of the demon - weapon class updated
     01/16/10: Gloves of demonic power - tp value updated
     01/16/10: Ancient fang necklace - location updated
     01/16/10: Claw of the wraith (blue) - weapon class updated
     01/16/10: Blade's spiked ring - stats updated
     01/16/10: Shocking scale belt - name changed to Shocking scale sash
     01/16/10: Horned steel helm - stats updated
     01/16/10: Silvery blade - location updated
     01/12/10: Akubra of the ranger - special updated
     01/12/10: Cursed black knife - location updated
     01/12/10: Mythinite mace - magical d-type updated
     01/12/10: 3-headed snake whip - magical d-type updated
     01/11/10: Blessed mace of restoration - weapon class updated
     01/11/10: Fang of the dark lord - stats updated
     01/11/10: Glove of souls - stats updated
     01/11/10: Long black cloak of the servant - stats updated
     01/04/10: Abjurean necklace - location updated
     01/03/10: Bloody wooden stake - name changed to Bloodied wooden stake

 ADDITIONSback to top
     07/30/10: Added Excalibur the great
     03/01/10: Added Grey cloth sleeves
     03/01/10: Added Grey turban
     03/01/10: Added Twisted cloth belt
     02/02/10: Added Ringmail of the mage
     02/02/10: Added Breastplate of exile
     01/31/10: Added Blood tinted goggles
     01/31/10: Added White crown of health regen
     01/31/10: Added Half-breed scale gauntlets
     01/31/10: Added Crystal belt
     01/31/10: Added Typhoon's scaled sleeves
     01/31/10: Added Sacrificial dagger of shirija
     01/31/10: Added Obsidian encrusted ring
     01/31/10: Added Mithren's black ring
     01/31/10: Added Claw of the wraith (magenta)
     01/16/10: Added Pointy black dagger
     01/16/10: Added Black cloth leggings
     01/16/10: Added Bronzed shield
     01/16/10: Added Wooden stick
     01/16/10: Added Squire's leggings of the falcon
     01/16/10: Added White shirt of mana regen
     01/16/10: Added Brown cape of intelligenced
     01/16/10: Added Sorcerer's cloak of hpr
     01/16/10: Added Black pants of the monkey
     01/16/10: Added Brown breastplate of epr
     01/16/10: Added Wizard's helm of wisdom
     01/16/10: Added Amulet of bravery
     01/12/10: Added Silver plated bracers
     01/12/10: Added Collar of lavos
     01/12/10: Added Dull brown robe
     01/12/10: Added Leather belt (highland keep priest)
     01/11/10: Added Boot of prayer
     01/11/10: Added Dragon wings
     01/11/10: Added Dragon claws
     01/11/10: Added Cracked leather pants
     01/10/10: Added Shocking scale sash
     01/10/10: Added Ghazi's vambrace
     01/10/10: Added Blade's spiked ring
     01/10/10: Added Black sock
     01/04/10: Added Golden leg plate
     01/02/10: Added Scaled dragon plate

 REMOVEDback to top
     none since January 1, 2010


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